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Reply [IC] Kizingo'zaa Lands [IC]
[SRP] Butterfly Dreams

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eldritch stardust

Kawaii Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:05 am

Mrengo'angaa sighed. It'd been a long journey from her savanah home to this place. Auntie and the puppies had been sorry to see her go, but really, it was for the best. Finding a particuarly shady spot, the young lioness sat and considered her next move. Did she want to go deeper into that jungle? Or go to that shinging blue thin that peeped through the greenery?

"Or do I just turn around and go back home?" she chuckled to herself. She attacked an itch behind her ear idly as she pondered her choices. She'd already caught the scent of lots of lions in the area. Which usually meant a pride. But did she really want to be surrounded by others?
PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:14 am

Patroling again. Kereng'ende sighed and paused. He was starting to get old. He could feel the stiffness in his joints some mornings. But since he still felt strong and fast, he had decided to not let it bother him overmuch. Besdies, he grinned to himself, age is a sign of wisdom at times. And he'd certainly travelled and seen and experienced enough to have gained some wisdom.

Briefly, he sent his mind wandering to the day he'd said goodbye to Biz and Nafasi. He still wasn't entirely sure why he hadn't gone with his friends after he'd found them again. But something, some inner prompting had told him he needed to stay here, so he had. His friends had taken the disappointment well, he thought. He hoped that they'd forgiven him for going back on his word.

A flash of blue and black through the leaves caught his wandering attention. A butterfly? It seemed awfully big to be a butterfly though.

eldritch stardust

Kawaii Prophet

eldritch stardust

Kawaii Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:19 am

MRengo bristled slightly as she heard the faint sounds of movement through the plantlife. She hadn't quite finished her rest and felt more than a bit annoyed that one of the area's residents had found her so quickly.

"I can hear you stumbling about there," she called in a bored voice. "So just do me tha favor of telling me whether I can finish resting or if I have to move on pain of death."

Cocking her ears, she thought she caught a faint, surprised intake of air and an equally faint chuckle. Well, chuckles were good, weren't they? If her watcher found her amusing, maybe she'd be allowed to get her stamina back.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:28 am

Whuffling in surprise at hearing what he'd thought to be a butterfly speak with such a bored, but impudent tone, Kere had to laugh at himself. Creatures out to do harm didn't talk like that, he thought. So this stranger was safe enough to approach openly.

"No, you can continue resting," he called back in a friendly voice. "And if you don't mind, I'll rest with you. Haven't gotten to get any new gossip in a while."

There, he thought. That was harmless enough. Moving closer, he saw that his "little butterfly" was actually a young lioness with the most astonishing patterns upon her. Indeed, the brilliant blues that adorned her back took his breath away when he realized that, against all reason, nature had granted her butterfly wing markings.

His mind charmed, he finally got to where he could sit near her and smiled.

"Welcome, miss. Have you travelled far?"

eldritch stardust

Kawaii Prophet

eldritch stardust

Kawaii Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:34 am

Reassured by the friendly smile and kind words,, Mrengo relaxed visibly. Turning a bit so she could better face the strange male, she smiled in turn and tilted her head as she studied him. Older, but with lovely, kind pink eyes. She admired the odd shell and flower arrangement tied around his neck and gave an approving nod.

"Hello to you too, kind sir," she quipped with an impudent wrinkle of her nose. "I'm afraid I haven't got any gossip for you. I never stopped long enough to gather it for myself, y'see. Unless you want to hear about the perils of trying to help raise seven wild dog puppies, I haven't got a thing of interest to tell."

Mentally chiding herself for such rude words, Mrengoducked her head and lowered her ears slightly.

"I'm sorry, being by myself for so long has warped me. Forgive my rudeness, sir."
PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:40 am

Chuckling, Kere waved a paw dismissively.

"Nah, I'm no sir, just Kereng'ende or Kere, if you prefer. And you helped raise puppies? One of my best friends is a wild dog. Pity he's already left or I could have introduced you."

Kere stretched out in the cool earth and smiled at the female. "Tell me about them."

As he settled himself more comfortably, he couldn't help but give her an admiring look. Her eyes were as brilliantly blue as her back, he thought delightedly.

eldritch stardust

Kawaii Prophet

eldritch stardust

Kawaii Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:47 am

Nodding, Mrengo found herself warming to this odd lion. Especially when he confided that he had a wild dog friend of his own. So he wouldn't make fun of her for Auntie and the pups.

"Very well, sir Kere," she began. "My name in Mrengo'angaa. Auntie has a fondness for long names, I think. But I prefer being called Mrengo or 'Ren. My parents left me with AUntie when I was very young and she raised me. To tell you truthfully, I sort of pity the pups when they misbehave, since Auntie's favorite discipline is to n** one's nose," she laughed sheepishly and rubbed her paw against her own faintly scarred nose.

She continued to tell him about her cubhood, gratified to have such an attentive audience. As she neared the end of her narrative, she saw how the sun had changed position in the sky.

