More often now then ever emotions from my past lives filter into this life. confused I see things from my past feel it and relive it sometimes. It mostly happens out of meditation. What's more is that if i have a close bond with you i can see into your past lives. I've seen into my friends lives enough to know she and another one of my friends she was close with used to mother an daughter. another two were also mother and daughter but they weren't very close and often indifferent to each other the reason being the daughter ran off at a young age but the mother doesn't hold any resentments. I have a group of friends I've known through countless lives. If we are at all born into the same world we never fail to find each other. heart heart I love them dearly. heart heart out of all of them I'm the oldest 4laugh not sure how old my soul really is but about 15000?? give or take a few years... rolleyes maybe more... life is so strange... this world is always a mystery. ninja