Name: Richard Schard
Aliases/ Nicknames: none so far

Physical Description: User Image

Age: 28 (died at 25)

Zanpaktou's Name: takai and senka

Zanpaktou's appearance:
takai:User Image senka:User Image

Zanpaktou: not achieved Richard has twin katana's. Takai has purple handel with a black blade, and senka has a dark blue handel with a dark grey blade.

Shikai Release: Devour, Takai! Attack, Senka!

Shikai: not achievedUser Image
((right hand: Takai, left hand: Senka)) Takai absorbs near by spiritual particles and concentrate it into pure black energy witch he uses to attack. Senka can chage his shape into any weapon that Richard wishes.

Takai's Bankai: not achieved User Image
When Takai is in control of the bankai, Senka goes into a deep slumber. Takai absorbs large amounts of rietsu and morph them into his attacks. He also can absorb other energy based attacks as long as they aren't as strong as him. His speed increases and so does his skill with kidou.

Senka's Bankai: not achievedUser Image
When Senka is in control of the bankai, Takai goes to sleep. Senka has the ability to morph the shadows into weapons. Though he is slower in this form, his superior defense and offense make up for it.

Fusion Bankai: not achieved Richard has the clock form Takai's bankai and the armor from Senka's. This form is the perfect combination between the two. His speed, offense, and defense increase and he has the powers from both. This bankai though puts Richard through a lot of strain and he can not substain it for long. And when he finishes it, he is too weak to fight back.

Special Accessories: none

Skills: He is strong and can take his punches

Personality: a little gruff, but friendly. When he gets into combat though he becomes a different person. He ignores whats happening around him and can even became so engaged that he will forget the combat when its over.

Biography/History: He was a young soldier in the vietnam war. He fought for the U.S. There he was notted for his berserker like attitude in battle. He would pay no mind to the surroundings and fight and until their was nothing left to fight against. When he came back to America he had a hard time setteling his life down, moving from place to place, couldn't keep a steady job. This pace continued until he died under mysterious causes. Richard has no memory of how or why he died.

Signature/Patented Technique:

Guild Status: unassigned

Online Schedule: no set time, but I try to be on once a day.