First off, lemme introduce myself... I am Zero... things have been rather hectic as of late, which I suppose is why it took me so long to post this... anyway, I have an idea concerning a vehicle...

The car: A 1994 Pontiac Grand Prix SE sedan. Has a L82 3100 V6 engine and a 4T60-E transmission.

The idea: Take the engine and transmission (and other drivetrain components) from a Pontiac Aztek (or Buick Rendezvous) and transplant them into the GP.

The thoughts behind the madness: The engine from an Aztek (LA1 3400 V6) is a descendant of the 3.1L engine in the GP (it's just bored out) and so it should just drop in (in theory) and the same goes for the transmission. The transmission I'm interested in is a 4T65-E M67 with AWD capability. And yes, I do plan on using that capability. That's where the 'other drivetrain components' comes in. smile

The main issue(s): Would the drivetrain for the rear wheels fit under the car? Probably not without some modification and rerouting of some under-car hoses and pipes is my guess. The wheelbase for the two vehicles only has a difference of .8 (Aztek's 108.3 in vs GP's 107.5 in). Would this cause any stress on the transmission or the rear differential due to the driveshaft possibly being too long? Also, I'm pretty sure the ECM would have to be swapped, due to it not knowing how to deal with the AWD transmission.

So, there's my idea. You guys got any thoughts? It would be much appreciated.