
physical description:tall,slender with a bit of muscle,shorter than shoulder length black hair.

age: uknown was orphaned at the age of 8 while still alive and lost track of time.

zanpakuto spirit & name:kuroi-taiyou (black sun) the form of a wolf engulfed in black flames (release command: send them to hell kuroi-taiyou)

zanpakuto : currently not acheived

shikai :currently not acheived

bankai :currently not acheived

special accesories : always has an eyepatch on and can sometimes be seen with a black cloth or bandage covering the mouth.

skills: pretty good at hand to hand and weapon fighting due to living on the streets.

abilitys: can increase strenght tenfold at the cost of some spiritual energy.
can become invisable but cannot fight in this form and for only 5 minutes.
can create an armor made of spiritual energy.

personality:free for all some days he could be quite and not talkative other days he could be outgoing and reckless.

biography and history: not much is known not even to himself all anybody knows and all he can remember is watching his mother and father die right in front of him while he was hiding in a secret compartment next to the bed where he thing he knoes he blacks out and when he awakens the 5 criminals are on the floor dead and he is holding his fathers sword.

signature/patented technique: none

guild status: member so far

online schedule : almost everyday or as often as i can