Second ever post in this guild. Woohoos.

Anyway getting to the point, I would like to share some artwork with you all. One is a random OC and another is... I don't know what.

Original Char.
I kinda messed up on the anatomy on this one. I just thought of her today.

10 Silly Demons
My scanner is horrible and takes no colorz so it looks bad. I might take a picture of it sometime. I had lots of fun on this one. c:

Which one do you like? Gimmie gimmie your opinions and Easter candy! P.S. Anyone want to do an art trade? ' 3' Also I apologize if I don't reply to you I might have left the thread.

Mediums::10SillyDemons- ZIG Pen, Various Markers OC- No. 2 Pencil