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~A Forgotten Memory~ ~Caida104~

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:04 am
A Forgotten Memory

Chapter one: Pieces Of A Dream

I was ninety-nine point nine percent sure I was dreaming. I knew this because this was too clear to be real. He was right there. Just in my reach. My brother, Xavier. But there was someone else. A dark figure. It was tall. It looked like a man in about his late twenties, his back faced toward me. He then turns and I feel his bright crimson eyes on my face. I closed my eyes waiting for him to kill me. But, when I opened my eyes again, he was gone.

I opened my eyes and found myself in my room. I was wondering what just happened, then I remembered that I had a flashback about what happened when I was fourteen. My brother, was murdered right before my eyes. He saw stabbed several times and bled to death. It has haunted me for a long time now. But I know that Xavier would want me to be safe and happy so I try to ignore it. But, he was the only family I had left. My parents died during the invasion.
On the day I was born, a army of creatures that had the appearence of a human and drained human's of their blood. Monsters in other words. I lost both my mother and my father. My father was a handsome, strong, hard working man. My mother was beautiful. Like a angel from heaven. She had long chestnut hair and light brown eyes. She had held me in her arms until the moment she died. She was in my room, sitting in a rocking chair, singing songs to me. Then the nightmare begun. There was a loud noise and then people crying out in pain. My father was outside in the madness and ran inside to make sure that we were alright. My brother was with him. But, before he could reach us. One of the monsters came through the window. It scanned the room, slowly searching for prey. My father then came through the door and saw the monster heading towards us. Father ran towards the monster and tried to grab it's neck. But, instead, it grabbed his neck and strangled him. His body fell to the ground. It turned around and headed back towards us. His eyes fell to my mother. She was shaking like she has never shaken before. Her eyes were small. She held me even closer to her chest. It's gaze then fell onto me. It's crimson eyes were like magnets, I couldn't look away. It returned it's gaze to mother. It lifted it's hand and lifted mother's chin. She didn't struggle or refuse. It then it brought it's face to her neck. I heard a loud gasp. I looked up and saw the blood running down her neck and on the monster's lips. I heard Xavier scream in the corner. His eyes tiny, his mouth wide. The monster then removed itself from mother. She wasn't breathing. Blood was dripping down her body. I noticed that there was some blood on my check too. I look up and see that the monster is just about to leave. I let out a little whimper and it looks back at me. Tears slowly crawled down my small face. I finally got to see it's face. It had shaggy black hair, a pale, almost white face, and bright glowing eyes. It's eyes met my face and it it's eyes widened. It then started to groan in pain and grabbed it's head. It then looked back at me for a second and jumped back out of the window. Xavier came out of the corner toward us and took me from our dead mother's arms. We fled. The monsters didn't really notice us. They payed no heed to a sixteen year old carrying a newborn child in his arms. We ran for a week when we found a small town. We lived there for fourteen years until the invasion came back. This time, they took Xavier. He died trying to protect me from them. We were in the streets when it happened. It was raining that cold bloody night. They were killing people from this small town called Queensville. Dead bodies everywhere you looked. But all I could look at was Xavier and that monster. It was the same one. It's like we were drawn to each other like magnets. Xavier was lying on the ground motionless. I turn around to him to see if he was still alive. Barely. He didn't have much time left.
"Xavier! Brother!" I scream ignoring the things that were happening behind me.
"Alice. Are you...ok?" He managed to choke out. It was like he had no idea what had happened to him.
"I don't care if I'm ok or not! Your the one that's hurt! "
"Alice, you have to understand. I don't have much time left. Please, take this." He slowly took the necklace he always wore, took my hand, put it in my hand and closed it. "Please, keep it."
A tiny tear crawls down my cheek which triggers more tears. "Xavier!" I lay my head on his chest as he whispers his last few words.
"Goodbye. Alice" Then, he was dead.

