Name:Baros Darksun (Bear-os Dark-son)

Physical Description: Baros stands about 6'4", with ear length black hair that he leaves in dissaray, he has blue eyes, something that completely contradicts his hair color, and he has a small golden earring in his left ear.

Age: Baros is only 19 he died at the age of 17

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Narewa

Zanpaktou: (not achieved) Baros's basic Zanpaktou
Is nothing special it's just a sword.
Shikai Release: "Swallow Narewa"

Shikai: (not achieved) Baros entire sword turns black giving him control over shadows and darkness in general he can meld in them bringing himself in and out to attack as he pleases.

Bankai: (not achieved) The sword reverts to its normal state but his bankai kind of resembles (The blind guy i cant remember his name) But it does not blind his opponent it makes them move slower like they were stuck in sludge and the longer they stay in the slower they move and the more powerfull his attacks get.

Skills:Shunpo (basic for now)

Abilities: (None Yet)

Personality: Baros is silent only speaking when spoken too. He takes a serious attitude most of the time to people unless he is good friends with them when he tends to relax a little.

Biography/History: Baros remembers very little about before he died he only remembers that his parents were divorced most of his life and this was because of the constant beatings he recieved from his father, thus causing the quietness, since then he has been working on becoming stronger.

Signature/Patented Technique: None yet

Guild Status: Recruit? (Zanpaktou training)

Online Schedule: 4-10 MST changes quite often