Haha. Right after midnight, beginning of my 20th birthday, I was pulled over 3 times.

1st time was with my friends. Apparently there had been some "suspicious activity" around the neighborhood and we were targeted for no known discernible reason. We'd just left another friend's house. Other than the way we look, there was really nothing to pin on us. My friend's head is shaved and he has a braided Jack-sparrow beard, me with my mohawk, my other friend with his trench, etc.

2nd time was a whole hour later. I try leaving my friend's house to head back to mine on my bike and I get pulled over by THE SAME DAMN COP. Again, asks me all this s**t. He thinks I stole my own bike. I get ID'd, etc.

So I'm heading home after this, muttering obscenities, etc.

3rd time, I get pulled a mile or two away, halfway home. I'm told I shouldn't be using foul language. First off, freedom of ******** speech, second off, you'd have to have had a mic up to me to hear what I was saying over the traffic and everything else. Ok, so the cop says my back reflector on my bike is missing. It's not; it just got slanted up a bit. I slant it down, he tells me my bike is STILL not "street legal" and tells me I have to walk it all the way home.

Oh, and then he says that if other cops or him see me riding my bike again I'll get a fine.

Yea, so what should have taken 20-30 minutes to bike home to took an hour and a half to walk. Over nothing. Thanks. Frickin bacon.

D:< I would have told him he can watch my flippin butt use the bike WITH NO HANDS. Psht, send me the fine in the mail. whee