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Mrs Gey

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:11 am
Note: The Underlinded part is William actually talking, he's telling the story, so in some parts he cuts through and says something, thats the underlined part.


My life had been pretty normal. Well, as normal as it gets for a 20 year old werewolf. Yes, werewolf. The other pack members thought of the "Transformation" as a good thing. A gift. It ruined my life. My parents turned they're backs on me and my friends found other people to hang out with.
I was left completely alone.
Sure, on the outside it looked like I was fine. But on the inside, I was a wreck.
As I said before, my life was pretty normal. College, pack meetings, and Club parties.
That is, until I met her.

Sure, this must sound like a sob story to you...

Still there?
Want to hear how my life got turned upside down because of one woman and an almost forgotten hundred year old feud?
Well then, welcome to my life.
I'll try to start from the beginning.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:17 am
Chapter 1

It all started when I turned 18 I guess.
Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself here, forgive me.
It started one night before I turned 18.

"I'm home" I yell. I just got home for summer break. A whole 3 months and a half away from school. Ah, freedom.
No answer calls back.
There usually isn't.
Setting my light weight bag down, I sluggishly walk into the kitchen.
After pouring myself a glass of apple juice(yumm!), I walk into the living room and sit on the couch, grabbing the remote.
After flipping through the channels. Twice, I hear the click of our front door being unlocked.
I know I shouldn't be able to hear these things, but I do. I even smell the sweet rose perfume of my mom as she walks into the house.
"Hey mom! Need any help?!" I yell from the living room, whereI still reside.
"Yes please" She answers. I hear her keys land almost noiselessly(sp) on the kitchen towel.
I get up from the couch, and walk soundlessly to the front door, and out.
I'm so silent, that when I come back with the rest of the bags, mom doesn't know I'm there until I set the bags down, making a semi-loud noise.
She jumps, andI hear her heart speed up inside her chest.
"Don't sneak up on me like that William" She says, a playful smile on her full, wine colored lips.
Mom's name is Chris, and she has long, candy red, curly hair, and bright, powder blue eyes. She's pale, and quiet skinny, athletic like.
I happen to look nothing like my parents.
For example, my dad, Dan, as blonde hair and brown eyes. He's pale and thin, but also muscled(sp).
I have brown, and naturally black streaked hair. My eyes are green. I'm naturally tanned. I'm thin, but masculine, but not too much.
Like I said, I look nothing like them.
Speak of the devil, I hear the purr of dad's sports car roll into our drive way.
And the voice of someone else?
Mom walks past me, and through the front door.
"Afternoon Dan dear, and Dr. Cill" Her voice rings
They all walk in, looking like long time friends.
An older woman, of perhaps her later 40's smiles warmly at me as she enters our household.
"And you must be William! I'm happy to finally get to meet you." Her smile is still plastered to her face.
I attempt a smile back.
"Let's all sit down" Dad suggests, herding us all to the living room.
"Well, William, there no easy way to tell you this, but your adopted. Your real parents' names were Angel and Max Grayward" Dr. Cill says, after we're all sitting down. I tense up.
"Were?" I ask, still mulling this over, but somewhere, deep inside, I know what she's going to say.
"They died in a car accident when you were two William. Mr. and Mrs. Antle(An-tel) here were good friends of your biological parents, and agreed on taking you in, for they couldn't have a child of their own."
"How come you aren't telling me this?" I question, burning my eyes into my adopted parents' eyes.
"It was easier for her to tell you, because you're included in Mr. and Mrs. Grayward's will." Dad...er...Dan, says. Whatever.
"William, are you ready to hear what yougot from your biological parents?" Dr. Cill asks me cautiuosly.
"I guess" I growl.

Yeah, I know, back then, I was kind of like a spoiled kid, that's how I reacted to all this. Here, after these nice people took me in, I repay them by being a pain in the a**.

Dr. Cill clears her throat, and begins to read:
"For our dearest William, we give our entire savings, and his own apartment in Blackton. Show this to either Bob Clearmon or Claire Redhouse at the bank in Blackton, they will give you farther instruction William."
"Wow" I breathe out.
"How much?" Mom, er, Chris asks.
"It doesn't say" Dr. Cill says.
I get up, it's already 7:45.
I'm going out, to clear my head." I say, taking the will off the table and my keys. I stalk out the door.
Screw walking. I jog over to my motorcycle. It's black with blue spider web design.
I put on my helmet, and turn the ignition, the bike rumbles underneathe of me.
I speed away from the house, driving aimlessly

