((Just trying a story in first person. confused What ya'll think would be nice!))

With a sigh I threw the bag I had carried all day onto a chair and dropped myself into the next available seat, in front of the computer. Waiting for it to load I looked around the house, debating getting up and pulling the curtains shut so it’d be a bit cooler, then thought better of it. I would cool off in a minute and until then just had to wait.

The message ding sounded and I turned my attention back to the screen, checking to see what I had gotten. The usual junk mail, a message informing me of other online crap and..a message from a friend? Seeing the name I was surprised I hadn’t talked to them in quite awhile. Opening the letter I scanned it quickly and my eyes narrowed. Great..just what I wanted to hear. Shrugging I turned my attention to random things, checking forums and other sites I occasionally haunted.

Finally about an hour after I had gotten on I shut off the computer and grabbed a drink from the fridge, glad that no one would be home until tomorrow morning. The quiet of it all except what I chose to turn on. Well except for the pets, they I had no control over. I sighed at this though, the dog was upstairs no doubt on my bed waiting for some poor passerby to bark at. Looking back at the fridge, where pizza was waiting I debating eating. Honestly I wasn’t that hungry and just sighed and decided to grab a shower. I needed to talk to someone I trusted and I knew exactly who. Hopefully she would be awake finally. I mean, its been a month, how long could she sleep?

Walking into the bathroom I shut the door and started the shower, watching the steam start rolling from between the curtain and wall. Undressing slowly I though about who I was about to talk to, staring at the full length mirror on the back of the door until I was clothed in nothing but the skin I was born in and the necklace I never took off. My fingers brushed the middle charm as I stared, no longer seeing my own eyes but dual colored eyes, one red as fresh spilt blood and another gray as stone. The skin was noticeably paler and when red lips curved into a smile as they lighted on my own eyes.

Well…look who’s finally showed up? Mmm, I smell teenage drama sweetie.” Her laugh was not unkind, nor was it kind, just neutral as she waited for me to speak, sitting on the wrong side of the mirror.

I gave a sigh and spoke. “Like always your right, I cant trust anyone but myself.” I held up three fingers. “I tried to give my trust to three people. The first I betrayed to be closer to the second, then the second was too close to getting hurt so we stopped before worse could happen. The first I should probably lose all hope on regaining his friendship and now the third might be stabbing me in the back.” I growled and ran a hand through my hair. “I need you again, you ready to wake up Necro?”

Necro just smiled and her hand went through the glass, her arm following before her whole body went through, like slipping out of water only she was dry. Her arms folded around me and we stood there, wearing nothing but our charm necklace as my forehead leaned on her shoulder. “I never slept Love, I’ve always been waiting for you to call on me.” That said she twisted me so my back was to her and merged with me. I shuddered but made no sound. It was like a cold wind blowing over my body. Looking in the mirror I noticed like always my skin was just a few tints lighter tan before. I knew without looking closely the ring between my pupil and iris was also a lighter gray, and no one would notice till I got mad the red flecks inside.

See? Much better isn’t it? Knowing I’m only a thought away. No more problems you have to worry about.. Why don’t you sleep? Ill take care of our body.. Nothing bad will happen while I’m here.

I shuddered and my face held a grimace. “If you start that again I swear ill never let you in my body again. You know our deal!” I snapped and I could hear her sigh in my mind. That done for now I set to climbing into the shower and washing my body, getting rid of the days evidence of every emotion that had brought some physical trace to my body. Emotions and work.

Finally getting out of the shower, fingers and toes as prune as they could get, she walked into her room, towel drying her hair as she looked around the dark room. She didn’t turn on any light, just a peek of moonlight slipped through her curtain. It fell in a line across her upper thighs. It flashed off black cloth as she pulled on underwear and laid on her black sheets. Looking at the glow in the dark stars she had put up randomly she groped the bedside table for her remote and turned on the first CD in her CD player. Emilie Autumn’s violin started playing before her hypnotic voice started playing. To this she fell asleep, dreaming of messed up fairytales and bloody nightmares.

Twigs broke under my bare feet and cut them up, I could feel my tear streaming down my face as I tried to get away. Get away from what? Then I heard it. A girl calling out. I ran towards the voice calling for help, hoping she would help me. I finally get to a clearing and see a tower. Two people stand at a window at its top. A woman and a girl. The girls hair hangs almost to the bottom of the tower and I blink in surprise. The woman gazed at the moon above us and seemed to sigh.

Seeing they were seen the girl wiggled her braided hair, which looked like white gold in the moonlight, black eyes bore into mine. “Help..” She whispered yet I heard it clearly as if she had spoken next to me. I walked towards the tower and almost fell into a moat I didn’t notice until then. Farther down a boat was tied to a stake in the grass and the woman seemed to take interest in it. I jumped over the moat, landing gracefully like a cat and finished walking to the tower. Reaching out I touch the girls braid and gasped. Instead of soft shining hair I held rotted strings, it suddenly went limp and I looked up, ducking in time to keep the rotted grinning skull from knocking me in the head. It split with a wet crack and laid in pieces, wiggling maggots squirming to bury themselves back in the matter that had once been brains.

The woman watched this with little emotion, simply walking away from the window. I could hear steps and soon heard a knock on a door I hadn’t noticed until then. Trying to unlock the door I realized it needed a key. I scanned the ground and found it, in the maggot filled mess of the girls brains. Horrified I picked It out and unlocked the door. As I opened it veins of cracks formed in the wood and spread to the stone. I looked at the woman horrified but she said nothing, walking to the boat and climbing in, sitting there. She looked at me and then glanced at the stake. I realized what she waned and walked over to it, kneeling and untying it. It crumbling to dust in my hands and I watched her horrified as the boat started to float off. The color slowly emptied from her skin except for the blood that fell from her eyes, nose, mouth and ears as she laid down and floated away, the boat filling with blood till it overfilled and the river turned to blood as well.

I looked at the moon, trying not to cry till I heard the voiced crying after me and broke out running again, hoping to keep away from them. I ran until I ran into something. Falling I bit my lip till it bled to keep from crying, a stick had impaled my foot. Looking up I saw a boy looking up at me. He was years older than me, but not old enough to call old or anything. The shadows just obscured his face from my view so all I could see was he was taller than me and had dark hair. Swiftly he picked me up without a word and started running. My face was pressed gently against the curve of his neck as he ran softly. I hear no twig snap and I stopped worrying. I reveled in the face I felt so safe, and he felt so familiar but I couldn’t quite remember who he was. I looked up but as I did leaves brushed my face, falling onto my closed eyelids. His lips brushed my forehead as he spoke.

“Your safe with me.”