name:ruki takahashi

phisical description:ruki has brown hair, green eyes, and is tan. he tends to smile alot.

age:206:died on jan. 8 1802

zanpakto spirit name:nejihime(which means twisted princess)


shikia release: come on out nejihime

shikia:not achieved

bankia:not achieved

special accessories:he wears pure black.(nothing realy strange)

skills:white lightning, blue flame cross.

abilities:is unusually faster than regular shinigami

biography:ruki had a rough childhood. his parents were assasinated when he was one and was founed by hunters and raised as a fighter he was out in the forest one day when a bunch of roughes came and he had to fight till he could no more and died that day


guild status: member

online schedule:western time(north america)