Mrs Gey

Mrs Gey

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:20 am
Chapter 2

I end up in the small, but busy city of Blackton.
Parking at the bank, I unfold the will and walk inside. I head to the direction of the main counter.
"May I help you?" An elderly man asks me, peering at me over his glasses at me.
"Uh, yeah, does Bob Clearview or Claire Redhouse work here?"
"Why, yes, Claire is here right now. I'll ring her up for you, Mr...?"
"Oh, William Grayward" Might as well use it for this...
"Claire Redhouse, could you please come to the front desk, a Mr. Grayward is here to speak with you" The man says into a speaker phone.
Seconds later, a woman of her later 40's walks from behind another counter and walks briskly over to me. Her black hair was greying and her stormy grey eyes bore into my own.
"I was told to come here?" I say cautiously, handing Claire the will, seeming heavy in my hand.
Her face lit up.
"Ah! Mr. William, I was wondering when you'd come! How nice to finally meet you. I was a good friend of Angel and Max. Lets go." We walked away from the front and toward the back, where I'm guessing my account was.
When we arrived at the back of the large bank, we stood in front of a metal door to a vault.
"I get my own vault?" I ask, amazed.
Claire smiles, and nods.
She goes over to a pad, that has letters strewn across the small surface. She quickly puts in the password. I smile. William was the password.
With a creak that seems like nails on a chalkboard for me, the vault opens.
We both walk in. My jaw drops.
Mountains of cash, literally, litters the vault.
"Wow" I mumble.
In the center of the room, a small white piece of paper sits snugly under a blue key.
Walking soundlessly forward, I crouch and grab the key and note. The note read:
This may be a shock, but everything in this vault is yours. We're sure Claire or Bob treated you well. So sorry we couldn't be here to witness the look on your face, or your birthday for that matter. The blue key, probably in your hand now, opens your apartment door and garage. We hand over everything to you.'
It also had the address of my new apartmentand which number.
That's when I notice it. Not all the money is American. Money from all over the world is in here.

Ok, pause. Forgot to mention that my parents were bloody rich huh? Well, that night, if I remember correctly, I found my apartment and slept there for the night. Let me continue my story at about 3 in the morning.

I woke up, panting and covered in unwanted sweat.
Holy crap.
I placed my head in my hands. I couldn't remember the dream but I know I was scared. Something. Or someone was after me. Chasing me. But that is all I know about that dream.
Shaking off the forgotten dream, I pull on some torn jeans, t-shirt, and shoes and walk out the door.
Walks always clear my head. Running makes me feel like I can fly. It's a weird sensation, but it feels right somehow.
I wasn't paying attention to where I was heading, but somehow my feet carried me to the localpark.
The abandoned swings swung in the slight breeze, and the leaves rustledon the groundin that same wind.
But what stopped me, dead in my tracks, was the smell on that wind.
Strong, metallic scent of blood flooded my senses. I could almost taste it, at the back of my throat. Bile rose at the smell,
I know at the time I shouldn't have. But I did.
I followed the metallic smell.
I came across two people. If I hadn't looked close enough, I would've thought they were making out. But I saw the dark liquid runningsilently down the womans' torso. A snarl comes from behind me, I whip around. Oh damn.
Theres two of these psychos.
The man with the woman, drops her and turns to me, blood covering his sadistic, scarred face.
My, my, what do we have here? A witness? What a shame, I thought we picked a good place to kill the traitor, guess not. Still got a human to come and find us." The scarred one muses, smiling sadistically. He kicks the dead woman once, then slowly turns his face skyward, and howls. It sound almost like a wolf, almost correctly. Almost identical.
"Damon, he smells like...." The other guy trails off, sniffing the wind that rolled off myrigid body.
"Who cares?!"
Suddenly, a huge wolf is atop me, pinning me down painfully.
I'm paralyzed in fear, I can't stop staring up into the two deadly blue eyes of the wolf.
Claws rip down my chest, warm, sticky blood pours out, I scream in agony.
"Stop playing with him" A cool voice growls.
Teeth rip into the crook in my neck, then two loud shots ring in the air, the wolf falls on me, its teeth still in my neck, and a distant thud follows soon afterward.
The thick smell of my blood lingers in the air, suffocating me.
The click of a gun readying, then a sigh of defeat.

Ok, so I know what your thinking. How can something happen like this, and me still be telling you this? This is only the beginning, my friends. All in good time, you'll know.

Behind my eyelids, brilliantly lit lights threaten to blind me when I dear open them.
A thin, cool hand grips mine suddenly, as though doing so will keep me with it. Keep me from falling any farther into the darkness. My heart speeds up.
I hear the beeping of the monitor as it picks up on my sped up heart beats. I open one eye, then close it just as quick as lights flood my vision.
"Mom?" I croak pathetically.
"I'm here. How are you? Oh, that was a stupid question. Does anything hurt?"
"I think my hand is broken" I say, my eyes now open. I keep a straight face.
"OH~! Hunny, where does it hurt...."She trails off. I smile, still trying hard not to laugh.
"Not funny" She growls, scowling at me.
"I'm fine, my chest just hurts a bit, same with my shoulder" Duh.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:22 am
Chapter 3

