Well, I've been marked for getting kicked off the site, though this might be my last post if I get kicked off, or at least until I set up a second account.

The idea is for a game called King of Machines. You start that game as a man waking up in a weird sort of open tomb. You walk through the halls of a large gothic caslte, and manage to find no one. As you continue, you find yourself on an open balcony, watching a fight between several thousand humans and steam-punk-ish robots. Upon seeing you, they stop and rush for the castle.

After a long fight trying to escape, you wind up with the humans, who give you the lowdown, since you don't remember anything. Long ago, in a kingdom called Utopia, the great machinists made the machines. All was good, as the machines lived in harmony with the humans and vice-versa. Your character, son of the king of Utopia, came under attack one day, and was almost killed. As you laid dying, the machinists fixed you with technology, and made you part machine in the process. All was well in the kingdom, until the Machine Generals in the king's army rose up with you as their leader and overthrew the king. You changed your name to Clockwork, and the kingdom's name to Mechanica. However, shortly after you began your rule as the king of the machines, the Generals imprisoned you, putting you in a deep sleep since you were part human and part of what they thought was so weak.

Since you finally woke up over one-hundred years later, the humans believe that you can help them overthrow the Machine Generals and their army with the use of a magical weapon called the Mage Gear, which will allow you to use powerful magic, even though you are a machine. Upon touching the Mage Gear, you are told by the spirit of the gear that you are a man divided, and you must choose your path: embrace your human side and fight to undo what you did and regain your kingdom, or embrace your machine side, fighting the human resistance and the machines to regain your power and former glory.

There are several weapons, armors, and abilities you can gain, and your powers and weapons upgrade a-la-Fable where you get points for using a weapon. Also, your weapons and skills will upgrade differently based on which side you choose. For instance, if you choose to use heavy armor, it will turn into Holy Armor on the human side, which will heal you over time, and Blood-Fueled Armor on the machine side, which slowly increases the damage you inflict.

I might post more on the weapons, abilities and armor later, since this post is getting long as is.