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Reply [IC] Kusini'Mwezi Lands [IC]
[PRP] Finding a way back...

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Lonely Explorer

PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:29 am
Mismatched white and blue eyes traced the outline of the entrance to the den before him. When he had been younger, this place had always seemed so big, as if it could swallow him whole. Yet it was still comforting to see that things have not changed in his absence. Hearing of Mng'Azira's death had been a shock. She had always been so kind and nurturing... In fact, she reminded him of his own mother — whom he had yet to greet. Other than speaking to Isoke, he had only seen a few others, nodding respectfully to them as he made his way to meet with the one whom he was told would soon be King of the Pride.

He didn't remember Uumikaji from his youth... Though that was probably due to the fact that they never crossed paths, and he had left shortly after the other lion had come back to the pride with Isoke's older sister, Syeira, who was to become the pride's queen, as well. So many things were changing... But no one could really cause time to stand still, could they...? Perhaps these changes were for the better...

The young adult shifted on his paws, trying to take the few extra moments to really work out in his head what he was going to request. He had had what he was going to say to Mng'Azira in his mind, knowing that she would be kind to him and welcome him back, without any doubt. She knew him from when he was young, and she would know he would never do anything to bring harm to the pride... But this Uumikaji... he had no idea what he was like.

He took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly, before forcing himself to move forward, crossing into the entrance of the den. There, he shifted on his front paws, folding one under — proving that he was entering with no intention to cause harm — and then respectfully bow with lowered head to their soon-to-be King. "Your Highness," he began, speaking levelly while keeping his as unthreatening as possible, "My name is Tafari, son of Tisha. I wish to hold an audience with you to discuss my returning into the pride." It would probably help to check and make sure that Uumikaji was actually in the den, but he thought it best to keep his head down, lest he be disrupting anything important...
PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:01 pm
image to come

Such a long time had passed since Syeira had gotten mad at him, and she still was mad at him. Becoming king had done little to quell that anger in his mate, if anything she just seemed bitchier of late. She didn't like him going too far from the den, didn't really talk with him but also chastised him often enough to stop sulking. He wasn't allowed to be miserable, she'd probably get pissed if he was happy (though Uumi being a happy lion was a rare and odd sight to behold) and the longer she stayed sour at him the more upset he was, though nothing compared to when it'd first happened and he'd let himself waste away, hiding on the outskirts of the pride wishing he'd just die. Still, at least the rumors and gossip had completely disappeared on the day of the couple's initiation into royalty, most believing nothing had happened to sour the relationship because of how normal the pair had acted. But it was simply that, an act. Syeira would never forgive him!

He groaned and bumped his head against the cool earth of their den, he'd taken to spending many hours in the dark but large space. He really didn't understand why they'd moved to such a large den, it wasn't as if they were going to fill it with cubs or anything. His skin crawled just thinking of the notion, very happy all of his children were finally grown and the curse of another litter on the way was lifted. Of course... that was probably due mostly to the fact that he'd cheated on his dear, beloved mate. He thumped his head again, content to wallow in self pity.

He almost jumped out of his skin though then he heard your highness, and then began to cough. He had a very difficult time breathing when he was upset or angry, and often when he was surprised like just then he was upset and angry. He spluttered and choked, still facing away from the stranger as he tried to get himself under control. For a wild moment his mind had jumped to Asi, the huge moron that the lion was... still, Syeira's father could definitely kill him if he so wished. But then he'd remembered that he, himself, was your highness. He wanted to puke just knowing it.

It took him almost ten minutes to calm down, still wheezing slightly as he shot his gaze over his shoulder. He'd heard something about Tarafi, Tish and audience. Didn't this a** know anything? His eyes floated wildly around the den, wishing Syeira was here. As cold as she was to him she was the one that was useful in these situations. He wasn't even sure if he was allowed to hold... audiences?

