Name: Ranto Hiwigara (Ran-tow, He-wegaara)
Aliases/ Nicknames: None

Physical Description: Normal 14 year old height. Brunette hair, style of it is like Hitsugaya's, but longer, hazel gold eyes, slightly pale skin. Muscle tone is about slightly above normal.

Age: 14 (Died in 2006, Feburary 14th)

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Gangaru

Zanpaktou: Not Achieved

Shikai Release: "Prepare, Gangaru!"

Shikai: Not Achieved

Bankai: Not Achieved

Special Accessories: A special necklace with a shard of topaz, given by his sister.

Skills: Martial Arts, skills with a sword. He is also very intelligent, but speaks normally, not like a scientist.

Abilities: While his intelligence is impressive, he shows no emotion most of the time.

Personality: Calm, Quiet, but no emotions makes people wonder about him.

Biography/History: Born into a family that started poor, who grew rich quickly. He was given everything that his parents didn't have before. Of course, this resulted in his no emotions, that and being tutored by the best teachers in the world, which explains his intelligent attitude as well. When his sister was born, he grew happy for awhile, before their parents did the same for her. His sister was called Misty, but he usual called her Mist-chan, or imouto. He died on his birthday, which in turn, almost no one showed up to his funeral, because he was murdered. He currently lives alone, eager to learn and fight.

Signature/Patented Technique:None

Guild Status: Member

Online Schedule: My times are random, but I'm definitely on on friday's from 12m-2am