"Well, Once I started getting older, Auntie and I both thought that it would be best for me to leave since the puppies were always so hungry and well, they were an awful pawful to manage, you see. So I picked a direction and began to walk. And while it is nice here, it just isn't as nice as the savanah in my eyes."
PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:56 am

"I think you did very well," Kere murmured thoughtfully. "And I think if I had been in your position, I'd've done exactly the same. And I don't think what you've experienced so far will do you any harm in the long run."

He caught a pleased expression in her eyes when he said that and chuckled. Old enough to be serious and thoughtful, but still young enough to enjoy compliements.

"You know, he said," your Auntie and my Nafasi both helped to raise a lion. And I think that if she hadn't had puppies, she'd have stuck by you for as long as you needed her. I know Nafasi is for Biz. I don't think he'll ever leave her and that's all to the good."

A sudden longing to share his own experiences engulfed him. Glancing at Mrengo, he saw her faint nod and began to tell her about his own life and journeying. About Juhudi, until they'd lost him.. and then about Biz and Nafasi until he'd long them.

As he spoke, a strong desire to find Juhudi and see him again filled Kere's heart. Was this why his premonition hadn't let him leave? Becasue he had to wait for this female to talk?

eldritch stardust

Kawaii Prophet

eldritch stardust

Kawaii Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:03 am

Mrengo listened to Kere's own tale with fascination. To have lost his parents at such a young age and in such a terrible fashion... and then to lose the friends he'd found soon after. The lioness' heart ached for the black lion and what he must have gone through that he didn't tell her. She was wise enough to know that time hadn't softened some of the terror and fear he'd felt. It had only distanced it a little. And in telling her, some of that old fear seeped through.

The poor, poor thing, she thought as she listened to the story of the scolding he'd recieved from a lioness named Zuri. His troubles didn't break him, but she could feel a fear of being alone in him. And she didn't miss the longing in his voice when he talked about his friends.

When he finished his story, she shook her head in admiration and smiled.

"You've had a far more interesting life than I, Kere. And i think that it hasn't ruined you. Tell me though, would you ever want to leve this place to find the friends you lost?"
PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:08 am

Kere glanced sharply at Mrengo when she asked her question. There was something... not conniving, yet thoughtful in her eyes that made him wary. Still, he'd been raised to be truthful.

"Wel Biz and Nafasi found me not long ago and I know they're well. But I wouldn't mind seeing Juhudi again if I could find him. I wouldn't know where to look though, to be honest."

Still, someone, somewhere might know. But was he, Kere, brve enough to leave these peaceful lands to go hunting for that information? He liked to think he was, but.. he wasn't entirely sure. It was a long way.

"I might. But I think I'm a little afraid at the same time," he murmured.

eldritch stardust

Kawaii Prophet

eldritch stardust

Kawaii Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:15 am

"Would you be afraid if I went with you?" she asked pointedly. "I haven't finished wandering and well, you seem like the best sort of travelling companion."

She saw his mouth open to protest and she cut him off ruthlessly.

"Hear me out, Kereng'ende. You say you're afraid, but if the story you told me is true, you're braver than you know. You could have given up and simply died out there. You didn't. You kept searching and trying and living. You're still alive."

She gazed solemnly across at him, blue eyes boring into pink. She liked and admired this lion. And she wanted him to be happy. And she knew he wouldn't be unless he could know for certain he'd done his best to find his lost friend.

"I'll ask you again, Kere," she spoke in a gentle voice. "If I were to go with you, would you leave this place and wander again?"
PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:21 am

Mouth opening and closing like a landed fish, Kere couldn't help but stare at the strange, lovely lioness sitting across from him. This... THIS was why some hidden inner voice hadn't allowed him to go with Biz and Nafasi. Silently, he thanked the Rains, from whom the message must have been sent.

Knowing that Mrengo was earnest in her speech, Kere thought quickly, but hard. There were other hunters here, so the pride would not be harmed if he left. He had no mate, no children here who would be hurt. There was nothing tying him here except, perhaps for the Rain. And it rained on the savanah. Not as frequently, perhaps, but it did rain out there.

He wouldn't be alone either. Not if Mrengo was with him. Opening his eyes, he allowed a slow, grateful smile to spread across his face.

"I would go and be honored by your company, Mrengo."

Now he sprang to his feet and gave voice to a joyful roaring laugh.

"I'll go! Let's go now, 'Ren," he said in a coaxing voice. "Let's not wait a moment."

eldritch stardust

Kawaii Prophet

eldritch stardust

Kawaii Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:27 am

Laughing at his performance, Mrengo nodded and got to her feet. She had her breath back, her body had cooled and it was close to dusk. They would race side by side under the moonlight.

Her breath caught in her throat at that mental image as she shivered in happy anticipation. Something at the back of her mind whispered that this was right. That it was what she'd been born for.

For the first time since leaving her adopted family, Mrengo was genuinely, unashamedly happy.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" she cried, tail lashing playfully. "Let's run!"

And, to her immense satisfaction, when she took the first steps, he was besdie her, matching her pace for pace as they left the lands of the Kizingo'zaa.
[IC] Kizingo'zaa Lands [IC]

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