Well, it came out today.
Who ever played through some of it, how did you like it?

I liked it and thought it was a really interest and fun place from what I've played. I can't wait until more and more things pop out of it.

Its ties with Broken Steel as my favorite only because Broken Steel raised the level cap.

Anyway, things I liked:
1) BIG MAP! Lookout gave me what I hoped the Pitt would, but didn't; lots of places to explore.
2) New weapons. I pretty much like everything, but the lever rifle seems a little useless when you put it side by side to Lincoln's Rpeater (save the fact that the lever's 10 mm ammo is cheaper and easier to find).
3) Atmosphere. I know that the designers were looking to make this expansions feel like a swamp horror, and I think they pretty much pulled it off.
4) the Hilarious LSD Trip: for those of you who aren't there is the story mission yet, you'll get what I'm saying when you get to it.

There was only one thing I didn't like: no radio stations. When you come in on the boat, you hear this really cool jazz/blues acoutstic guitar, and it made me think there would be a radio station for it, though there wasn't one to be found. I mean its not a deal breaker, and it was probably easier for them not to have to explain another working radio station, but still it got me pumped for nothing.