And the bowing! What the hell was that about? Uumi's face was a mixture of being very lost and very disgusted, feeling vastly out of place being treated as he was. What was this guys name again? He'd mentioned Tisha... no... if Uumi thought back long enough he was pretty sure Tisha had been Ari's friend, or something. So that left... "Tafari, you said? Please don't do that.." He grunted, gesturing toward the lion. "The bowing... the your highness.. don't." The tone wasn't demanding exactly, just very uncomfortable. And he was beginning to feel a bit trapped in his own den, with the male blocking the entrance as he was. "er... haven't you... ran into Syeira or anything? She is queen... I assure you she'd be much more helpful... please back out... let's... sit in the sun." The last of his sentence had started strong but ended up muttered, because he was only trying to make an excuse to go into a more open space. And bid his time!

Syeira had to come back to the den sometime tonight, didn't she?


Blessed Hunter


Lonely Explorer

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 8:31 pm
The coughing and wheezing that reached his ears was enough to have Tafari curiously lift his head, concerned for the sovereign inside the cave. “Your Highness…?” he questioned softly, slightly apprehensive of what was going on. He hadn’t thought his presence would cause as much alarm as it had… Or rather, he was assuming it had been alarm that had the somewhat older lion in such a state of distress. Glancing cautiously around the den, he could see that no one else was in their company, which in turn had him wondering if he should advance in order to see that the other was okay or if he should stay where he was. His mouth opened again, about to ask if Uumikaji needed his assistance, but paused as he was stopped, being told not to bow or call him by his title. Who was he to refuse…? He bowed his head respectively again, though carefully pushed himself back up to stand, before slowly backing out of the den, allowing the king to exit as he wished.

“No…” he responded to the lion once they were both out of the den, allowing the warm afternoon sun to shine down on them, “I have just returned to these lands and have only spoken to one other.” Tafari kept his head lowered, wanting to be respectful and courteous, especially since this was their first real meeting. Glancing curiously over at the black maned, red coated lion, he could remember catching a few glimpses of him when they were both a bit younger, though their interaction had been no more than maybe a glance and a nod in mutual respect. Being around Isoke was most likely what had caused those few times of unspoken, minimal interactions.

Looking over the other lion now, he could see just how opposite they were in appearance… His own mane was the purest of white, his eyes light — one a soft grey, the other blue, and his coat was just as light as his one eye. He couldn’t help but imagine what their meeting looked to a passerby. Perhaps it was as amusing as he imagined it was… Although, why it amused him, he did not know. But one thing was for certain… Something seemed to be troubling the young king — he could see it in his expression, in his bloodstone eyes. It wasn’t his place to question anything, but perhaps there was a way to ease his troubles…? It must not be easy being king of a pride…

“Please forgive me for prying,” he began, keeping his voice soft and low, lest he attract unwanted attention from others that this conversation had nothing to do with, “But… are you well, Your—…?” he clamped his mouth shut, having caught himself, not wanting to offend him if he had no desire to be called by his title. He continued shortly after the pause, not wanting him to get the wrong idea, “You just seem troubled… Is there anything I could possibly get or do for you…?” He was just offering! Tafari never thought he was very good at comforting others, so this was the only way he could think of doing so.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 5:41 pm
Just returned? Uumi seemed to take a harder look at Tafari, wondering just where it was the male had been for so long. If Uumi wasn't basically tied down to this pride he would have high-tailed it back to the pridelands, which he still stubbornly claimed to hold the most beautiful land. He especially didn't want to be in the Kusini lands because of his responsibility and how much it'd grown. King! Ha, what a joke that was! He really wondered sometimes just how he'd ended up with a lioness like Syeira, very intelligent and very deserving of her place as queen. Still, why did he have to be put as kind at the same time?