She manages a weak smile in return.
"Oh,I was so worried, when the hospital called and told us you were here, we raced aroundlike idiots, trying to get dressed and to get to you as soon as possible. What the hell were you thinking about when you left your apartment to walk at 3 in the fricking morning?!"
Now, normally, none of my parents curse, but when under a lot stress or really worried, they know how to serve it.
"I got attacked" I say simply.
"But what were you thinking when you walked out of the apartment at 3 morning?" She all but hissed.
"I had to clear my head. You know how I disappear for hours on end in the morning? Well, that's when I have bad dreams, to clear them from my head. So I thought a small walk wouldn't hurt" I answered, grimacing as I took a deep breath of air into my lungs.
A doctor suddenly walked in.
"Ah! Mr.William! Your awake! I'm surprised, you've only been out for two days. All we had to do is stitch you up and your body did the rest of the work" He smiled, but I knew he thought something was up. 18 years olds don't heal from wolf bites, deeps ones at that, in two days.
Wait, I'm 19 now. Sweet!
"When can I go home" I ask, suddenly wanting to get out of this place.
"Today actually! We just need to run a few more tests and your free to go" Dr. Colin said.
The stale smell of death suffocated me and the constant beeping was giving me a headache. My smell and hearing have gotten better, I know that much
Er, mom? Do you have the number or address of the guy who helped me two nights ago?" I ask, suddenly tired as hell.
"Yep. Both. He said that once you came to you'd want probably want to talk to him." She replied, putting her finger to her lip, her habit when thinking.
"Good" I murmured sleepily.
"Don't fight sleep hun, you need your rest" mom, er Chris, said getting up.
I drifted off, lastly hearing the door close softly, embracing sleep.
Hours later I woke to someone shaking my hand, thus shaking my entire body into wakefulness.
I coughed slightly from the strong cologne smell on this guy. I opened my eyes. Dad. Dan. Whatever.
"We're going, you too. Get changed" He said simply, setting the folded clothes on the end of the bed. Then he walked out, closing the door carelessly.
He never really liked me that much for some reason.
I hopped off the bed, but I wanted to land on my feet. I didn't. My legs gave out under me abd I ended up on the floor.
Well at least I still have my jeans on. When I tried again, I was able to stand.
Ignoring the searing pain ripping from my shoulder and chest, I slowly slid at-shirt over my head. Before it overed my chest, I looked down at the damage. Four, claw-mark-like tears. They were scabbing over already. Probably going to leave a scar. I slipped the shirt over my chest.
Note to self: take a shower as soon as possible.
I saw my adopted parents in the waiting room when I walked from my room.
But something inside of me told me to go back to my apartment, not with them

Mrs Gey

The Plastic Poptart

Liberal Nerd

10,600 Points
  • Hygienic 200
  • Bookworm 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:28 pm
What happens next?!?!?!?  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:18 am
Chapter 4

I walked outside, at the opposite side of the death tainted hospital, and began walking.
Just as I wanted, I ended up in front of my apartment building, the one my real parents gave me.
Taking the stairs, my feet made no noise.
I made it to my door and reached for the handle, but stopped.
Rustling came from inside.

Alright!! Wow, still there? I'm actually surprised. Well, if I remember clearly, I went in and was instantly pinned against the wall, my arms painfully pinned behind my back. The guy in my apartment just happened to be the guy that saved me two days ago, from those...things. I never did find out how he found out where I lived, but he said he was waiting for me. Creepy? I agree with you 100%. Lets start back up here, we're sitting in my living room, facing each other, on separate couches.

"Do you feel any different?" asked the gruff voice of the so-called hunter, Leo.
"Not really. My hearing and smell have gotten better though" I answer.
He sighed. "Let me see your wounds" He orders, getting up.
Eyebrows raised, I lifted my shirt over my head.
"Hmm, you healed pretty fast, faster than most of them" The way he said them, it made me think something was up.
"What's happening" I growl. Whoa, I surprised myself with that.
"Ever hear of Werewolves kid?"
"That's what attacked you two days ago. If I'm correct, you'll change tomorrow night. You'll need to lock yourself up in a cellar or something"
Before I could stop myself, I'm laughing. Laughing so hard tears run down my face and my chest hurts where that thing clawed me.
"You must be on something dude! Did you add something to your cereal this morning?! Werwolves don't excist. Even before this incident I had good hearing and smell. I could hear the slightest click of the lock and I could even hear on the other side of the door."
"Well, in that case, that changes things. You'll be changing tonight. Come with me William. So I can show you" How he knew my name, I haven't a clue.
"Alright old man" I say, still laughing slightly, following him.
About 15 minutes later, we're at his poor excuse of a house. The wood was rotten and everything was dusty. He pops in a video in a VHS player.
A girl of maybe 15 paced in a cellar. Hanging from her body were dirty, and torn cloths, clothes you wouldn't mind getting rid of.
Then, after countless minutes of pacing, her ear spliting screams of pain erupted from the video.
She hunched over, it looked like the bones in her body were breaking and rearranging themselves. Changing and stretching.
I kept my blush incontrol as she tore off her clothes to continue the painful, slow transformation.
Her cheekbones moved up in her face and her jaw bone lengthened.
Five agonizing minutes later, a wolf stands in her place, panting. Well, a rather large wolf, it's head at lest comes to my shoulders.
I know my face is pale and horrorstricken.
"Thats whats going to happen to you in less than 5 hours William"
"Is there anyway to stop it?" I squeak.
"The first change? No. The changes afterwards, yes. But if you resist, there are consequenses."
"What are the consequenses?"
"You'll be more tired, yet restless. You'll feel pain in your lowerback, jaw, and hands."
"Ok....And how do I stop the transformation?"
"When the change is beginning, you'll feel it under your skin. Like an itchy feeling. When that happens, imagine your in a box, and no one is in the box with you. You'll feel something tugging at your box, but if you dont want to transform, keep that box up"

