(( Green = Caj, Black = Me ))

Patroling was definately not typical of the Lady of the Northern House. Many others did so, though more adept than she at the task, and there were other things that she usually attended to back at the main dens. A lady had to keep her house running smoothly for her lord, after all. But today she had really needed the fresh air and a bit of solitude.

She walked slowly along the steep rises of the landscape, her jewelry jingling a bit as she went. She had no need for secrecy or stealth, so she didn't mind. She just crept along the borders, filling herself up with joy of tracing exactly how large their lands were. To think, she had been wandering aimlessly with her sisters before all of this...the change was needed and deserved. She found herself smiling.

Roaming. Roaming. Good God, when had he gotten so into walking all over the land? He wasn't getting any thinner- if anything the long treks only made him hunt for more food when the hunger struck. He was even starting to lose his reservations towards killing the innocent, yet delicious, animals that unwillingly served as a lion's food.

So why do it?

Perhaps it was his age nagging at the heels of his paws- if lions had heels- but he couldn't help feeling restless of late. Like the life of a rogue wasn't all he had pretended it to be so long ago. Whatever the case, he was walking. Further from home than ever, he was still moving. No clue where he was, as usual. Blinking, the changing landscape paled suddenly to the jingling off in the distance. Progressing slowly, he noticed he wasn't quite as alone as he had imagined. My, he was just full of realizations today. "Hello there, miss," he offered carefully.

Mwana didn't hear him at first, probably because "miss" was below her station. She did see him, however. Being on a bit of a slope, she could spot him from above. She paused there, looking at him warily. He did not look familiar. A rogue then. How unfortunate. She didn't care much for rogues.

"Are you lost?" She questioned simply. She certainly couldn't punish him for his ignorance if that was the case. That just wouldn't be proper in the slightest.

"Nope," he lied, "just roaming. I suppose you're not really supposed to know where you are when you're looking around, so I couldn't possibly be lost." He watched her, feeling nothing than an interest in meeting someone new. The large, tubby male had no position, no rank in his rogue lands. He wasn't there to look for trouble, either.

He was actually surprised to find someone there at all. "Oh!" He bowed his head after a moment to consider things, "my name is Mito. Are you from around here?" She looked confident enough to call the place home.

Mwana tuned out most of his babble. The life of a rogue was of no interest to her. In all honesty, her own days temporarily as one, though she refused to acknowledge them, had been the worst in her life. So any of his cheerful chatter about it was deft to her ears. But it definately proved that he was ignorant, and therefore was to be...tolerated, but only to a certain degree.

"I am the lady of the house that rules these lands," she told him, hoping that he would take a hint and pick up some of his manners. "You are along the Northern House's borders." Hopefully he would also realize that he was trespassing.

Mito tilted his head innocently to one side. Unable to read her thoughts, he didn't know how lowly she thought of him, simply assuming her to be the kind to dislike rogues. That was fine- to each their own. Things were made a bit more clear, however, when she stated her position. Or it sounded like a position, anyway. He didn't know much about prides or what a "house" was supposed to be.

"I see," he hummed thoughtfully, "well, ma'am, I suppose I must have wandered into a pride, or at least near one, I'm not rightfully welcome in, haven't I? Didn't mean to cause any harm, I'm sorry, I'm not very familiar with these lands. Nevertheless," he added after a moment, "I wonder; does the lady of the house have a name? Or a title I might address her as?"

A frown twitched on Mwana's mouth. Ma'am? Ugh. She hated the sound. Luckily, she was able to correct him. "I am the Lady of the House, so you may address me as such," she told him. It should have been obvious, even to a rogue. But alas, such was her luck. If she had at least ran into a clever, polite wanderer...but no matter.

"You've caused no harm yet, stranger, but do be aware, the Northern House is known for its strength. Trouble shall not be tolerated," It was a warning more than anything. He didn't seem like much of a threat to her, and she wasn't even much of a fighter herself. Her strength was in her witts and her will, not necessarily her body.

Lady of the house. Nice to meet you, Lady of the House. Please stop trying to burn a hole through my head with your eyes, Lady of the House. Didn't exactly roll off the tongue, but if that was the title the pride liked to use, then so be it. Being a rogue didn't mean being rude. Or ruder, as he was quite certain he was somehow being rude enough already.

Pride lions. What a pain.

"Trouble you'll not get from me," he assured her, "I'm much too fat to fight and much too calm in nature. And I'm sorry again, Lady of the House, if I gave the impression that I was looking to start something." It was very strange to meet someone he didn't instantly get along with. Almost to the point where he didn't know what to say.

Idiot. This male was a complete bafoon. She couldn't believe he had thought she meant the full title. Really, he didn't have enough brain cells to rub together to realize she meant her title was "Lady"? Stupid. Her patience was running thin and it was showing in her very thin smile.

"Oh no, you gave no such impression, but...I must warn all strangers on our borders of such things," she replied. No, the only trouble this male could bring was a headache, which she already felt coming on. She should have stayed back at the dens. The work there was much easier than dealing with rogues like this.

Mito smiled faintly. This lioness was unlike any he had encountered before, but he wasn't going to let it get to him. Of course, she already was, but he was a bit too in denial about it to admit that much to himself. He hadn't meant to upset her.

The best laid plans.

"I understand!" He said. Maybe her cold attitude was more the work of need than anything. Could throw trust around while there were others to protect. He understood. Just felt a bit of pity tug at his heartstrings. "I'll be on my way, if it's better for you, Lady. Looks like I've caused you enough trouble for one day and I'm sure you've got more important things to do than waste time with a no body like me." He smiled still at that, his expression soft. Regardless of their encounter, he bore her no ill-will. Nonetheless, the differences between Rogue and Pridal were such a pain in the a** sometimes.

"Thank you, I'm glad we have an understanding," she replied. Finally one thing this stranger got right! With that she left him. He said he would leave and she held him to that. Besides, if he didn't that meant he'd be something for the guards to deal with at that point, not herself. She had warned him already. So she loped off without another glance. Just a bit longer and she'd head back. She felt she had worked herself quite enough for the day.