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[Finished] Back for more, Moray? (Thona, Moray, cubs)

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I Lady Kiya I

Obsessive Fairy

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:44 pm
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The day was warm and rather pleasant in Thona's eyes. Which was one reason he picked this spot. Lots and lots of warm sun time. Then crossing some area, nice cool sea breeze as well. Though, today, Thona wasn't enjoying the sea breeze, no, today he was just wondering around. Making sure there were no one trying to sneak in or out of his pride for the moment. Of course, he wouldn't care if they did or not, he just would ask them where they were going.

His expression was good enough to make no one bother him. Mean, grumpy face. Ears back, and eyes ablaze as if he was saying he'd rip their throat out. His green hair fluff covered one of his eyes, yet he could still see everything needed with it. He had grown use to having hair over it. His bones clinked together like hallow keeps. Making a very pleasant sound to Thona's ears. He loved them. Proud to wear such gems and bones. Though he was missing something. A crown to his thrown. He was still in look for one.

He flicked his massive thick tail as he moved, scouting the land. He wouldn't have to do this soon enough, though he liked to to get away from the amount of cubs running around the place. Soon, they'd grown. And the sooner they grew, the sooner he could take them to pick fights with this other pride he found. Having stolen a cub from them already, he wanted to horrify them some more. The thought of it made a smirk appear on his face. Not one that made him look any friendlier.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:28 pm
User ImageMoray had made the desicion to find a home for the family quickly when she lost sight of Thuto. Since his brother's disappearance-Moray kept tight eyes on him. Nadra said she needed to be less strict-though the loss of their child was great-but Thuto needed space and freedom... but Moray couldn't do it. She let the females have more freedom-only because in the Kunanda females were-well... stronger and more adapt. Thuto was... well... not so attentive and capable... which he had proved many many times. He was a bit girly for being a little boy-but she loved him. She rather liked him that way-more like his sisters. At least he got along with them well enough-fit right in sometimes. In fact, he was being wonderful with his green sister; whom tagged along behind her.

She kept cranking her head around to make sure they were still there. She sighed, feeling the ground change below her. Nadra would be following shortly with their other daughter; they had decided it would be easier to travel safely. And it was true-she had a hard enough time keeping these two in terms. They both knew the coordinates of this pride where their children would be safe-there were lots of others like them... what ever they were. Moray wasn't sure what 'Toki' was exactually... she had never met a leopard before. Either way, she was heading in that direction and was set on living there with her babies and lover.

And no one would stop her.

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He was so tired already. They had gone so far and his feet were starting to hurt a little. He didn't dare say anything to Mummy though.. he knew that once she got an idea she would go on it no matter what-though if his paws started to bleed she'd carry him. Perhaps if he started crying a little-though he was getting to big to cry-said his Mother. Nadra was Mother and Moray was Mummy... thats how he said it. Either way, he was rather excited to be going to a new home and a new place to play and maybe some friends.

Friends that weren't girls! His mothers said he had a brother once but he barely remembered him... so as far as he knew he had sisters and that was it. They rubbed off on him too... he could tell... he knew he was girly but... he didn't really care or have a need to. He pranced behind his mother, his pale tail wagging in the air in a question mark shape. He was swaying his head back and forth as some unheard song jingled in his head. He started to pick up his paws in no real pattern, only higher than the other 3 for a moment then switching it up, would skip. Soon a hum escaped him. Humming made the day go by faster.


Split Personality

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Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:18 am
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Her coat stood out against the sandy tones of the savanah making her blaringly obvious, against ehr pale mother and sany pale toned brother she was a real sore thumb, but the fact that she was bright only made her more ambitious in her wanderings. Her mother had told her of the pride where she came from, the pride where females rules and bright meant large and in charge. She was growing up to be a bossy little sort happy to push prod and poke her rather girlie brother.

Rushing between her mothers paws, nudging her brother ont he way, Aucuba skidded to an untimely halt as she spotted the leopard on thwe horizon. "Mummy there's a thingie coming towards us." She stated, assuming automatically that her mother would know and understand what a thingie was.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 5:41 pm
It didn't take long before Thona saw a familiar lioness. Of course, he didn't react at all to that. It was only Moray. A name that seemed to stick in his head, but only when he looked at Zoran. It was nothing more then that he some how thought she'd come looking for him again, and his pride must have gotten out to where she knew about it. Which was impossible cause he used the name Toki, not Thona. He started moving towards her.