Sure, sounds easy, right? That whole box things. Yeah, no. The transformation? Painful as hell.

Mrs Gey

Mrs Gey

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:21 am
Chapter 5

Let me begin there, at the transformation.

Both of my adopted parents are upstairs, I know, watching a small tv connected to a small video camera watching me.
The minutes tick by.
Then I feel it. Building up inside me. Ready to explode. Clawing its way up to the surface, to the top. The animal usually buried deep inside me.
My skin tingles furiously.
The first thing I feel are my finger and toes stretching, my cheekbone moving, and my face reforming, I scream with pain that makes my throat itchy.
I don't care right now. I couldn't think with the pain.
My bones break, move, and reform. My skin threatens to break, and my spine feels like its fire. I rip my shirt off, I think my pants too, I'm not sure. While other bones expand, some shrink.
Darkness embraces me and for once, I'm grateful.

Now, I would continue, I really would, but, problem is, I don't remember a thing after the pain. I just remember waking up, naked, curled in a ball on our basement floor. It felt like I was experiencing the worst EVER hangover. Few years back, I snuck downstairs at one of my parents' christmas parties and snuck a bottle of Champagne upstairs with me. I drank the whole thing in like an hour. A major headache and Hangover the next morning, i swore to myself I'd never have a drink of alcohol till I was 21. This was far worse.

I heard the door open and close before I fully realise I'm awake. A blanket is thrown at me.
"Hey kid, you ok?" The gruff voice of Leo asks. Ugh, his voice makes this headache worse. Jerk.
I struggle to sit. "Yeah major headache, but fine"
Boxers, jeans, and a t-shirt are thrown at my head. Yep, jerk. "Thats normal. The camera's off, get changed then come upstairs." Duh.
After putting on my clothes, I walk upstairs to see Leo sipping idly at a cup of steaming coffee.
"Can I see it?"
"You sure" I know he knows what I mean.
"Yeah, please Leo?" It almost sounds like I'm pleading.
I watch the entire video, more like skimming over it. It's over 7hours long.
After I transformed, the large silvery wolf sniffed at everything, and ate the chicken leg we had put down there, and chewed at the bone for a few minutes, until getting bored with it. Then it paced, chased its own tail, which I actually laughed at, and then clawed at the door. It was almost exactly like a petdog. When it transformed back to me, it was exactly the same as me transforming into it, only backwards.
"How'd they take it?" I break the thick silence.
"On the outside, they looked calm, and looked to take it pretty well. But I know on the inside it was tearing them up. I looked in their eyes, and saw fimilarality, like they saw it before, only somewhere else."
I nod, trying to piece it together, where else would they of seen it?
"Alright, I have to go William, you mother has my cell number if you need to call. If you get any sudden pains or aches, call me."
"Uh, yeah, sure Leo" I mumble, but he didn't hear, the close of the door confirmed that.
I close my eyes.
Now I can feel it.
Deep inside myself, resting, is the animal.
The wolf.
I'm pulled from myself when I hear 5 sets of feet on the gravel driveway.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:24 am
Chapter 6

