here will be listed all the members of the Werewolf tribe...

do not post here... here you will be able to see how many and who are part of these tribe...

The werewolves have have all the abilities a wolf and are also very strong.

Username: Zemanasu
Name: Isa
sexual orientation: Straight
gender: Male
tribe: Werewolf
Position: Leader

Appearance :
User Image
User Image

Leader of the Werewolf tribe, he has led it to a time of peace and solitude with the neighboring tribes, he works closely with his tribe to lead it forward, but keeps preparation for a war close to the tribes central working, teaching the young males to fight at a young age
Originally a Nomad tribe, it settled in the many trees of the forest very few years ago under his command, suggesting an easier life could be had with a stable home, no longer braving the winters in the close mountain range.

A Beserker by nature, Stoic and unmoving, able to withstand a large amount of harm without faultering, while delivering an enourmous amount of damage to his enemies
His speed and agility suffer for this, and he is not as fast or agile as the closest of the other races - the Usagi tribe, Carries a large claymoure with him at all times, constantly looking for signs of attack
Slow to trust anyone, having been betrayed from within his own tribe by attempted coups de'tait for power.

A tight nit clan, distrusting strangers to the tribe, treating them wiith suspition, but a distanced hospitality.

A young man, with two sons, Mikail and Zenta, he cares for them deeply and only wishes for them to lead a good life, and for them to take over for him when he passes.

Likes: His family, Roasted game, hunting, training

Dislikes: Dishonesty, cowardice, weakness, deforestation