He didn't, however, notice the cubs in which she was bringing with her yet. One was bright enough that perhaps he shouldn't have missed, but he was looking at the white lioness more then anything. A smirk on his face. He remembered he acted so nice to her, and she asked for his services, but now, he wouldn't be so nice. He moved closer, tail flicking making the bone accessories on it cling to together each time it moved.

The other bone accessories on him clinked as well as he moved. He didn't want to sneak up on them, well actually, he really didn't give a crap either way. He eyed the lioness, then saw the cubs near her. This didn't look good. His smirk dropped to a frown real quick. He didn't want her to throw those cubs on to him. They weren't his responsibility. She wanted them. He remembered seeing those two when he took Zoran, though he could have sworn there was another one... One that was very dark, he figured it was black, but could have been wrong. It was night time after all.

He spoke no words, as he got closer to her. He could know see her purple eyes from where he was, and he was more then sure she could see him. His green fluff matched that of the little green cub by Moray. Spots, almost anyways. The out lining of a spot, with no inner filling she had. He looked from her to the other, who didn't look like him at all. He had the same type of spot markings as the other. The only thing that might suggest that he was a Thona cub was the eyes of the cub. And the orange.

I Lady Kiya I

Obsessive Fairy

Split Personality

Feline Wife

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 8:16 am
Moray had promised herself early on that she would not speak of the father to her cubs. She barely spoke of him to Nadra, just to explain what happened. She had evaded all questions from the babies and they had learned that she would never speak-ever. She lowered her gaze to her green daughter and was about to scold her softly for shoving Thuto when she spoke in her sweet little girl voice. She lifted her head and what she could see startled her. Toki! She instantly stopped walking, holding her paw out to stop her babies. She promised-

"Greetings. We are on our way to the Bhanu'Ecchumati... can you tell us if we are on the way to it?" She asked, looking at Toki with a slightly astonished gaze. The father to her children, right before her. Before them. "Me and my family are heading there to live-if they accept us." She said, looking down at the two. "My mate and my other daughter will be following. " She added-looking at him. He would then know she had indeed found her pristine white lioness after all that trouble. "This is Thuto-" She motioned to her pale son. "-And this is Aucuba!" She then lowered her head to give her a nuzzle.

Thuto was so busy walking silly that when his sister shoved him he almost fell on his face. He looked up at her-his forehead furrowed. "Aucuba!" He said miserably, holding his paw against his chest. He narrowed his eyes, looking up to his mother-expecting her to rebuke his silly sister-when his sibling said something about a thingie. He lifted his head, spotting a stranger and he immediately went into action. He reached forward and reached for his sister to make sure she stayed by him. He peered from behind their mothers leg at the stranger. He was so bright; that Thuto had to blink a few times. He liked his spots though. He looked up to his mom, then back to Thona with a vigorous nod.

He wriggled impatiently behind his family at the thought of having a new home. Just the thought of others being there like him and his sisters made him gleeful. "New home-new home..." He chanted quietly behind them.
PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 8:22 am
Aucuba looked up at her mother when a paw was shoved in her way but before she could change direction and escape the evading pale leg her brother attache himself to her as well. What was going on here? She wanted to see the thingie that was coming towards them. She wanted to say hi and maybe chew on his toes a bit, or maybe those cool looking bracelets they definitely looked like they should be chewed.

"Lemmie gooooooo!" She protested nipping at her brother while with one ear she listened to the adults conversation. Her bright green body wriggled protestingly as the large leopard finally came in to her sight properly. He had green hair. She giggled a little he reminded her of some sort of root vegetable she had seen smaller herbivores dig up from the soft ground. "Mama that thingie is a carrot wif sum spots, does he know where we are going? We're going to the place where there is others like us mr carrot!"

Syrius Lionwing

I Lady Kiya I

Obsessive Fairy

PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:51 am
He stopped right in front of the male. "Hmmm So my pride has made it's way around these lands." He spoke in a rather dull voice, as if bored with the conversation already. "Interesting." He said, ignoring the words which she said after, at least for now. He wondered how she heard of it, he tried keeping it a little bit of a secret. Perhaps his terrorizing another pride had got word out. "Might I ask where you heard of my pride?" He asked her. He was making it seem like he knew nothing of this female, now that the cubs were there.

His voice was cold, and unlike the last time they had met. His eyes went from one cub to the next, but no words came from him about them. "Tell me, why are you interested in joining? " He asked her, his peridot eyes falling back towards her. Thona heard the chanting of the little cub. It wanted to make him smirk. He sounded so happy, oh, the hell in which they'd experience would make them wish they hadn't asked to join. It made him want to smirk even more thinking about it. But no emotion came a crossed his face. "It's quite close, the pride." He added remembering she said something about where it might be.