Swiftly walking to the window, I look out to see Mom(Chris), Dad(Dan), Alex, Steve, And Carol. Oh, man, Alex, Steve and Carol have been my friends since grade three, well Steve and Alex have.
Alex has vibrant red hair that always looks like he just rolled out of bed. His pale green eyes stick out from his medium skin tone. He's lanky, but muscled. He's actually the nerd of the group. Even though he doesn't look it, he can solve almost any problem you throw at him in any subject.
Then, there's Steve, Alex's opposite. He's the badass of the group. With his natural black hair, usually spiked, and storm grey eyes, he could probably stop a wrestler in his tracks with a glare. Even though he gets the worst grades out of all of us, he's still in grade 12 with us.
Ah, then there's Carol, the airhead of the group. She's a blonde. Her platinum hair, dyed, goes nicely with her sky blue eyes. She usually wears designer skirt, jeans and shirts. She actually isn't suppose to be friends with us. Carol is suppose to be with the "popular" crowd. But she dated Steve two years back, they got along great, but more as friends than a couple. As a couple they fought constantly. That's what you get when you try to put a badass and a prep together.
So, Steve introduced Carol to us, and we loved her. She fit perfectly into our odd group. All of her former "friends" disowned her.
Loud raps on our front door made me jump.
Sighing, I noiselessly opened the door, everyone walked past me, Alex was the first to speak.
"Where the hell have you been man?"
How could they, of all people, not know. I turned to my adopted parents. They both gave me a look that said: we-wanted-you-to-tell-them-yourself.
Come on guys, I'll tell you in my room" I growl humanly.
Up in my room, nothing has changed. Game, skater, and other magazines littered the floor and my desk. Bed unmade. My computer left on some game I had been playing. Posters of my favorite bands, singers and games practically covered my four walls. Whatever posters didn't cover, shelves of books did.
"Why are boys' rooms always so messy" Carol asked, her face wrinkled in disgust as she nudged some dirty socks.
"Why are girls so crazy about clean rooms?" Steve countered.
"Its a turn-on" Carol said with a straight face, that immediantly crumbled as she started giggling.
"Whatever you ditz" Alex chuckled.
"Back on track guys" Steve barked(Not literally), turning to me.
"Ok, guys" I started after the giggles subsided. "I have to show you guys something, before I tell you anything" I started taking off my shirt. "I was attacked 3 nights ago" Earning 3 gasps, I dropped my shirt on the ground.
The once scabbed over wounds were now almost healed, looking partly healed. Still pink and tender to the touch.
"Bloody hell William, what the ******** attacked you, a bear?" Alex whispered, as though if we talked too loud, I'd crumble away.
I shook my head "you guys aren't going to believe me."
"Try us" Carol also whispers, buts its more demanding, eyeign the almost healed wounds.
Steve seems like the only one trying to piece it together. "You said 3 nights ago, right? How is that those look almost a month old?"
"What attacked me was a werewolf. Before you say anything guys, let me explain. I kind of have proof." By now, they looked unsure, all except Steve who looked like he wanted to just ship me off to crazy people world(An asylum). "Stay" I growl, now sounding more animal than human.
I walked downstairs and grabbed the two tapes that Leo left here. Who was that girl? Why am I even asking myself that? Ok, great, now I'm speaking to myself.
I raced upstairs, two at a time.
When I opened my bedroom door, all three of my friends were sitting on my bed, waiting for me to give them the proof. I held up the tapes. I handed them over to Alex, who had gotten up, ready to do is tech-wiz stuff.
I grabbed my disgarded shirt on the floor and put it on.
"I warn you guys, it gets pretty graphic" I warn lowly. First, was the girl. Questions come to my mind again.
Alex, Steve, and Carol all look like they doubt my sanity now. Pfft, maybe I am going insane.
1 hour later, all three looked sick, all pale. But no longer doubting my sanity.
Even in this state, Alex managed to put in my video.
"Guys, this one is my...transformation" I warn again. Carols' head snaps up at me, but Steve and Alex look at the TV with blank expressions.
Carol suddenly lunched herself at me, weeping into my shirt. Thing is, I barely staggered when she hit me, but I hissed with pain from my still healing wounds. She took no notice.
"Oh God, Will, I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to go through something like this, no one should! How can you?!"
I almost cry myself, but I don't. I keep a hard expression on.
"Carol, watch then judge. I've become a monster" I growl. Again I sound more animal than human.
"You could never become a monster Will, NEVER" She counters.
Sobs rake her body, but she sits down next to Steve, who puts a comforting arm around her.
Another hour of skimming over the video, all 3 looked sick, pale, and like they wanted to leave, for good.
"I told you Carol" I whisper "I've become a monster" I stare at my hands.
Because of that thing, I'll never be the same.
Unknown to me, that would save many lives, maybe even my own.

