I like this guild, but I realise I haven't contributed too much to it. I recently made a thread in the ED-P, as I regularly do, and decided I would put a copy up here as well to see what you all think, as you are a vastly different bunch to those of us who regular ED razz .

I did not edit it to remove the ED razz specific references, so for that I apologise, but it's quoted in its entirety below. I'm also adding the same poll.

Well, this is an article from a newspaper I don't tend to read much of, but the editor of the opinion section, Peter Hartcher, is a top Australian political analyst. He had a very interesting take on solving the North Korea problem.

You can find the article here

In summary, rather than quoting the link you can merely click above.

-Japan should block North Korean-Japanese from sending money home (est. 600m US p/y)
-South Korea should cancel trade with North Korea (1.2bn US per year)
-China should stop trade with North Korea.

He said the third one was especially important as, and I'll quote this bit:

But rather than reduce its trade and aid to North Korea, China in recent months has actually increased it.

Why? Because the US and South Korea have been cutting aid to the recalcitrant country. China stepped in and more than offset the loss. As long as Kim Jong-il has China, he can probably survive the punishments that the rest of the world might attempt to mete out. So for any discipline to work, it's not enough for Japan or South Korea to act. China must act, too. And the world would need to support it with equivalent sanctions.

I realise that North Korea topics exist already, my reasoning for this one is for the specific discussions, and given the thread by 'Shebangs Soup' further down the page, wouldn't you agree this is even more significant a revelation, are China's 'reprimands' merely for show?

-Is China undermining being a solution to North Korea?
-Is its public condemnation a case of token support or saying without doing?
-What about the suggestions for Japan and South Korean style sanctions?
-The implications for these sanctions are very harsh on the already poverty stricken North Korean population, what about sanctions in general?

Also, here's an additional quote, to put out the fires of any significant chance of war:

But visitors to the hermit kingdom in the last couple of years report that there isn't even enough to money to supply basics to the army. Close inspection of soldiers around Pyongyang shows that some have no socks and carry painted wooden guns.