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A pair of red eyes was looking out over unfamiliar lands. Chinatsu had left her homeland and her family to find something better in life. She wanted to be a part of something bigger, something special. And she felt that she couldn't find that at her old home. She had left one early morning when you could still feel the cool air when you where breathing..

The young female had a white base as a coat some black was covering her chest, face, backlegs and her tail. Her eyes where red so was her hair and her nose it almost looked like it had been dipped in gold. The lioness was very proud of her coat and she didn't mind some compliments from now and then.

She had heard of a new pride that was growing fast into these areas maybe this was the place where she would find her new home? she didn't know. The young female had found out enough information so she knew she was in the right place the only thing she had to do now was to find someone in these lands..