He didn't really care who else it was the other male had spoken to, Uumi really didn't count it as his business. He was probably the worst lion in the world to try and have a conversation with, seeing as he was very selfish and concerned only with what was happening in his life. Now that they were outside and Uumi was feeling less trapped he still didn't offer his full attention on his guest, his crimson eyes were wandering over the land in a desperate search for a mate that clearly wanted very little to do with him at this point in time. He really thought she should be the one handling this- and everything. In fact, he was sure she'd feel much safer and like things were running better in the Kusini if she took care of it all. With the elders to help her, if she needed it. He'd already been warned that he couldn't just go kicking lions out of the pride, which had been a big pity to Uumikaji. He would have rather liked shoving Denahi out, even though he had recently become an elder himself.

His eyes snapped back onto his fairer companion and started to narrow. Oh wonderful, he was asking about his well-being! Uumi hated this sort of thing, talking. He was much better at it now though, and more behaved with his words. Having a family and in-laws that hated you helped. Have to be good, have to be good.. He repeated the thought over and over in his mind, knowing full well he couldn't just tell Tafari that what he could get was a clue and what he could do for Uumi was buggar off until Syeira was around to assist him! At least he didn't know about any of the gossip that had been flying around...

Actually the poor fellow seemed a bit clueless, most of the pride tended to stay away from Uumi because of his tendencies of being a d**k, and here Tafari was seeking him out! "Mm, I'm as well as I ever will be." He offered up, his voice bitter. Indeed he did not look well- skin and bones, lanky... it was almost as if he did not exist in the caring, close pride that was abundant with food. He looked perhaps like he had been lost and wasting away in the desert for days on end. "There is nothing to fix what you just witness in the den, I've had the problem since cubhood." He was speaking smoothly, surprised at how calm he was able to make his words. "And the only thing I could use right now is my mates total forgiveness, but I don't see that quite in your power." The last bit was spoken softer than his other words, almost as if he was sad saying such things. He shifted and sat, tail curling around his paws.

"Er... so what did you want with this whole... audience.." He'd been about to spit out the word garbage but had caught himself last second, though it still made his sentence end awkwardly and his expression a bit twisted as he worked his maw a moment and then it snapped shut.

He might even have been thankful for the appearance of Asikari or Denahi at this point!


Blessed Hunter


Lonely Explorer

PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 3:43 pm
Actually… he wouldn’t mind if Asikari or Denahi showed up, either… Not because he thought there was anything wrong with Uumikajii, but because the other two knew him. His mother, he knew, had… something going on with Asikari, according to Isoke, and Denahi he’d met when he was only a cub, first coming to the pride with his mother as rogues. He wasn’t sure about what they would say to him for being gone for so long… but at least they knew how much he loved his mother and the pride. With Uumi, he had to pretty much prove his worth, which he could hopefully accomplish through just… talking to him.

He sat there silently, waiting patiently for the darker lion to respond to him, lowering his head in an understanding nod when he responds by telling him that he was… as well as he would ever be. He certainly did not look well. Perhaps there was something that Isoke failed to inform him about…? Either way, the other male did not seem to want to talk about such things at the moment — or ever, really. Though, should he have told him to leave him along, he would have been obligated to do so, and would have without complaint. Tafari frowned lightly at his words, though trying not to confuse his sympathy with pity. He knew what it was like to upset someone he cared about, wanting their complete and total forgiveness, even if it may be pointless to attempt such feats.

Keeping his eyes on him as he awkwardly continued, Tafari couldn’t help but feel the corners of his mouth twitch a little. It probably wasn’t funny to anyone else but him, and in actuality, it wasn’t funny to him, either! Just the effort Uumkaji seemed to be exerting in order to control what he was saying was, well… just a bit humorous. Of course, he couldn’t just tell him that he really didn’t mind if he went ahead and said what he wanted to. There was obviously a reason as to why he was holding himself back, and therefore he should be left alone.

