
I have to take my gun to a shop before I can shoot it? Ain't gonna happen.

I loved to see how easy it was to defeat the locking device and the confession of the maker that no lock is 100% secure if someone wants to defeat it.

Stupid. Just plain stupid.

I'm not sure, my German is rusty.

But I think 2.5 million Euros was sunk into this piece of s**t.

I'm sure the parents of the kid that went and shot the school either told the kid in confidence about the lock, so he was able to remove it, OR the kid picked the lock.

You're not going to stop a determined soul, but they screw everyone else over because they think they can.

I'm sure Fresnel, that if they pass a law making those mandatory, they will make the people register gun barrels just like they do with frames.

Did you see that guy's CZ? Nice.
You know the whole bullshit about 'ballistic fingerprinting'? I could defeat it with $150.

1) Shoot someone with a Glock.
2) Buy new barrel for Glock
3) Buy sledgehammer with what's left over
4) Switch out barrel
5) Sledgehammer old barrel

profit, blah blah blah. $150 is better than 25 to life.

Wow, what a waste of money.. i could beat it with $15.

1) buy a box of ammo
2) shoot said ammo
3) Clean gun
4) ????
5) Profit!

Each round that goes through a barrel alters it slightly and seeing as how you now have 50 rounds to burn through it, as well as the bore brush, they will never know.

You need one more '?'.