~::Making RP threads::~

Right, first off, here is the key to making all threads related to RP and journalling. Any other thread (given that it is not spam), such as ideas and suggestions and discussions may be posted without headings.

[J] Journal
[ORP] Open RP
[PRP] Private
[Pack] Pack

By putting [ORP] in the heading, you will have to expect some new people. Open RP, in case it is not obvious, is open to all to join. You should have a scenario ready. Make sure that your first post is an RP post to kick off the RPing!

By putting [PRP] in the heading, you should include into the first post the people allowed to post. Only the people listed to have permission may post in private RP threads. Again, make sure to kick off the RP!

[Pack] threads can only be started by Mods of the guild. One of the staff will start the post stating the name of the pack, and the rest is up to the owner(s) of the Alphas

~::Making Journals::~

Making a journal is a good way to keep track of...

.. a) Your wolves,
.. b) Your RP progress,
.. c) Your plottings.

You can make journals for many reasons, and lay it out however you wish. However, please do not make a journal when you don't yet have a wolf. It clutters the forum up with unnecessary threads.

If you decide that you don't have the time and/or energy to keep up with your journal thread, please change the heading to something that will tell us you want the thread deleted!