That was all I could remember. I was too scared to remember anything else. I got out of bed and walked to the door. I opened it and saw that Victoria was at the door. She looked really tired. It seemed that she has been waiting there for a while.
"What's wrong Victoria? Did something happen?"
"I'm sorry. I just had a random feeling." She blushed as she said this.
"What would that be? Come inside and you can tell me." She slowly made her way into my room and sat on my bed.
"Now what s it?" I asked worried a little bit.
"Well, you see. You know that I am meeting my "husband" tomorrow? Well, I had a feeling that he won't like me." She turned a brighter red.
"Doesn't like you? Come on. What's not to like? You are a nice, innocent, beautiful girl. Who wouldn't want to marry you?"
"I know but, still..." She trailed off.
"Let me guess. You think he's fallen for another girl?"
"You should be a mindreader, not a maid." I giggled.
"I would, but I enjoy being a maid too much, and even if he has fallen for another girl, once he sees you, he'll change his mind. I know he would." A shadow moved when I said this. A chill jolted up my spine. I spun around and nothing was there.
Was a dreaming? But I could have sworn that something was in here.
"Alice?" I had just remembered that Victoria was with me.
"I'm sorry. I just got a little chill."
"Ok. So you really think he will like me?" She asked, still a little but concerned.
"Yes, of course he will. Now you better get some sleep. You don't want him thinking your the living dead." We both laughed.
"Ok, thank you Alice!" She skipped out of the room. I decided that I should get some sleep too.  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:05 am
Chapter Two: Meeting

The sun was shining brighter then ever as he arrived. I was standing beside Victoria and I noticed that she was a bit shaky. I'm guessing she slept well because she looks fine, but I could tell that she was still a bit worried, and when she is worried about something, I'm worried about her. I gave her a little nudge.
"It's going to be fine." I whispered. She nodded and turned to look at him. He had nice black hair and bright blue eyes, practically angelic, he did look like a angel. He wore all black, black suit, black shoes, black everything. He walked up to where we stood.
"Hello. How are you ladies ding this morning?" He asked very politely. He was more of a gentleman than I thought he would be. I was impressed. I have never seen not just any man, anyone with manners like that. Even though everyone says things like 'How are you?', he said it with nothing I have heard before.
"Hello." Victoria and I said at the same time. We both let out a little giggle that wouldn't be able to reach his ears. He lifted his hand and took my hand, lifted it to his lips and kissed it. I started to blush. I finally got to see what he truly looked like. He was too beautiful for words to explain. He was like an angel that fell from heaven. He was that good-looking. He then turned to Victoria and did the same thing.
"Shall we go inside?" I asked, trying to find myself.
"Of course" He said and offered Victoria his hand. She took it and walked with him inside. I followed. She turned her head and looked at me with a cute little smile. He was watching her and let out a little laugh. We went into a room with a fire and some furniture I forgot we had. There was a brownish red love-seat, two red chairs, a black sofa, and a glass table. Victoria and the handsome man took a seat on the love seat and I took a seat in one one the red chairs. I decided to start the conversation.
"So, could you please tell me what your name is? you look very familiar."
"Of course. My name is Demetri Johnson. And yours?"
"My name is Alice Parker. It is a pleasure to meet you." I raised my hand toward him, he took it and shook it. His hand was as cold as ice. It sent a chill running down my spine. I let my hand drop once he let go of it. If he had held it any longer, my hand would have been frozen solid. This man was something new to me. I have never felt anything colder then him. He was a strange one alright. I was too lost in thought that I didn't notice him trying to talk to me.
"Alice?..." He said wondering what was wrong with me.
"Oh! I'm sorry! I was justing daydreaming." I lied.
"You sure your ok?" He asked this like he really cared. He was just probably saying that because it would be proper.
"Of course I am. Fit as a fiddle. Heh heh heh..." Pathetic... I thought to myself. How can I be so stupid. Foolish. He must think I'm some kind of weird freak.
"Ok then, If you say so. Nice place you got here." He said as he looked around the room. I saw him eyeing some of my paintings.
"You paint?" He asked, looking straight at me and no one else. How in the hell did he know that I was the one that painted them? I swear there is something with this guy that is really starting to scare me. I keep on wondering what is going to happen next. Things were getting to hard to predict.
"They are wonderful. So full of color. It's like I'm really in them." I'm guessing he saw pictures that were so much better than mine.
"They aren't that good. I didn't put much effort in these ones. As you can see."
"No, I think they are wonderful. Are you working on any right now?"
"Yes, I do believe I am. But it's not even close to being finished yet."
"May I see it?" He said with a hint of teasing.
"No, I don't show people my paintings until they are finished. It's my little rule." God I sounded so foolish.
"Oh." He chuckled. "I see." I gave him a annoyed look. He chuckled again. He really found my anger funny. Well, I wasn't really angry it was just that he was annoying me. Anger was a bit too much I calmed myself and and finally said "Would you like to get your things into your room?" This would draw him away from the topic.
"Oh yes, of course." He got up, Victoria on his arm and went to the stairs. I followed and directed him to the last room on the right of the long hallway. He walked in and acted surprised at the space and how big everything was. The bed, the window, everything. He may be able to fool others but he couldn't get past me, never.  



PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:06 am
Chapter Three: Trouble Sleeping

The day went by so quickly I hadn't even noticed. We helped Demetri unpack his things and ate dinner. That's not much to do on a beautiful August morning. We could have gone for a walk but we can save that for tomorrow. I was too exhausted to take a walk in the dark, it was too dangerous too, even with Demetri with us, I don't think he can take on a pack of wolves. Not saying he's weak but I just have a feeling that he couldn't , he'd have been killed and Victoria would have been mortified. I could never let that happen, not in a million years. I had finished putting my nightgown on when I heard a strange noise outside my door. I had a feeling that it was Victoria roaming the hallways, fumbling in the dark. I took a step toward the door and felt this shock flow down my body. I figured that it was just static so I ignored it and continued to the door. I grabbed the handle and turned the knob slowly so the squeaking noise didn't scare her. I peeked out the door.
"Victoria, get back to bed. You won't be able to stand up strait if you don't get some sleep." But Victoria wasn't there. I slowly walked to her room and opened the door slowly, trying not to wake her even though the door wasn't squeaky like mine was. There she was, sound asleep in her bed. I noticed that the light beside her bed was still on. I walked over to turn it off and I noticed that there was some strange mark on her neck. It looked like fang marks, but I knew that there was no animals in this house, nor could any get in this house. This was very odd. I checked her bed to see if a needle had stabbed her neck, but then I thought that needles can't make holes that parallel to each other. I decided that I must have been seeing things because when I looked at her wounds, they were gone, vanished. This kind of scared me, but I just decided to forget all about it and see what was in the hallway that was not supposed to be there. I walked to the door and felt that same shock when I was in my room. There was something strange going on here and I had to find out what it was. I opened the door and closed it quietly. I walked down the corridor and found nothing out of the ordinary. That is, until I got to the last room at the end of the corridor. There was Victoria's crib when she was a child. Her baby clothes were in a dresser all neat and tidy. The rocking chair by the window where I rocked her to sleep every night. The room looked a lot dustier than when I last saw it. I never went in this room. I don't know why exactly, it just sends chills up my spine. Once again, it did, it felt like waves of an ocean crashing over me and taking me deeper and deeper, drowning me. I then felt something behind me. I couldn't look back. It then put it's ice cold hands on my shoulder. It brought it's mouth to my ear and gently whispered,
"Hello Alice." It had a gentle sounding voice, yet it was familiar. I spun around as quickly as I could and saw the flawless face of Demetri standing right in front of me with a grin.
"My my, Alice, why would you be up this late? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" He said with a hint of teasing.
"I should ask you the same" I spat back. He was really trying to annoy me till I snapped. Which is about to happen very very soon.
He only grinned more.
"You're right. But you should really get to sleep, you don't want to be sleepy tomorrow." He teased. He was really getting on my last nerve. I decided to do what he says. I start to walk back to my bedroom when he puts his hand on my shoulder and says one last thing.
"Alice, you are a great person. So I must warn you, don't get too close to me when strange things are happening. I just don't want you or Victoria to get hurt." What was he talking about? Strange things? Is something going to happen? And why should I stay away from him when that happens?
"Good Night" I hear him say after he took his hand of my shoulder. I could here his footsteps disappear when he went back into his room.
My body was shaking uncontrolably. I couldn't move for about ten seconds, I was thinking about what he said. Then I thought, he was trying to scare me. I shook the thoughts out of my head and went back to my bedroom. I pulled back the blankets and slid into them. Gently, I closed my eyes and when to sleep. Suddenly, I heard a voice, a familiar voice.
"He's not lying." I woke up and screamed.  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:07 am
Chapter Three: Trouble Sleeping

