here will be listed all the members of the felines tribe...

do not post here... here you will be able to see how many and who are part of these tribe...

the feline tribe members may have human body but must be covered with fur and they can also be more feline looking

Username: h a n g r y
Position in tribe: member
my given name is Hangry. i live my life under the grey winter sky and walk on the snowy grounds of the feline world. i like going on adventures into the neighboring tribes, the vampires in the west and the usagi to our east. during the day we chase thee most delectable creature the mice in the old vampirian castles or play in the abandoned usagi tunnels. i like listening to tales about the tribes of the demons and dragons, but the most mysterious tale of all is about the unknown territory in the south west. We are very affectionate animals and enjoy licking each other hehe. i take pride in my fur, for it is the most beautiful and softest fur in the entire tribe. one day i wish to visit the foxes and discover what lays hidden in the unknown territory.
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