Name: Ask me!
Age: 20
Gender: Ask me!
Occupation: Student
Relationship status: Single, Bi, Looking
Looking for: Long / short term relationship, friendship
Species: Anthro fox / wolf

About yourself:

Hey there, although it may seem a little off putting, ask me for my name and gender, as I don't like giving things out freely here.

I am currently in school and one day aspire to be a system and network admin.

I like all sort of international music, anime, manga, sci-fi and of course, furry.

I definitely like to hang out with friends and I love all my friends dearly.

If you want contact info (such as email address for IMs, phone number, or whatever...) send me a PM and I'll reply as soon as I can (Im on 24/7)

Oh, and I am also looking for a serious RP mate, so feel free to talk to me about that too.