The day went by so quickly I hadn't even noticed. We helped Demetri unpack his things and ate dinner. That's not much to do on a beautiful August morning. We could have gone for a walk but we can save that for tomorrow. I was too exhausted to take a walk in the dark, it was too dangerous too, even with Demetri with us, I don't think he can take on a pack of wolves. Not saying he's weak but I just have a feeling that he couldn't , he'd have been killed and Victoria would have been mortified. I could never let that happen, not in a million years. I had finished putting my nightgown on when I heard a strange noise outside my door. I had a feeling that it was Victoria roaming the hallways, fumbling in the dark. I took a step toward the door and felt this shock flow down my body. I figured that it was just static so I ignored it and continued to the door. I grabbed the handle and turned the knob slowly so the squeaking noise didn't scare her. I peeked out the door.
"Victoria, get back to bed. You won't be able to stand up strait if you don't get some sleep." But Victoria wasn't there. I slowly walked to her room and opened the door slowly, trying not to wake her even though the door wasn't squeaky like mine was. There she was, sound asleep in her bed. I noticed that the light beside her bed was still on. I walked over to turn it off and I noticed that there was some strange mark on her neck. It looked like fang marks, but I knew that there was no animals in this house, nor could any get in this house. This was very odd. I checked her bed to see if a needle had stabbed her neck, but then I thought that needles can't make holes that parallel to each other. I decided that I must have been seeing things because when I looked at her wounds, they were gone, vanished. This kind of scared me, but I just decided to forget all about it and see what was in the hallway that was not supposed to be there. I walked to the door and felt that same shock when I was in my room. There was something strange going on here and I had to find out what it was. I opened the door and closed it quietly. I walked down the corridor and found nothing out of the ordinary. That is, until I got to the last room at the end of the corridor. There was Victoria's crib when she was a child. Her baby clothes were in a dresser all neat and tidy. The rocking chair by the window where I rocked her to sleep every night. The room looked a lot dustier than when I last saw it. I never went in this room. I don't know why exactly, it just sends chills up my spine. Once again, it did, it felt like waves of an ocean crashing over me and taking me deeper and deeper, drowning me. I then felt something behind me. I couldn't look back. It then put it's ice cold hands on my shoulder. It brought it's mouth to my ear and gently whispered,
"Hello Alice." It had a gentle sounding voice, yet it was familiar. I spun around as quickly as I could and saw the flawless face of Demetri standing right in front of me with a grin.
"My my, Alice, why would you be up this late? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" He said with a hint of teasing.
"I should ask you the same" I spat back. He was really trying to annoy me till I snapped. Which is about to happen very very soon.
He only grinned more.
"You're right. But you should really get to sleep, you don't want to be sleepy tomorrow." He teased. He was really getting on my last nerve. I decided to do what he says. I start to walk back to my bedroom when he puts his hand on my shoulder and says one last thing.
"Alice, you are a great person. So I must warn you, don't get too close to me when strange things are happening. I just don't want you or Victoria to get hurt." What was he talking about? Strange things? Is something going to happen? And why should I stay away from him when that happens?
"Good Night" I hear him say after he took his hand of my shoulder. I could here his footsteps disappear when he went back into his room.
My body was shaking uncontrolably. I couldn't move for about ten seconds, I was thinking about what he said. Then I thought, he was trying to scare me. I shook the thoughts out of my head and went back to my bedroom. I pulled back the blankets and slid into them. Gently, I closed my eyes and when to sleep. Suddenly, I heard a voice, a familiar voice.
"He's not lying." I woke up and screamed.  



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