Welcome to the Price watch!
Price watch is where the crew and myself keep an eye on new and populer items so you don't have to. Follow the guild rules. If you have a suggestion for an item for us to watch, post it here.

Price watch Rules:
1-Follow the guild rules.
2-Post each update in a seperate post WITH the date of when it was posted.
3-Please update at least once a day.
4-Please try to update more than once a day.

Also, for the crew, this is the form you use to post a price watch:

Item sad The name of the item you are price watching.)
EI sad If its an evolving item or not just put yes or no.)
Gen. sad What generation an evolving item is. Put N/A if its not an evolving item.)
Price sad The price of the item.)
Last Updated sad Put the date of the last time you updated. You can post each update in seperate posts.)