Name: Yuuki Mifune (Yoo-kee Mee-foo-neh)
Aliases/Nicknames: Yuu-chan

Physical Description:
Height: 5'5"
Weight: She won't tell :3
Hair: Raven black, medium length hair pulled back.
Eyes: Grey
Clothing: A normal shinigami's shihakusho. If there were ever a reason to wear a gigai, the clothes are displayed below.
Clearer version coming soon...
User Image

Age: Died at age 21, currently age 24

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name:
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Yet to be achieved.
A basic katana, green in color.
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Shikai Release: "Fall from the heavens and strike the earth! Raijin!"

Yet to be achieved.
After the releasing phrase, the sword glows a yellowish green. She places the tips of the sword to her palm, and when she brings her hands together, the sword does not pierce her hand, but the blade retreats into the hilt of the sword. What is left of the katana shatters, and rises to the sky. Lightning would strike the ground in front of her, and a rapier with a delicate-looking pommel is left in its stead. The tip of the sword is charged with electricity, and if the tip touches certain spots of the human body, certain parts of it can become paralyzed.
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Yet to be achieved.
Yuuki's bankai is called Raijin no Rokujou (The Anger of the Thunder God). When she activates bankai, her rapier falls into the ground, disintegrating. She takes her hands, bringing them together in front of her before abruptly pulling them apart. A thin line of lightning becomes present between her hands. That line can be manipulated to Yuuki's liking, but can only form a sword or an animal of her choosing. As a sword it becomes very thin and long, and with each swinging motion, it generates lightning in wave-like shapes. As the sword is very maneuverable, Yuuki's opponent may face many (many) waves of lightning at once, but in reality a single wave is only strong enough to paralyze someone momentarily. If she chooses for it to take the form of an animal, the usual choice is a wolf. It can bear sharp fangs, yet it is still composed of lightning and carries that chance of paralyzing the opponent when bitten.

Special Accessories: None in particular, save for a silver bracelet on her right wrist that serves no other purpose than looking nice.

Skills: Being pretty new to the Shinigami business, she lacks any sort of skill that helps in fighting, though she is capable of playing the piano fairly well.

Abilities: Yuuki is particularly good at sprinting, and can run at approximately 30 kilometers per hour. Long-distance running is a whole 'nother story though....

Personality: Yuuki's personality changes with her mood, which changes with the situation. She can be bubbly, hateful, or indifferent when the time calls for it. Also, whenever the opportunity arises, she will always make some kind of sarcastic comment. (If you've ever watched Friends, think Chandler).
Oh, you might not want to give her too much sugar or caffeine.
Someone might die.

Biography/History: Yuuki grew up under the care of two foster parents and one older sister as well as a Siberian husky named Hachi after the ever-so-loyal Hachiko. She led a pretty normal life; at school she would have several close friends that she'd hang out with, at home she was treated like a true member of the family, all was good. She attended and graduated college and worked as a graphic designer, content and happy. Then she got hit by a car.
Simple as that.

Signature/Patented Technique: None. Yet.

Guild Status: Unseated, skill-less, n00b.

Online Schedule: Usually on after school (4 PM-ish EST) on weekdays.