With the young females comment about how he looked, Thona snarled. "Watch what you say, little girl." He looked from her to Moray. "Not teaching them manners?" He asked her. Coldness, again, but that's just how he was towards any female he ran into twice. It was no matter. He put out the cubs for a moment, and looked at Moray some more. " Getting in the pride is easy, the only thing I say is I, Thona, am in charge." He said. "Second, no causing trouble in the pride. No fighting with those in the pride." It was a team. Though there was many fights in the pride, mostly between cubs. But cubs will be cubs. As adults, things would change. "Another thing, Keep your mouth shut about certain things, and no one will get hurt." He said to Moray. More about her and him and the cubs. He didn't want anything to spread around. Even though he was sure most had already gotten the idea that he wasn't the faithful type, but Nande didn't. "If you can fallow those, I can show you where my pride is." His voice was serious, and business like. The only thing he didn't say was it was hard to get out of the pride.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:11 pm
Already Moray was torn inside. His name was not Toki... he lied. She felt stupid-so so stupid. She looked down at her babies, a bit of happiness coming back only for the fact that they were what she was dying for. She looked back up to the male she thought she knew. "I have my resources." She said simply, reaching down to pull her son closer to her. "I heard that children like mine can be here and be safe from those who do not approve of them."

She did not regret anything that had happened so far-except for losing her little boy. She quickly grabbed her green child and pulled her closer-cooing to her. "It is not nice to point out things about others that may be offensive to them sweet heart!" She said softly, pressing her nose against her daughters cheek. Her purple eyes looked back up at Thona; then to the children that would never know. "We will follow the rules."

Thuto stared out at the stranger with curious green eyes. What a strange creature he was. Not like Mom and Mother, not like him and his siblings. He was curious about this other creature-this Thona but was quickly drawn to his sisters rescue. He stepped up beside her, looking to Thona with devoid eyes before pressing himself against his dark sibling. He then whispered into her ear quietly-" wanna play who can be quietest the longest? I bet I can beat you!" He said with a small smile.

Split Personality

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Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 3:10 pm
Aucuba took a deep breath "But..the carrot isn't like us mommy what is he? What is you mister carrot?" She blinks innocently looking up at the big, rather scary leopard. she wasn't frightened of him, she had plenty of manners she'd show him!

It was then that her brother stepped in and dared her to a game. Wells he wasn't one to loose to her brother! She glared at him and closed her mouth tightly giving him an affirmative nod, this was a game she couldn't loose she just had to keep her mouth shut after all.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 7:13 pm
Moray had no idea who Thona was, apart what he told her when they met. Of course, Thona was good at lying, but it could only last so long. Once someone wanted to join his pride, he was truthful of who he was, apart from the fact that he slept with any female that would let him. He flicked his tail and eyed the female, then the one green cub. "I'm a leopard" He simply said. A cruel hint to his voice like normal. He had no reason to not answer her question, she had to know who were better. Leopards were.

He looked back towards Moray. "Well, then, I guess you just follow me. " He spoke with a shrug. There really wasn't anything else to say. With that He turned, and started to walk towards where his pride was, not paying attention if they were following or not, he really didn't care.

(So when you guys post to get them certed, they will have the common ranks. ^^) - Finished-  

I Lady Kiya I

Obsessive Fairy

Split Personality

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:55 pm
Moray was about to give her daughter a slap on the rump when King Thona spoke-and she simply pulled her daughter closer and gave her a reassuring nudge. At least her son knew his sisters faults and winning games was one of them. She nodded her head, so stunned and slightly confused all at once but it was no time for that now. She simply nudged Thuto in the behind to get him going.

"Remember... who ever is quietest wins!" She said softly, walking a few paces behind Thona. Her purple eyes were locked onto him... what other things had he told her that were lies? She lowered her orbs and gazed at her children for a moment. They didn't look completly like him but some might suspect it. She shook her head, feeling like a fool for falling for his sweet talk-though in reality nothing horrible had come from it. Just her babies and Nadra-and those were good things. Good, sweet, magical things.

Thuto knew it. He smiled to himself in acheivement. He almost retorted his mom for nudging him like that but didn't want to lose to his sister already. He just clamped his jaw tighter, not really caring if they were following mister strange lion thing... leopard... to his home. It would be their new home and it was so exciting that he caught right in step behind his mom. Tail high and muzzle lifted-he pranced with high hopes of having a great life.

Fin on splits part  
[IC] Bhanu'Ecchumati Lands [IC]

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