Name: ZenIchi

Aliases/ Nicknames: Zenny

Physical Description: Tall, Grey Medium Ruffeled Hair. White Skinned. ( Will have pic soon)

Zanpacto: Not Achieved Sheathed - Looks like a pair of gloves with a small dagger coming out of it.

Not Achieved Shikai - * Spark Dendoukage * (Electric Shadow) Looks like a pair of gloves with blades coming out of it that when the blades touch each other creates a black spark that surrounds them for a limited time.

Not Achieved Bankai - * Engulf Raikakge * ( Blades start to grow out of the sides of his arm and he is being covered by an aura of black electricity. He grows dark feathered wings.

Special Accessories: Wears a Scarf Covering His Mouth.

Skills: Whenever he touches someone with his zanpakto while it's sparking the opponent gets stunned but he cannot strike but only run.

Abilities: ZenIchi is mostly an assassin, strikes fast and is mostly about speed. He also has really good eyesight.

Personality: Is mostly serious and tends to get something over with at the time. Likes to stay in the shadows altough he is outgoing and can be funny at times.

Biography/History: Not much is known about him, he lived with three sisters and they were all killed by his old friend which is now an enemy. He spent most his life searching for him but never succeeded in finding him. So he went for help at the Soul Society to get stronger and have a better chance of defeating him.