Mrs Gey

Mrs Gey

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:26 am
Chapter 7

We wont tell anyone, we're friends" Steve chirps, avoiding eye contact.
"Thanks" I mumble.
"Ummm, we got to go" Alex mutters, already heading to the door, Coral was the only one who looked back to give me a pity filled look, before scurrying off.
I know none of them will ever really be my friends again, but I also somehow trust them with my life, even my secret. I guess that's why I told them. Showed them.
Soon, though, I'm alone, no longer hearing their feet crunch against the driveway.
Surprisingly, I feel anger and regret about telling them as I prowl downstairs. Curiosity bubbles and mixes with my anger and regret. Running through my mind and veins.
Both of my adopted parents are sitting at the coffee table, sipping slowly at their coffee.
"Tell me about my parents, my real parents" I growl. Now, surprisingly, I feel the beast on the very edge of my mind, waiting for me to let it take over. Shouldn't it be sleeping?
They both pale noticeably.
Dan was the first to speak. "Your mother, Angel, was a very beautiful woman, and i was sometimes jealous of your father, Max, until I met Chris" I almost gag at how corny that sounded "Soon though, all 4 of us became a group of weird friends. Then... Max disappeared. For 2 months we didn't see him, or hear from him. Angel was a mess. It took everything in us to keep her together, she thought about suicide often. Then... he just came back. Angel cried with relief when he appeared at the door. She fit easily into his arms, and he looked as though he could die from the guilt of leaving her. But, he was different. Without Angel, he was wild, but she seemed to tame him, she always made him calm. Then, he told us, after 2 weeks of being back. We, of course, didn't believe him, that he was a werewolf." My heart seemed to skip a painful beat. "That is, until he showed us. his transformation was smooth and painless, unlike your scream filled transformation" He shuddered at the memory "He seemed to have his own mind, and it wasn't during the full moon, it was about noon, in the middle of August. He let Angel pet him, and he just seemed like a playful puppy. Harmless. But, we all knew, that if her lost control, all of ours lives were in joepardy(sp)."
Chris spoke this time. "Soon, other people started to come visit him, from all over the world, some left, some stayed. Wesoon realised these people, were all werewolves looking for a pack, and Max was a powerful andvery respectedwerewolf, and packleader."
"Then, you were born. Angel adorded you. Never leaving you for more than ten minutes. Max loved you too of course, but he always had something to attend, and somehow always finding time for you. We all knew you were half though, we found out when you started walking, at a very young age. That was just reason one. Just weeks after you started walking, you stumbled and hurt your knees pretty badly, you cried and screamed and Angel and I went off to look for bandages, Max said you didn't need them. We came back, and it was already healed. That was reason two. We believed then, that you were going to transform whenever, without warning. Max always chuckled, and one day said another werewolf would have to bite you, for the werewolf and beast inside you to awaken."
My head spins. I was half werewolf. My real father was a highly respected werewolf?
Dan continued for Chris though, they weren't done. "There's more" He pauses "It wasn't a car accident that killed your parents, it was another werewolf. No one ever found him." How could anyone kill my father? A highly respected werewolf? How could another werewolf kill it's brotheren? Rage over powered everyother emotion and my mind was blank.
"I'm going on a walk" I mumble, slamming the door on watever they werw going to say, if anything.
Ip ick up speed as my mind starts to work again. Soon, I'm running at a speed the fastest runner would a jealous of. Blind rage is the only thing running through my system now. Branches snap at me and break in my way, and slim trees cower in my presence. My hands roll into fists and I want to hit something.
With a cry of rage, I swing my fist at a large tree, ignoring the warm liquid that runs from my cracked knuckles afterwards. I look at my knuckles and see the skin already repairing itself, looking as though I didn't just slam it against a tree.
The smell of blood on the wind is the thing that stop me completely, clearing my whole head. the wind os coming from my home. From where Dan and Chris are. Almost half a mile from me. I run more quickly and can't seem to get there fast enough as the smell of blood grows stronger in the air, meaning that there is a lot of blood spilled, not the normal amount. A bloodshed so strong and so big that who ever it happened to would be dead.
Not fast enough.
Still not fast or strong enough.
Now the smell is choking me.
I punch the door open, ignoring the searing pain, unprepared for what I'm about to see...
PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:27 am
Ok, whoever is reading this, if you have a weak stomach and dont like blood and/or gore, dont read the next chapter... There's a few graphic parts.  

Mrs Gey

Mrs Gey

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:30 am
Chapter 8

My stomach lurches painfully. I walk numbly into the kitchen, and feel my intire body freeze to the floor. It literally feels like ice has crawled down my spine, freezing my bones and joints. Chris lays on the floor, in a pool of her own blood. She'd probably still be alive, from the wounds that I can see, if her heart weren't laying next to her. I reach down, my hand shaking, and close her eyes, staring lifelessly up at me. I didn't want to see her that way. No life in her eyes, no longer being able to see her warm smile. I straighten up and walk carefully around her body, numbness gratefully taking control of my body, of my emotions.
What I saw last didn't even compare to this, to what is before my eyes now.

I could've saved them. But I wasn't there to help them. I need you to understand. Understand my pain. No! Don't feel pity for me. Don't feel Anger, or even Sadness. Try not to feel anything, even just for a moment. Thats how I felt. Now, after you've felt what I've felt, I warn you, my memory is very graphic during this part, it makes me sick to even think about it. Let alone tell you about it, say it aloud.

