Aliases/ Nicknames:none

Physical Description:User Image

Age:18 T.O.D 10.31.2009 (for those that don't know T.O.D is short for time of death)

Zanpaktou's sword form:User Image Zantekimaru

Spirit: extend ur claws...zantekimaru:User Image

Zanpaktou: (not achieved)

Shikai Release:~ryu breathing begins to become more calm and serene he grasp his Zanpaktou in his left hand and extends his right arm he then lays his sword down on his arm with the tip of the blade on his middle finger keeping his sword balance ryu releases his left hand and lays it on the blade symmetrical to his right hand he closes his eyes as he mutters the words:...extend your claws zantekimaru~at one ryus eyes clench tight as his reaitsu poured from his arms and began to wrap around his Zanpaktou from within the light his zantekimaru begins to take the form of two gauntlets ryu gathers enough strength in his arms and pull them apart reviling his released Zanpaktou the design of his gauntlets the height of then reach to his elbow almost as for the features it consist of a sleek onyx color with crimson tribal markings going from the the top of the weapon to the end at the finger tips long red thick claws extend to about 13 inches tops~

Shikai: (not achieved)

Bankai: (not achieved)

Special Accessories: (if any)

Skills:Combat Fanatic

Abilities:none as of yet

Personality:I'm mostly happy when i can be though i do have a very short temper ^^l|l

Biography/History:upon ryus death he came to the soul society and took up residence in the eastern Rukon district at first the town seemed ok but as it progressed i come to truthfully hate it wanting something better i applied to the Shinigami Academy with hopes of becoming a full fledged Shinigami

Signature/Patented Technique: (none as of yet.)

Guild Status: (yet to be ranked)

Online Schedule: logs on at either 6:00 am or 11:00 am logs off at either 11:37 or 2:00