Safaia & wooga Paes

The Lady waited anxiously for the lioness that was being sent to them. They had recieved word fro the Central House. Imagine! Someone from Central coming to live with them? No matter how much her mate tried to calm her, the fact was something special to her.

She paced her resting area, knowing that the lioness would probably be sent to her when she arrived. Mio was not one to wait patiently, though. Her pale purple eyes glanced around to find that no one was close by. She wasn't technically breaking any protocol...she was just being informal. That's all.

"Hmmm, what could she be like?" she asked herself as she emerged from her resting area, intent of finding this lioness. "She must be something if she's from Central."

Hm, okay. Find the purple. Purplepurple.

It'd been just yesterday that Zuma received word that she was to settle up in the West House. It was about time she got placed somewhere, really. So she didn't mind in the least, and had spent the night in her makeshift den before making her way to the west.

She'd never met the lord or the lady, but she'd been told they were purple. And they knew she was coming, but she still didn't want to just pop up unannounced. So instead, Zumaridi stayed toards the outskirts, keeping an eye out for any signs of purple and white.

Finally, she actually spotted something. A pretty pale purple female. So this one must be... "Rén? " She called out, ears perked to make sure, and using the proper Tianxia name.

"Hm?" Who was that? Her ears perked as she heard her name, her proper name at that. Her eyes swiveled around to see someone that she had never seen before. "Oh, um, excuse me," she said politely while nodding her head.

"Would you happen to be the lioness that the Central House is sending to the West? I-I heard that they were supposed to arrive today, but that was all I was told." She smiled shyly, still not doing as well with strangers as she should. Bit by bit though she was getting better.

"I am the Lady Rén of the West House. It is a pleasure to meet you, new House member," she said with a small bow. It never hurt to be polite.

Oh, she was right! This was the lady. Now Zuma quietly cursed herself for not having started off more politely, but shrugge dit off for now. Apologizing like crazy wouldn't make her first impresisons any better!

"Yes, that would be me. " She smiled, a bit thrown off course by the bow and wondering if she should do the same. Unsure, Zuma just dipped her head. "The pleasure is all mine! I am Mingyu. "

Mio smiled, feeling more relaxed by the minute. She seemed quite polite, and not at all what she imagined. Then again, Mio's imagination could get the better of her. "I'm glad to meet you, Mingyu," she said with a sublte purr. "It's a pleasure to have someone else join our House." Chuckling, she continued, "We've got quite a few cubs around, I hope you don't mind any." Nine was a little much for a couple to look after, especially when there was so much else to keep track of. One day everything would run smoothly, but for the moment it would just feel crazy.

"I wasn't sure what skills you possessed, as the message only said you would be joining us soon. I hope it doesn't seem too forward to ask you, but we're lacking paws in certain areas, and anything could be of some help, as your House is still small, even with all the children running around."

Her ear sperked slightly at the mention of cubs. "Well, actually.. I'm more of a.. nanny. " Ooh, convenient that she'd be sent to a house that was with a bunch of cubs. Hm, perhaps that was precisely why she'd been thrown this was.

"How many are there? And I'm glad to help in any way possible. "

Mio squealed slightly. Quite...unlady like. Rangi was a good nanny, and Nia was working out well...but they did need their breaks. They weren't technically nannies, but with the shortage of ones to help their tasks changed to fit the situation.

"Wonderful! We have two Ladies-in-Waiting that are acting as nannies at the moment, but I'm certain that they would like a break once in a while. We have nine children currently," she commented. She shifted slightly, not sure if she should offer the new lioness all of the Houses secrets...but she seemed genuine enough. "Six of them are orphans, actually. Aishang, one of my ladies, is raising them as her own children, but she's never been around many children so it's proving difficult," she explained with a giggle. "We're doing well, but I'm sure another set of paws and eyes would be welcomed warmly."

"Hm. They children might love it if you have stories to tell them. I fear they're tiring of the ones we have, and none of us are very good at making any up." Creative the House was, but not all of them were touched with it. Oh well. Hopefully they would find one soon, or even one of the children might show the talent for it.

Zuma was quietly amused at how Mio had started acting, but did a good job at not laughing. She perked her ears, listening as the lady spoke and nodding whenever it seemed appropriate. Nine cubs was quite a pawful. Hm, six were orphans? Poor things. "Well, I'd be happy to share the load! " She nodded. Even though Zuma loved cubs, that many would get her pretty tired too. She pondered that last bit, tapping her chin.

"Well, I'm sure I could think of something. " She'd told stories to kids before. It certainly wouldn't be the first time... Hopefully these cubs wouldn't end up the same way, though.

Mio nodded greatfully. "Thank you, Mingyu." She hoped that she wouldn't regret it...but with how she spoke of children, Mio was certain that she wouldn't.

"Just to clarify, you won't really need to see the Lord that often. Trust me, it's probably a good thing. He's not bad, but well...he can be a bit crude. You'll mainly be working with Aishang and Feng Zhi, my two ladies." Her tail twitched as she recalled the names. "And reporting to our chamberlain, Jing Xinli, if you have any problems." She bobbed her head a bit before continuing. "Of course, you can always come straight to me. I don't mind. Just remember about Jing if you can't find me. Sometimes I'm not always available."

Mio almost wanted to purr, but knew that would be much too informal. Instead she merely offered another nod. "I'm sure the children will love you. A couple might be a bit of the pain, but most boys are when they're young." And they don't always mature, either, she thought.

She nodded. "Its not a problem. "

She frowned slightly about the news on the lord. Mio was probably right, if the Lod was.. crude, Zuma was happy not to have to deal with him much. She didn't usually deal well with people like that, even though she would if she had to. "Alright. " She nodded, writting down the names in her mind. Aishang and Feng Zhi. Report to Jing Xinli if you can't find Mio. Got it. Zuma smirked slightly at the mention of boys. Tell me about it.. She quietly peeked in on a few far-away memories. "I'm sure we'll get aong great. "

Sighing as if she had slightly been holding her breathe, the lioness let her body slacken a bit. "I'm glad." She would never really be able to pin-point why she had been so nervous. Probably because Mingyu had come from the Central House, and that was where the ruling pair lived. Mio had much respect for the Empress, especially when they recieved the West House. It was a chance to start their own lives, and to help others. She had been thrilled, if a bit naive on how much work it would be. Regardless they had been doing well, and she wanted to show how she appreciated the Central House for helping them.

"Is there anything else that might concern you?" she asked. "You may den anywhere that seem pleasureable to you, and hunting right now is shared with all."

"Mmm, no, not really. I'm good. " she'd been hanging around the pride long enough, and though she figured things differed from house to house, Zuma thought she knew pretty much anything she'd need to know. And if she needed anything else, she could just learn along the way! "Alright, I guess I should get to that then, if you don't mind. " she could use a nap after navigating the highlands until she got here. This was one of the tiny annoyances of such a large, tricky territory. Even to move aorund on the inside was tiring!

"It was a pleasur eto meet you, Lady Rén. " she smiled, bowing her head politely. "and thankyou for accepting me into your house! "

Mio nodded. "It was. I will seek you out later, but please rest. There is a stream just to the west of this spot. Thankfully always clean and available." Mio certainly needed to remember to explain where everything was better the next time.

She offered another nod, accepting the bow. A small thrilling jolt of energy zapped through her. She walked off slowly to her resting area, but she couldn't wait to see her friend Nia and explain all the good things that the new nanny would bring. This wwas definately what they needed. She must send a pleseant report to the Central House right away on the pleasure that they had offered her House.