Dan hangs lifelessly in the air, supended by a thick rope. He was tortured before dieing. To die in this condition was a gift, maybe a blessing. To leave behind all this pain. I could barely make out his face, but I did. It was so twisted and mangled that someone, anyone but me, would've thought it were someone else. His Chest and stomach are in worse condition, if possible. His guts and insides lay beneathe his head, about a foot above the ground. One of his hands is about a yard away, three fingers missing. How could I not have heard any of this? Not smelled anything, until it was too late? Thick, deep gashes cut at random places on his body, the only peice of clothing still attached are what remains of his pants.
I walk calmly outside. But in reality, pain and sorrow are thick in my system, driving my unresponsive body forward. Once outside, I have my own head again. My legs give out from beneathe me and I heave up everything left in my stomach, not much. Sobs rake my body silently. Everything is shaking too badly for me to see anything clearly. Suddenly, sticks snap and my breathing quickens.
The beast inside is the only thing keeping me together, it wants to get out and I almost let it, take over, but I put up the box. I wince as the box mentally shakes and quivers. Things become sharpened and my senses quicken and pick up on everything around me. I even hear the heartbeat and breathing of the other werewolf.
My heart speeds when I realize what I've done, and what I see. A werewolf stands at the edge of the woods, not even 3 yards away from me. My box is still up, but it doesn't quiver and shake, as though under pressure. The wolf is inside the box with me, but under my comand. I am the beast. I am the animal.
I'm a werewolf.
Fur raises on my back and hackles and I crinkle my muzzle over my sharp teeth. The other werewolf walks from the trees, accepting my challenge. He was at least twice my size. He jumps at me and snaps at my breakable neck, I dance out of the way. He may be bigger and stronger, but I'm faster. I twist around and snap at his leg, and catch his front-left paw in my jaw. I bite down hard and hear it snap. But I don't move fast enough. He yelps painfully and turns around at me and snaps at my scruff, getting a good grip on it, he throws me 5 yards away, knocking painfully against a tree. White and black spots move into my vision and I can't move. Jaws crush my throat, and windpipe.
I can't breathe.
I can't move.
And I'm lossing hope.
My box starts to crumble and the wolf inside yelps and yips.
'Don't give up you moron, your good at this, this is your second time exploring the werewolf realm and you've successively transformed without the help of the moon, only pure bloods can do that, your a half breed.' Someone whispers in my head.
'Who are you?' I roar. Funny, I'm strong in here but I'm lossing my life out in the real life.
'Who else is in here? I'm the wolf that has been keeping you together, you loser. Look, I'll help, just promise you'll never give up' The whisper begins to fade, and I realize that while I'm dieing, so is he.
'I PROMISE' I yell in my head, and suddenly I can move and breathe again.
I shove the werewolf off me and feel warm blood run down my throat from his bite. I stand and lunge at him, digging claws and teeth into his pelt. My teeth get a hold of his hind paw andI snap it, like the front paw.
I take the chance now and run at full speed into the woods, ignoring the branches and trigs tearing into my pelt and paws, just running. It feels wonderful. I feel so free. Then my energy runs dry. I fall and crumble to the ground.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:35 am
Chapter 9

Three months. It had been three months since they died. For those three months I've been in prison. Literally. When they found me, I was bruised and bloody. From the struggle, they said.

I hope I haven't lost you. I'm sorry I skipped through three months, but it's easier this way. Anyhoo, a person said they heard noises,so the nosy people they are, they called the police. Of course, they came to the house and saw the bodies, and the mess. Then, they went a little further and found me, on the forest floor bruised, bloody, and naked. I was in that prison for I don't know how long, but it was for the best. Destiny I guess you could call it. Now, I don't believe in all that Mumbo-Jumbo, but what would've happened if they sent me to the Crazy House? They only sent me here because I didn't speak, not a single word about what had happened. If I told them, I wouldn't even be here, I'd be at the Crazy House.

Bored, I let my mind wander. All the cell mates in this place keep far from me, probably because of my Aura, because I'm a werewolf, normal people tend to stay away. Even the guards barely touch me, and when they do, they quickly retract their hand, from the look or glare I give them. And probably the fact that they all think I killed Chris and Dan. If I do anything, breathe the wrong way, move in a threatening way, they send me down to a cold and dark cellar for a week, no food or water. But with the wolf inside of me, I don't die from starvation or dehydration.
Then there's them. A group of people, always different, except for one guy, always looking at me. Spying on me. Bloody creepy. I feel their eye on me now, and turn to them. Four of them today, and the white haired, glasses wearing one is there. I lock eye with each of them, and three of them turn away, four-eyes keeps his eyes locked with mine confidently. I smirk and don't look away. After I think a whole minute, he blinks and turns away. I smirk in triumph.

Don't ask, it's a werewolf thing. Like a silent battle. It's the same as a staring contest, only better. Whoever blinks first or looks away, losses and has to back down. I've won everyone of those with him.