He didn’t seem bad. Although he hasn’t been able to get to know him all that well, just the fact that he was sitting with him now, speaking to him, albeit awkwardly, proved that he could very well be the king they need. Ah, of course, he was referring to ‘they’ as the pride he hadn’t been officially welcomed back into yet, but that was beside the point. Uumikaji was more or less some fresh blood, bringing in a new perspective from his own upbringing and being able to compare it to what was happening now. Though… it seemed like the poor guy was having mate issues — unless he seemed to misinterpret his words just a few moments ago. It was never the best feeling to have the one you cared most about to be angry with you… He would know.

“I would like to request membership in his pride again,” he said as smoothly as he has been speaking, hoping that with his own tone of voice he would be able to maybe… coax Uumikaji into maybe keeping his fair temperament. Again, it wasn’t as though he had anything against him. It just seemed as though a bit of encouragement would draw the other out of the discomfiture he seemed to be dealing with whilst speaking to him. Tafari would have elaborated, but he wanted to allow the topic to sink in a bit, especially since the darker lion seemed to be having a bit of difficulty in keeping his mind from wandering.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:35 am
As the words popped out of Tafari's mouth a large wave of confusion and slight inklings of amusement washed across his face. Was he even allowed to grant permission into the pride? He seemed to look around for the hundredth time during their little sit outside, desperately wishing Syeira would come back. It was not as if someone had sat him down and told him the rules, said what he could and couldn't do. Actually he got the feeling no one really wanted him to be doing anything, for the pride's own good.

Further more, how was he supposed to buy time and put off giving this guy an answer? Uumi's face had finally settled into a frustrated frown, because he hated this sort of s**t. Why did he have to sit and decide if he was or wasn't allowed to answer this lion? Why did he have to be a lion that others requested membership into the pride from anyhow? He didn't want to be a king, far from it. He had always just wanted... to be with Syeira. Maybe he had not realized it all of those seasons ago, when they first were together. But now? That was all he wanted. And he had messed it up so terribly well, he had been such a b*****d about everything.

He flinched slightly as he came back to what was going on, tearing his mind away from that retched hole that was the whole affair business. He really couldn't keep his mind off of it, but he desperately wanted to avoid the feelings of guilt and disgust of himself. "Er... well.." Uumi just stared at Tafari, and sighed. "I'm not really sure you should be speaking to me about this." He said slowly, and then felt a little embarrassed. He should have been able to tell him yes or no, shouldn't he of?


Blessed Hunter


Lonely Explorer

PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 9:29 am
Tafari sat patiently, waiting for the new, seemingly easily distracted king to process what he was asking. Since he had not been in the lands in quite a while, it was difficult to tell whether something was normal or not. Perhaps Uumi was always like this…? Then again, he was the king, and he had to have many things weighing on his mind. It was no wonder that he was unable to respond directly after being posed a question. Not only did he seem distracted, but upset about something as well. His eyes looked sad… And at this point, Tafari has to remind himself to stop staring so intently so as to try and interpret every slight movement of his company.

The paler lion shifted where he sat, though not enough to distract the still young ruler any more than he already was, nodding politely to his response once it finally left his mouth. It wasn’t exactly the response he was looking for… He had hoped for the king to maybe ask him why he thought he was worthy enough to be allowed back, or what he could do to prove that worth, or something of the like, but he kept his thoughts to himself, not finding it very tactful to go about asking the king why he choose to avoid the topic rather than being more assertive in his title. Maybe he just wasn’t used to it yet…? Surely there were reasons that he had no right to question.

“Perhaps I could return another time…?” he said slowly, trying not to let the reluctance in what he was muttering slip through in his tone. After coming back to the lands, leaving to wait for a better time for the king to decide was the farthest from his mind. He had his mother and siblings to see. And Isoke… She was still waiting for him. Even after so long, she was still waiting — why, he couldn’t fathom, but he wouldn’t let her down again. It was not his place to make the king decide what he wanted or did not want to do, after all, so he would have to allow Uumi to do whatever he wanted for now. Maybe after a day or so he would be willing to see him again…?

[IC] Kusini'Mwezi Lands [IC]

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