The Elephant Boy

My name is Sam. I am 10 years old, and I'm a freak. I don't know why I am this way, but I just can't stand it. The humiliation, the pain, the suffering. This is all because I'm differant from everybody else. I was born with something that has caused me all this pain and more. It's all because, I have elephant ears. I can't stand the fact that I have these two huge ears on both sides of my head. I can't stand the fact that I am so differant from any other human. Sometimes, I don't even think that I am even a human. All I know that is I am not normal. I can't fight away the glares, and comments, and parents telling their children not to stare while they keep their eyes stuck on me. Even people with extra fingers and toes are stareing at me thinking the same thing! As I sit here, I think to myself, why? Out of everybody else in this world, I had to be the one to be the freak.
As I was thinking to myself, a few of my classmates come up to me, then kick me to the ground.
"Hey elephant ears! Whatcha doing? Admireing the dirt, because it's more normal then you!?" One says, and the rest just laugh in agreement.
"Why are you just sitting there? Answer me!" He yells, but I just ignore him. He grabs the collar of my red and blue stripped t-shirt, throws me to the ground and pins me down.
"I said anwser me, you freak!" He shouts in my face. He takes one of his hands, forms it into a fist and starts to punch me in the face. I feel the bruises forming already as he repeatedly landed blows to my face. Five minutes later, the bell rings for us to come inside for class. He gets off of me and startes to walk to the school. I get up on my feet and he turns around and pushes me back down.
"Freak" He grunts, then he starts back to the school again.
Once I finally got to class, I was late, because I had to wash off all of the durt and mud that blanketed my clothes. Once I had come into the classroom, Mrs. Tinley looked over at me and yelled at me to get out of the classroom. I protest and say that I have done nothing wrong. But I remeber that she does this because she doesn't like my ears. They distract her too much and she thinks that they are discusting. I slowly walk back out into the hallway and sit against the wall. In the classroom, I could hear Mrs. Tinley mutter, "Damn freak, why can't he be normal like the rest of us."
As I heard her say that about me, I buried my face into my knee's and let a tear trickle down my face. I hated who I was. I had no friends. Nobody who loves me for who I really am. My life, was but a nuisance. I huge waste of flesh and bone. Everyday, this is what I go through this, and it is very painful. It is like pouring salt into the open wound. Yes, it is that painful. But, this is nothing compared to the pain I feel when I am at home, with my parents.

I play in my room with the only thing that really cares about me. My teddy bear, Wilbur. He doesn't call me names, or does he physically hurt me. He is the only one that understands my pain and comforts me when I truly need it.
While I am telling him about what had happened today, I hear a door slam. I realize, that Father and Mother are back. I hear my name called, I come downstairs and notice that Father's hands are formed into fists, he has this angry look on his face that looks like he's going to strangle someone. To be correct, he was going to strangle someone. I was the victim. He takes a step toward me and graps my throat with intense force and slams me to the wall, leaving me hanging like I have a noose around my neck. My airways are cut off and I cannot breathe.
"Whar's wroung? Can't breathe, you little b*tch?" He pulls me away from the wall and throws me on the stairs, again with intense force. Tears stream down my face as he tightens his grip on my throat.
"What's that? Are you crying?" He then throws me to the floor.
"Why did we have to end up with a child like you?" I hear my mother complain."Why couldn't we just have a normal looking child?" Then, she picks me up by the hair and drags me to the bathroom. She opens the cabinet and takes out a pair of really sharp scissors and starts to cut my hair into differant lengthes and completely destroys it. She then takes my arm and starts to cut them very deep. My arms bleed instantly. Once she was done, she walked out and locked the door. Now, I was all alone in the bathroom, my hair destroyed, my arms bleeding, and heart broken, yet again. Why does this happen to me you say? It's because I'm differant. Just a little bit differant. I just don't understand why people can't just accept me for who I am and not what I look like? Sometimes, I don't even know who I really am. All I can see is these big things that are on the sides of my head I call my ears.
Later on, I notice that the door was unlocked. I opened the door slowly and peer out and see where my parents were. I look over at the sofa and see that they are both sound asleep. Now was the time. I walked into the kitchen quietly, noticing that it was 12:00 at night. I ignore the clock and go and took a big knife from the drawer and slowly make my way toward Mother and Father. I stand infrount of them and they notice me and start to wake up.
"Who is it?" Father manages to murmur. I raise the knife above my head and say, "Your murderer...". Then, without my control, I start to stab Mother and Father with the knife that would be the thing to help me get out if all this pain and suffering. Finally, when Mother and Father are no longer moving, I quietly whisper, "Good Bye, you B*tch." Then, once I had regained control over my body, I dropped the knife beside my feet and fall to my knee's. I start to laugh. I laughed at how foolish Mother and Father have been. Beatign me would only bring them death. They didn't know it, but they do now.
I pick up the knife and walk out the door. My next victim, was the kids at school. I knew where they all lived, so it wasn't that hard to find them. One by one, I murdered them, I am showing them what they did to me. All of it. I also took care of Mrs. Tinely. She lived just a block away from me, so she was taken care of. Finally, I was finished, I murdered all of the people who made my life a living hell. They are all gone, and never coming back, ever. I went back home and went into my room, not even noticing that Mother and Father are dead on the sofa, to play with Wilbur before all of this started. When I sit down, I see this sad look in Wilbur's eye. It's like he was crying to be exact. He was looking at me like I did something very wroung. He was telling me that what I did was wroung, that I should have manged my anger in a differant way. I started to complain. "But they made me feel that pain! They are the one's that brought this on themselves!" He just looks at me like he's saying "Your wroung Sam, your wroung."
"No! Your the one that's wroung!" I yell. Then I grap Wilbur and cut him up with the bloody knife I held in my right hand. Once I see all the peices of my only friend on the floor infrount of me, I notice, that he was right. What I was doing wasn't doing anything. It was only making my pain hurt more. I have become even more of a monster then before. Tears crawl down my face. I get up and run down the stairs and out the door. I run, and run, and run from my past. I run till I am out of breathe, and I find myself at the park. I see a bench, run over, and sit down and bury my face in my hands on my legs. Tears streaming down my face. I suddenly feel someone but their hand on ym shoulder. I lift up my head and notice that there is a little girl standing right infrount of me. She looked like an angel. Her skin was a glowing soft colour, her hair was like a bleach blond but a bit more white, it came half way down her back, her bangs covered one eye. Her eyes were an angelic blue. She was beautiful.
"Why are you crying?" She asks in her angelic voice.
"I have done somehting very wroung." I answer.
"What have you done?" She asks.
"I-I murdered people that hurt me." I answer again.
"Why did they hurt you?" She asks, concerned now.
"They hurt me because I'm a freak. It's because of my ears. It's because I'm differant from everybody else. I don't know why they couldn't just accept me for who I am. I wish I could be normal like you are."
"Listen, everyone in this world is differant, nobody is the same." She argued lightly. She then put her hands ontop of mine that were lying dead on my lap.
"And in this world, everyone is blessed. even you, and me." A sudden breeze went by as she finished and blew her bangs away from her hidden eye, then I saw that her right eye, was a crimon red.