An alarm rings and burns my ears to the point where I want to claw them off. Lunch is over. Now we can either go back to our cells, for some sleep, just hang out in the cafeteria, or go outside to walk around and get some fresh air in the large area they have cut off for us. I stand and look over at the group. Standing on the balls of my feet, I watch with curiosity as they shuffle in my direction.
I start walking towards them, but make it look as though I'm walking towards my cell. But really, I just want to be left alone.
I stop when I'm beside them, and then we begin walking, as though we're the best of friends, except without smiles.
"What the hell do you people want? You've been looking and spying on me for what, a month" I question evenly.
"We're all werewolves, and we're a pack, we want you to join us. Because it's not a whole lot of fun when your a loner, plus you have a larger chance of survival when in a pack" A small purple haired girl with crimson eyes says timidly, looking me in the eye to show me she's not bluffing. She's kinda cute. Red rises in her cheeks as though she hears my thoughts, and turns away.
'It's because you were looking at her so intently' A voice rings in my head and reminds me of it.
"And you wont get killed here" Four eyes sneers.
Now my annoyance rises and I can't help myself from saying: "I've been alone for about three months, I'm sure I'll be fine, four eyes."
"You wanna go, pup" Four eyes retorts, his eyes wild.
I know, almost for a fact, that he can't transform whenever he wants, and control it. Like I can.
"Can you handle it?" I growl, completely dropping the fact that I had to be careful of what I did, so I wouldn't a) be thrown down in that damned cell and b) transform.
"Can you?" He growls, and I see the others take a step back, except the small, purple haired one. I can hear the beast in his voice, but it's concealed and can't get out until a full moon. A smirk comes to my lips.
"I sure can" I drop to a crouch and bring my foot under his own, so fast no one can follow my movements, not even the other werewolves, then I'm on my feet again, Four-eyes below me, looking dazed and surprised all in one.
"What the hell?" He growls, staring up at me, but I'm already walking away, towards my cell.
"Now now, children, no need to bicker" A new voice says to my back. A female.
I turn and my jaw drops. "I know you" I say.
"Oh, do you?" the girl says, looking at me through her dark hair at me.
"Do you remember Leo?" I ask. (yeah, I think you guys know where I'm going with this)
Her heart jumps in her chest, so loud I hear from where I am. "Yeah, why?"
"He helped me" I stall
"He helped me too" She says.
"He showed me your... transformation, to help me get through it, to show me what would happen" I respond.
She doesn't speak to me, instead turns to her pakc members "Peter wants to see us" Then turns to me "You too"
Now my annoyance peaks and blasts through my control. The wolf inside is now excited from my annoyance and wants to let free, I almost let him. "Look, I don't want to join your stupid clan, of pack, whatever your calling it. I. Don't. Want. To. Join. Did you get that through your thick head yet? Leave me alone and you won't have to deal with the pain. If any of you try to talk to me, or even touch me, I'll kill you" I turn and start to stalk forward, but a hand on my arm stops me and intakes of breath surprise me. But I do it anyway.
I whip around and grab their throat, smashing them against a wall, probably creating a small dent. Crimson eyes stare back into my surprised ones. We stay like this for a whole minute. She's at least a foot above the actual floor, and surprisingly, no guards saw any of this. I drop her and mumble "Sorry" So low that the others can't hear. I already see a bruise popping up on her throat. The moment she hits the floor, she down coughing and hacking trying to get air back into her lungs, but when I start to walk away, her hand shoots upand grabs my shirt, stopping me. Even though she's coughing hard, she still wants to do what she meant to do. I bend to her level on the floor and she controls her coughing and breathing.
"Meet me at my cell at exactly ten tonight, I know a place where you can Transform and stretch those other legs for the night" A small note is dropped into me hand we both get up and walk in different directions, as though nothing happened.
I open the note in the safety of my cell, and it reads:
Thats it. Nothing more, then I realize this must be her cell number. I flop onto my bed and close my eyes, and almost immediantly I'm in alight sleep, even the slightest of noises can wake me.
'Hey! Hello, wake up! I want to go and stretch my legs, you get to every other day, I want to do it tonight!' A voice rings in my head, waking me.

Since the first time the wolf has talked to me, I can't get rid of him, so he's just kind of there. Even now, he still talk to me. But it was I guess good when I was in prison, it helped pass the time.

I quickly and quietly slink from my room and look for room 537. I find it and standing outside her cell, is the girl.
"My name's Jenna" She says quietly, sticking her hand out. I take it carefully and shake.
"William" She smiles warmly and keeps her hand in mine, and starts leading the way.
'Oblivious mutt' his voice mumbles in my head.
'What do you mean?'
'She likes you'
'No she doesn't, she's just being nice, to help you and me, so that you stop complaining'
We reach a steel door and she quietly opens it, no one's behind it, but it feels like I'm being watched. I turn halfway around and meet the eyes of Four-eyes. I pull my lip over my teeth and almost growl at him.
"His name is Ellija, he likes being in control and when you came along, he wanted to control you too, like he does with all of us, so when he couldn't control you, he just decided not to like you" She informs me when I turn back around, she must've known Four-eyes, I mean, Ellija would be there watching us go.
The room we stepped into is dark and has just one window, the moon shines brightly through it and I step away from Jenna and into it. The moon has a certain feel to it. It feels nice.
I put up the box and let the animal inside take over from inside the box. Everything sharpens and brightens. A gasp of surprise sounds from behind me and I turn to Jenna, smiling fully, wolfishly.
"Your so beautiful" she murmurs, her hand is out from her body and she looked as though all she wanted to do was to touch me.
I walk forward and push my head against her palm and she smiles, then drops into a crouch and starts petting me as though I wasn't some killing machine with claws and teeth that could kill her with any wrong movement.
I knew, at that moment, I was in love with Jenna

Mrs Gey

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 2:48 pm
ahh this stinks i like all your stories too much!! haha they are all so good, keep writing ^^  

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