This is a copy of the New Announcement on the main page, but it needs to be posted here as well. READ IT, if you haven't already.

So... I'm pretty irritated at several of my members & 1 EX-member, & I'd like to voice my opinion on it in a place where everyone in the guild can see it & can understand why it shouldn't be happening in my guild.

This morning, I thought everything was going fine in my guild. I was preparing for one of my closest friend's funerals while surfing Gaia, checking over everything in the guild. Then, out of nowhere, I get a message.

Nevermore of the Void
i quit.

I recently promoted this user to Crew. In fact, it was a few short weeks ago. He had posted more than 6,000 times & had donated 100 gold every day for an extremely long period of time, so as you can imagine, I was pretty shocked to see this in my inbox, & I've grown very fond of Nevermore of the Void. When I wrote him back to ask about it, he wrote the following:

Nevermore of the Void

no, i'm already in pressure and then something didn't went to plan accordingly and i went loose.

Seeing as I was preparing for a funeral that others knew about months in advance, I could relate to that statement, so I asked him if he wanted to talk about it. What he wrote back pissed me off so much that I actually considered shutting down the guild & being done with it.
I'll spare you the poorly typed details (forgive him, he's foreign), but here's the gist of the story:

I open these monthly giveaways up so that people can earn the item themselves & make a little gold even if they don't get the item itself. If I wanted this guild to be open just so that it could benefit my career, I wouldn't bother. I'd pay people gold to post banners of my MySpace page all over Gaia instead of opening a guild. Giveaways are a chance for people to earn gold, items, & get to know others who are hoping for a little extra gold, but that isn't the entire purpose of this guild. 'Giveaways' are the resource I use to draw people into it. From there, people can talk about other topics that interest them & form long-term friendships.
Since I've seen a few people have conversations outside of my guild, I thought it was working fairly well, except for the giveaways part of it.

My Giveaways should be open to anyone. People post & the winner gets an item. I can understand that some people would like to give the item they earn to a close friend or loved one, but the majority of people want the item for themselves, which is fully understandable.

What I DON'T want to see in my guild is people giving themselves unfair advantages or making it impossible for others to get gold & win items. This is exactly what Nevermore of the Void informed me that he was doing.
I've talked to him before about the fact that he wins just about every giveaway I set up. I don't like the idea of people being banned from earning gold here, but I have no choice in this matter. I'm all for taking from the rich & giving to the poor, but Nevermore of the Void was taking from the rich to give to the rich so it can go to the even more rich who just happen to be lazy.
Apparently, there's a large circle of his friends that are pretty much getting whatever they want for free, & that's not the way this should work. You work, you get stuff. You do no work, you get nothing. Nevermore of the Void informed me that he'd post like hell (ignoring his school work, in the process) to get the item, then he'd give the item to some one in this circle of his while getting nothing in return. I'm not so angry at him, but more appalled that his friends would be so inconsiderate of his feelings as to allow him to do this.
As a result, regrettably, Nevermore of the Void has been banned from this guild. If I find anyone else taking advantage of some one else in this manner again, I have no qualms in banning EVERYONE involved.

And to Nevermore of the Void's so-called "Friends", you should all be ashamed of yourselves. If you can't earn it yourself, then you might as well not chase it because you don't deserve it.

-Your Guild Captain, Faith Black