Name: Leon Zapada (Pronounced as it sounds)
Aliases/ Nicknames: Kiba, due to the fang which he wears around his neck

Physical Description: Leon Zapada is a man of no extraordinary stature only standing at five feet, ten inches. The most muscular part of his body is his torso and even then only his abs are defined to great lengths. With only an athletic build he is lean but stronger then he appears and able to hold his own in a fight. He bares several scars on his left arm and shoulder as well as two scars on his left cheek, both in at downward diagonal slants. There is a single tattoo on his right arm that bares the image of a wolf’s head in a tribal design. Other than his scars and his tattoo the only other distinctive feature about him that sets him apart from others are his fiery red eyes that are visible from a distance due to his long black hair that silhouettes his face. Within his hair are several long golden locks of hair that augment his hair to make it seem as though he has a mane. Though being a shinigami Leon does not wear the traditional Shihakushou, instead he only wears the lower hakamas. He wears his dobok in an open fashion with no kosode underneath leaving his torso bare.

Age: Looks to be 22, Leon was born on August 17, 1978 at 3:00am in Tokyo, Japan and was murdered on October 31, 2000 at 9:00pm in New York City, New York United States.

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Yuna’s Sacred Fang. Leon calls her Yuna for short. She appears as a women standing at 5'5" with long flowing purple hair that comes down past her butt. She has pink eyes and if one where to look closely at her rose colored lips they would see fangs as she smiles. she wears a purple dress that shows off her bust and clings to her every curve. She is also able to appear in the form of a giant pink Chinese dragon with the same pink eyes and purple main.

Zanpaktou: (Achieved) In its sealed form Yuna’s Sacred Fang takes the form of a normal reverse-blade Rosewood Shirasaya sword with a dragon twisting around the sheath and hand grip with the tail being at the hand grip. The over length of the sword is forty inches, the blade itself is twenty-seven inches with the hand grip being only ten and a half inches in length.

Shikai Release: Burn sacred Flame!, Yuna’s Sacred Fang.

Shikai: (Not Achieved) Leon is engulfed in flames and when the flames dissipate his zanpakuto has changed. When released into shikai the zanpokuto transforms to a straight metallic blade with a thin layer of white flames coursing down the blade from the hand guard. The guard changes to the shape of four dragon talons and a small ruby rests inside of a dragons mouth at the butt of the hand grip. The hand grip itself becomes a leather bound handle and even the sheath changes from rosewood to pitch black with the same dragon wrapping around just the sheath. Shikai increases Leons speed without exhausting any energy and also increases his physical resistance to wounds, poisons and calms his mind to focus so that he will not easily be overcome by others.

Bankai: (Not Achieved) Fly Immortal Dragon!, Yuna The Immortal Dragon. When the shift is made to Bankai Yuna’s sacred fang forms into a larger version of the well known Kusari-Gama with a good sized hand scythe and a spiked chain with a bladed weight at the end of the chain. Whatever comes into contact with any part of Yuna The Immortal Dragon bursts into flames at Leon's command. As Bankai is called forth Yuan the Immortal Dragon, the spirit within Leon's Zanpakutou, is also called to coming forth from the bladed weight at the end the chain attached to his hand scythe. She wraps herself around the chain going towards the scythe. With a every strike of the blade Yuna bites down with her mighty jaws to not only strike, but hold in place her foe, though only for a few seconds. Any wounds that are inflicted by Leon’s scythe burn with such intensity it is as if the inside of the foe’s body is on fire.

Special Accessories: A strange necklace that looks to be a tooth of some kind, but the tooth is a reddish pink.

Skills: Leon Zapada is a skilled swordsman and an accomplished strategist. He is proficient with three instruments and has a talent with hand to hand combat.

Abilities: (Not Yet Achieved) Shunpo , and able to see a great distance beyond normal range.

Personality: Leon Zapada is a showoff, when among friends he has known for some time and of course around women. Most of the time, especially at his job he is serious and when the occasion calls for it he goes beyond the call of duty. Having two younger sisters he is very protective of the women he sees especially the ones close to him.

