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These rules are to be obeyed at all times! You get 3 warnings before you get the boot.
I reserve the right to change the rules whenever I want.

+ Follow Gaia ToS ALWAYS. There is no excuse for going against any part of the ToS
+ Respect everyone within the guild, especially staff. Any kind of prejudice or behavior that is derogatory toward anyone will not be tolerated. I have little patience for this kind of stuff and there's a good chance that if I catch you breaking this rule you'll just be banned without a warning.
+ No drama. Debate is fine but don't let things get out of control. If you have a problem with a member try to work things out via pm's, don't bring your disagreements into the guild.
+ Feel free to make topics, just don't spam the guild with stupid stuff.
+ Please try your best to use proper grammar and spelling. Excessive chatspeak is a nightmare.
+ Have a clean mouth.
+ GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE. Do not act as if you are better/superior to anyone. Be respectful and remember that you DO NOT know everything. Be open to learning something new and don't EVER tell someone their beliefs are wrong.
+ post Post POST! Keep the place alive. Feel free to make as many topics you want, just make sure you put them in the proper place and that it doesn't already exist.

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