FUNDS: 33K in pure, various items if needed. n_n
ART TRADES: Open!~ PM me for samples.

I'd like you to draw my quad character in anthro, please!~ Thanks for looking at my thread, by the way.

If your art is awesome, I'll try and pay you, but I don't have much. XD
That being said, freebies would be best, but it's understandable if you need payment. =3

I have several reference pictures, but I need a good ref sheet for a fursuit purchase, because after making one myself, I realized I'm not the greatest at it....

Here are some reference pictures.~

(full body color) && (head shot) && (complete-ish ref)

He's a boy, just to clear things up.

Samples of your art would be very spiffy, along with a price range if you want payment. Please try not to draw unless I say you can, because I only have so much Gold and I'd rather be sure of what I'm purchasing, if anything. =3

WIP pictures would be nice, too. =D Digital art is also preferred over traditional, but it all depends. n_n You don't have to color if you don't want to, but color is awesome!

If I don't respond here, please PM me if at all possible.~