HUMAN BIO: Leon was born on August 17, 1978 at 3:00am in Tokyo, Japan and was murdered on October 31, 2000 at 9:00pm in New York City, New York United States. Leon Zapada is the direct descendant of the famous Mitsuhide Akechi of feudal Japan. Leon researched his roots when he was just ten and devoted himself to his family’s legacy of swordsmen. Taking up his families swords Style and form of martial arts he quickly grew stronger. By the time he was a freshman in high school he was the captain of his schools Kendo team. His mother died when he was 14 leaving behind him, his two younger sisters Hanna and Lindsay and his father. It was not long after that that his father lost his job at the shipping company due to his alcoholism. Leon became very protective of his sisters and quickly grew violent as their father began to beat him and his sisters. His father became outraged and sent him away at age 17 for giving his father a black eye and breaking three of his ribs as he went to swing at his youngest sister Lindsay. Working for a Kendo team he supported himself and sent money to his father to help support his sisters as they needed it more he. He continued to go to school and graduated with an advanced diploma just months after being tossed out of his house by his father. With his incredible skills in kendo he was able to get a full scholarship to The Institute of Tokyo at age 18. Because he had to grow up so quickly and watch out for his sisters he didn’t have any friends, save for those he knew on his Kendo team. At age 20 he was kicked out of his school dorm when he requested that his sister’s stay with him after their father had just been murdered for stealing from the Yakuza. He was forced to leave campus and get an apartment across town. He was failing school and risked losing his scholarship because of his devotion to his sisters. He sent them away to live in well known boarding school for children in the United States. The tuition for them was free because they were excellent students and because of their family history. Two years later and in a state of depression Leon was asked to not return to school as his grades dropped and he did not participate with the schools Kendo Team. Leaving his things behind, he booked a flight to the U.S. at the age of 22. He landed in New Jersey at 7:00pm and took a cab to New York City, New York. He eventually found where his sisters attended school but was asked to leave the campus as the girls were sleeping and visitor hours had ended at six. Not knowing how the city was at night he walked around looking for a hotel, but all he found around every corner was a dark ally. As he turned ounce again all he saw was the end of a gun barrel pointed straight at him. A dark figure with a deep voice spoke with knives in his voice that chilled the blood and made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. The man demanded Leon hand over his money, but he decided to make a quick move and grab the gun. He succeeded in ripping the gun from the man’s hands, but the mugger had already pulled out a knife and as soon as Leon turned back to the man the end of the knife was deep into his left Kidney. Feeling his body become very warm and the coolness of the blade he slumped to the ground. With a loud ripping sound the man pulled the knife from Leon’s side and ran off. He laid there on the cold floor as he bled out and slowly sank into darkness. Three hours later he opened his eyes to his surprise and stood up, though he felt different. He scanned his body with his hands and the knife wound was gone. He smiled briefly before he came across the single chain link that was attached to the middle his torso. He made a quick turn out of panic not knowing what was going on and saw his body there on the ground. It was already ten o’clock and the hollows where closing in on him when out of nowhere a silvery blade came down on the beast that was about to devour him. Leon looked up to the man with fear as he felt the sword butt touch his forehead, then he felt no pain, no sorrow, only a light airy feeling of peace and harmony.

