Name: Vrraili
Gaia name: Ficklerich
Age(in wolf years): 4 winters
Description: Fae wore a mask of ebon, muzzle dipped in rich chestnut, speckled with flecks of gold and silver. Her pelt, much like her muzzle, was a deep chestnit, flecked with color here and there. Her underbelly, a pure white, fading into the rest of her pelt. Her long fur disguised the layers of muscle that lay beneath, giving her a brute-ish build. Vrraili's eyes, which some have said have the ability to see into one's soul, were of two colors- her left was silver, with black around the edges... leaking down into the pupil, and the right a deep shade of
crimson.Black horns protruded from her head- which was fairly rare in a female wolf of her species, and twisted slightly... reaching for the heavens.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Background: Rp to find out
Demon or no (aka powers or not): Not.