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~Possible Delta Female~
Gaia Name: A1icee
Name: Renae Salem
Age(in wolf years): 4
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
Current Mate: none at the moment
Physical Description:
Wolf description-
Renae has a silvery coat that seems to glimmer under the light of the moon. her eyes are like deep amber pools that resemble the stars that flicker in the night. her figure, slender and powerful, and her legs long and receptive. Her tail curves around in a crescent, creating a whirl of fur when the wind blows from her tail. She has a smile that could scare anyone and a stare that burns so intensely she could project herself easily into a conversation. She is the essence of confidence and the soul of wind. Her voice resembles a velvety smooth sound that could send almost anyone into a daydream or a clouded vision.
Human description-
Renae has long, flowing golden hair that shines like the morning son. Her warm skin accents her hair as it glows with life and joy. Her face holds a strong bone structure and her smile is extremely contagious. Her lips are rosy red and her eyes glimmer even without light. Her eyes resemble that of a cat's shape, but hold a deep amber color like the sap of a mighty oak tree. her teeth are a bright white and her figure is fit and slender. her body is warm to the touch like many other wolves and she has an average height of 5'5". Her voice resembles that of silver bells, soft and velvety smooth. She could coax even the wildest of beasts into a calm relaxed state with her intelligence, wit, and the sound of her voice.
Powers (demon, wings, elements, etc): Renae has an acute sense of hearing and an ungodly ability to run. and I do me run. Renae is also considdered a demon, for she has the ability to change in to a human as needed.
Personality: Renae is to be characterized as independent. She's outgoing and cunning and almost always has a smile on her face. She may be inquisitive at times, but it's all for a good reason. She is also quite bubbly and happy and feels a need to watch out for others. She may just be to kind for her own good, but she easily learns from her mistakes and others.
Background/History:Renae grew up on her own, abandoned as a child in the streets of France it was there she picked up common sense and 'street smarts' if you will in her early childhood. she learned how to fend for herself along with many other common things some children didn't learn until they were older. Because Renae was so different, she was an outcast to society. She then decided to move north into Russia where the cold would be welcoming and the people accepting of who she was. So she began her travels there, her being an arctic wolf made the cold seem quite welcoming, she lived just outside of Moscow after a long year of traveling where the caribou ran free and the water flowed endlessly. It was only after a week there she found it to be boring, and that she in fact enjoyed traveling. So she set off on her never ending journey, alternating between human and wolf on her ways as a change of pace. It wasn't to often she did this anymore, but she did on occasion. It was two years she spent traveling the world, seeing different sights, tasting different foods, and resolving any conflict she ran into. It made her feel as if she was wanted, as if she was at home in a way. It was only recently she was accepted into a pack for her strengths and she settled down in such a wondrous and diverse place.