This post should house answers or links to info for frequently asked questions relating to Sims gameplay. Currently it doesn't house much info but it will be added to as the mods and I come across more frequently asked questions.


Q. Where is my Downloads folder?

A. If your game did not automatically create a Downloads folder, don't worry! You can make one yourself! Go into My DocumentsEA GamesSims 2
Right-click and go to 'New Folder'
Name the folder Downloads, it IS case-sensitive.

Q. Why won't my Custom Content work?

A. There are several factors that would cause CC not to work.

1. Whenever you install a new expansion pack, CC is automatically disabled. When you run the game the Custom Content Dialog box should appear asking if you want to enable custom content. Tell it yes. You must then restart your game for your changes to take effect.
To stop the CC Dialog from showing each time the game starts, you need to go to your settings in-game (found under the three dots) and check the 'Disable Custom Content Dialog at game startup'.

2. The CC you downloaded requires additional meshes/downloads to work properly. Find the page where you downloaded the content and read over everything on that page to be sure you didn't miss anything.
If you use Mod The Sims 2, it should tell you on the Downloads page if you need a mesh or not.

3. A simple mistake, but one a lot of people make, is forgetting to 'unpack' their downloaded files. If you download zip or RAR files you must 'unzip' or 'unRAR' them first so that you are left with files that end in .package which then go straight into your Downloads folder.

Q. What is a mesh?

A. A mesh is basically the shape of something in the game. Everything needs a mesh and every mesh needs a texture, or 'recolour', to show up in the game. A basic Sim without accessories is made up of a body mesh, head mesh and a hair mesh. Objects usually consist of a single mesh.


Q. What is an NPC?

An NPC, or Non-Playable Character is a Sim that is designed to perform a specific task and cannot be interacted with. Examples of these are the Grim Reaper, the Psychiatrist, the Repo Man and the Streaker from University. Sims such as Maids, Firefighters, and Nannies are also classed as NPCs even though they can be interacted with.

Q. What are 'townies'?

A. 'Townie' is the term used to describe any Sim that does not live on a lot within the game, excluding NPCs. They are the Sims that randomly walk past your lot, kick your trash can, steal your paper and populate community lots.
Townies that came with the Nightlife expansion pack are known as 'Downtownies'.
Seasons introduced 'Garden Club Townies' that are members of the Garden Club and will come to inspect your garden when you request a visit.
Bon Voyage has its own type of townie families that are used to populate hotels when on vacation and 'local' townies. These differ to regular 'Townies' as they can only be invited to your home for a maximum of three days at a time.
With Apartment Life, 'Social Townies' were added. Each 'Social Townie' belongs to a specific social group which can be identified by the clothes that they wear.
The term 'Townies' can be used to refer to any of the above.


Q. Why are my walls/floors flashing red?

A. If the walls or floors of your Sims' houses are flashing red then it means that your graphics card no longer meets the requirements of the game. To try to solve the issue you can try updating your graphic drivers or getting a new graphics card. This problem first appeared in Family Fun Stuff.


Q. What can cause a crash?

A. Many things can cause the game to crash including conflicting custom content, an out of date graphics card, clogged fans which cause the computer to overheat or corrupt game data/files.