Name: Zero sounds like the number 0

Aliases/ Nicknames: X

Physical Description: User Image

Age: 18 died at age10

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: n/a

Zanpaktou: not achieved

Shikai Release: n/a

Shikai: not achieved

Bankai:not achieved

Special Accessories: dark skin tight bracelets designed to restrain shadow powers and a locket on a chain that seams to have no specific ability other then style

Skills: sword combat mele combat

Abilities:uses shadow powers which he obtained as a result from genetic modification

Personality: somewhat laid back doesent let the troubles of the world concern him much hes a deep thinker always sorts the situation out before he rushes into battle hes also somewhat independent hes got a short temper

Biography/History: he was killed by a hallow at age 10 when he entered the soul society he was genetically modified without his knowledge by the research bureau he has become weak to ice attacks as a small but critical side effect his shadow powers then started forming during the ages of 11 and 12 as a result from the modification he has practiced with them sense then

Signature/Patented Technique:

Guild Status: recruit

Online Schedule: 6pm to 8am

character side note: heres how his powers work he has 2 powers much like ying and yang one is shadow power created by genetic modification the other is his reaitsu power his shadow power is his primary power meaning that he uses it the most his shadow power is already at bankai level of strength but it is NOT bankai he has yet to master his reaitsu power i forgot to mention before is that he can only access one at a time not both he can only use one or the other but not both at the same time yes i know the character side note wasent necessary but i put it there so youll understand his powers a bit better oh he can die just like everyone else now he definitely wont be able to stand up to 3 or even 2 captains in bankai form he has a weakness to ice thats why he trys to avoid shinigami who can control ice