SOUL SOCIETY BIO: After his sending in the alley of New York, Leon was sent to the Soul society and came to rest in an open market place in East Rukongai, District 65. Looking around he saw a site he had never thought he would ever see, feudal Japan, or so he thought. Looking around everyone was dressed in traditional robes and tattered pieces of cloth. As he looked down at himself even he was dressed in scrappy pants and a sleeves shirt. Making his way through the crowd of ne'er-do-wells, at least that is how they looked; a woman ran into him full force. Before she could hit the ground he caught her and helped her regain balance. Pushing off of him she began to take off ounce more weaving her way through the thick mob of people. Just before he took a step to continue he heard men shout, “Get her! Grab HER!” Seeing them push the crowded people out of the way his mind went blank and suddenly he began to run after the women not to grab a hold of her as the men said, but to try and protect her though unsure why he had done this. Trying to the spot the women again he saw her duck into a small shack. He stopped not ten feet from the shack and looked in all directions to see if the men who were chasing the women had followed him. As soon as he saw the coast was clear he knocked on the wall of the shack as the entrance had no door but a small piece of cloth that hung in the door way. The women thrust out a fist towards him but with a quick step back he avoided it. Trying to make her feel at ease he spoke softly to her telling her he was not one of the men who was after her. After a few quick questions from the girl and some simple replies she offered for him to enter the shack. She told him why the men were chasing her. Apparently she stole from those men and one of them had been chosen for Shinigami training. She explained about how things worked in the district and then went on to explain how Soul Society operated and what souls do. A few hours passed and Leon looked to his stomach as it let out a low growl of hunger. With a surprised look the girl giggled and explained that that was not normal. She too had been hungry and that was the reason for the theft. Pulling out a small box she offered bread to Leon. Kindly taking the offer he had made his first friend. Leon awoke from a light sleep to the sound of silent murmuring in the crowd outside. He thought it strange that he heard no sound of the usual hustle and bustle of the street life instead he heard nothing but the faint whispers of the crowd. Standing he looked to the girl and found that she was gone. Exiting the shack he saw she was standing outside in front watching as the Captain of squad 10 of the Gotei Thirteen had returned from the human realm with his squad. The captain gave a smile and quickly locked eyes with Leon. He felt funny as his eyes shifted from their usual black color to a reddish color while peering into the silvery eyes of the captain. The Squad captain then stopped having felt a strong reiatsu. As the captain neared the crowd the people suddenly started to fall under the strength of the captain’s reiatsu, all save Leon and Ina, his friend. Seeing that they where special he enlisted them both into the Shinigami academy. That night they slept for the last time in that shack, though it was not long as the men Ina had stolen the food from had found them. With a loud crash the top of the building caved in and the man who had been chosen for the Shinigami academy was furious at the two of them, not for the food but for the fact that they were chosen to attend the academy as well. As the man drew his newly acquired blade Leon locked eyes with him. Feeling an immense power well up from inside him he felt his arm lurch forward and then pulled it back. As he drew back his arm he found that clasped inside his hands was a long piece of rosewood. Feeling the large piece of wood he knew what it was and drew the blade. As he drew the blade of the new sword he felt the blade sing to him and it was at that moment that Leon gave the sword the name Yuna’s Sacred Fang.

Signature/Patented Technique:

(Not Yet Achieved) Yaiba Kasai (Fire Slash)- The blade can emit a fire blade that flies out and burns everything in its path. This attack only has a forty-foot radius. Usable in either shikai or bankai.

(Not Yet Achieved) Yuna-Ei-Ryu(Constricting Dragon)- In both shikai and bankai, Leon swings the blade of his zanpakutou and a giant female dragon made of physical reiatsu and pink flames flies forth from the blade and goes to wrap itself around the target. When the dragon wraps itself around its target it begins to burn the foe and crush them as she tightens around the victim.

(Not Yet Achieved) Do-Ryu-Gekido(Dragons Rage)- In Bankai, Leon slams the blade of his zanpakuto into the ground and it sends out a shock wave of flames that first sweep across the field 200 feet in diameter then, once the field is burned, several pillars of flame erupt from the ground all over the field within the 200 feet diameter with great force striking all, save Leon within range making it almost impossible to avoid.

[color-red](Not Yet Achieved) Meteor Smash- In Bankai, Leon begins to spin the hand scythe over his head and that proceeds to summon giant flaming meteors to rain down from the sky and strike his foes with great force.


1. Restrain (sai) -Locks a target's arms in place behind their back.

4. Crawling Rope (hainawa) - An energy rope entangles a target's arms.

8. Repulse (seki) - Creates a round shield that seems to temporarily paralyze and repel whatever strikes it

9. Strike (geki) - Engulfs a target in red light, completely paralyzing them.
Incantation: Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat!

1. Thrust (shō) - Pushes the target away from the caster.

4. White Lightning (byakurai) - Fires a concentrated bolt of white lightning from the caster's forefinger.

Guild Status: Memeber, unseated shinigami

Online Schedule: Pacific Time, though I on almost all hours of the night and day.