Name: Sai Iori

Aliases/ Nicknames: none

age: appers 24 (actually over 200 years old)

Physical Description: Sai is a tall well built man that stands at 7 feet 11 inches tall long snow Wight hair blue eyes and one large scar that looks like an on his forehead

Zanpakto: normal form- a basic blade that has a guard with spikes surrounding it a black cloth that covers the guard (not yet achieved)

Shikai Release command: kill everything Thanatos

Shikai (not yet achieved): after being released Thanatos take on the form of four scythe blades two of them are located on the back of his feet and the other to are attached to handles that can be held in his hand

Bankai (not yet achieved): after being fully released Thanatos takes on the form of a full sized scythe with the blade itself having a jewel inside on it that has a black flame growing from it. Sai also gains a pair of wings with the feathers being black and he also gains three small blue coffins behind him that are attached together by chains and as they open sai get stronger increasing his power 3 times with each new coffin that is opened.

Zanpakto sprit: Thanatos is like that of the western grim reaper wishing to destroy all life anywhere and everywhere

Special Accessories: he wears a black cross necklace that is always around his neck

Skills: Sai skills are mostly in close range fighting being able to take down most of his foes with just his bare hands. He is also a very good swordsman being able to cut several boulders in half without even touching them physically.

Abilities: the only ability that sai his is his overwhelming strength due to his size

Personality: sai is a lone wolf no matter what usually doing orders given to him by his captain by himself unless ordered other wise

Biography/History: Sai’s life began very well he was born into a rich family during the Edo period in Japan until one night there’s was a band of bandits outside his house and demanded money or the house would be burned down and everyone in the house killed. When Sai’s parents refused to pay the bandits they were killed but not before they hid sai in an underground tunnel. After the bandits killed his parents they burned his house down to the ground. Sai was too scared to look up out of the tunnel and see what was going on so he decided to stay hidden there until the next morning. As he waited for what seemed like an eternity to Sai he eventually heard birds singing and decided to get out of the tunnel. As he got out what he saw was a horrific site everything around him was burned down the only thing left was ashes. As he got out of the tunnel completely he looked around and did not see the bandits anywhere near him. As he realized that he was the only one left of his family he feel down onto his knees and cried but as he cried he felt a deep sense of hate and revenge grow and decided to one become strong enough and get the revenge of his family’s death. He stood up and wiped the tears out from his eyes and walked away form his home that was nothing more then a pile of ash. Ashe walked away he decided that he would need a master someone to train him in the ways of the warrior and a blacksmith to create him a weapon so he could get his revenge. After several years he finally reached the capital just barely alive. He decided to stop and look at the city he had reached after years of walking the feeling for revenge growing more. As he continued to look at the capital he suddenly lost his vision and lost conscious. After a few hours a middle aged man, around 40, found sai unconscious. He looked at Sai and scratched his head then picked him up and carried him back to his home. After a while Sai woke up to see that he was in room in a bed. As he continued to look around he saw food by the bed he was in. He smiled as tears started to form in his eyes and he began to eat the food. After he finished eating Sai stood up and exited the room. As he exited the room he found himself in a giant field and in the field was the man that had taken him sitting in the middle of the field. Sai walked over to him and sat down next to him “hey old man why did you bring me here to your place I would’ve woken up eventually and then I would have been on my way to where I’m going”. The man didn’t look at to answer him back he just sat there staring at something “and where you’re going young man "He asked sai as he continued to stare at something. Sai turned his head and looked at where the man was staring at. As he looked over there Sai saw that there was nothing there and the man was staring at nothing at all “I was heading to find someone to train me in the way of the warrior and then to find someone that will that will make me a weapon…why are you staring there theirs nothing there "He asked as he turned his head back around and looked at the man. “There is something there your just not able to see it…yet "He turns and looks at him “why do you want a weapon and why do require training like the warrior gets” he asked Sai still looking at him. Sai looks down at the ground “I require training and a weapon to kill the bandits that robed me of my home, family, and life "He said as he looked back up at him. “I see well then prepare yourself I used to be one of the greatest warriors alive and starting tomorrow I will train you everything I know and you will make your own weapon with your own hands” he said smiling at Sai. Sai looked at him with shock written all over his face “Are…are you serious your going to train me "He asked him still in shock. The man looked at him and smiled as his shock his head in a yes motion. Sai couldn’t believe it he was so excited that he got up and bowed to him then stood back straight up and went to sleep. For the next ten years until Sai would by 24.Sai and his new master trained and on the last day Sai’s master had him make his sword and after he finished it let him leave to go get his revenge that he so rightly deserved. After traveling for some time Sai started to hear rumors of the bandits that killed his parents and where there camp was located and according to the rumors the camp wasn’t to far away so he decided to head there straight away. As he arrived at the camp he saw two guards. He decided to sneak up on them and kill them quickly. After he killed them he snuck into the camp and tired to find the leader killing the other bandits along the way. After a while he found the leader and remerbed he was the bandit that came to his house and killed his parents. After a short conversation between Sai and the bandit Sai charged at him with his sword drawn out of his sheath but just as he was about to kill him he felt something hit his neck. He looked behind him and saw a person with a blow tube and shot a blow dart him “ha take that you little snot that dart was filled with poison now you going die before you ever get you revenge” the bandit leader said as sai fell onto the ground the poison killing him before he could get his revenge. As Sai began to lose conscious for some reason a voice told him he would be alright he was going to a better place…a place called the soul society? After being unconscious for several hours he woke up seeing a small town with people walking by him paying no attention to him. He started to walk down the street with the other people when a person in a black outfit appeared in front of him “Sai…Sai Iori that is you rite if it is please come with me. Sai looked at the man and could tell he wasn’t going to hurt him so he decided to go with him to wherever it might be. He then entered the soul society and began to train to join a squad.

guild rank n/a

online schedule: on wekkday usally sometime after 5 till 12