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[PRP] Old Queens Meet [Kenna x Kinja]

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Inquisitive Agent

PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:17 pm
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The day was like any other day in the desert, well, from what Kinja remembered of it anyway. The sun was hot, the breeze...hot, the sand was annoying and well...hot. Yep, nothing had changed in that department, not that Kinja expected it to. Those few things were about the only constants in the desert. Finar-si certainly had a strong hold upon these lands.

Kinja chuckled. Funny how she, even now, still referred to the Firekin goddess of change in such a way but how could one not? When face-to-face with the desert, a constant changing entity, one could not help but think of the old goddess. Nothing in this desert, besides the heat, was the same. Well...if one wanted to get picky they could say the heat isn't even something reliable for the desert could get quite chilly once the sun disapeared over the horizon.

Either way, Kinja was enjoying the shade that the cliff produced. With the sun not quite at it's highest peak there was more than enough shade for the old lioness to lounge in. It was strange for Kinja, laying outside the dens that she had raised her own cubs in, where she fell for Kiu, where Kiu had...unfortunately left her side.

Kinja sighed and lifted her head to look around the cliffs that the dens resided in. There weren't many lions around. Most of those who had jobs within the pride were off doing their duties. It appeared there weren't many that weren't assigned a position besides those too young to do much of anything but play. Kinja wished she could be of more use. True, she was a visitor to the pride, but she'd have much rather gone out to help hunt. Sadly, Kinja also knew her limits, and hunting on these sands would be an extreme test to her old limbs. Keeping up with prey on solid ground was a tiring task, she couldn't imagine trying to catch one now on shifting ground. It disheartened Kinja a bit, after all, if there was one thing she had prided about herself in her youth was her ability to catch prey. with nothing else to do though, the old lioness was forced to do what she was doing, lounge around and hope for someone to come by that wouldn't mind her company for awhile.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:04 pm
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Kenna was actually enjoying her new life style (it wasn't so much the not having anything to do that she liked, but rather, the fact she could do anything she wanted, whenever she wanted, because she had no responsibilities). However, despite that, she was also growing restless. Not having anyone depending on her was strange. Her pride was no longer 'hers', and while many former traditionalist still looked at her, as if expecting her to dish out orders, others had begun to accept the regents as their new leaders. Not only that, but her cubs were growing steadily, to the point Kenna was well aware they would soon no longer need her almost constant attention.

Thus so, Kenna had time. She had time to spare, actually, for her mate was off hunting, and her children were busy being apprenticed. This, inevitably meant, that the ex-queen was bored, and as such... it meant that she prowled the land, because she was utterly unable to remain seated for longer than two minutes most of the time. Her body demanded action and movement quite often. She was restless without an actual position to occupy within the pride, but at the same time, was smart enough to know to wait for it. She was well aware that sooner or later, the Regents would see things her way, and she wouldn't have to open her mouth for them to do so. Good things came to those that waited. She could wait; she had time to spare.

This in mind, she moved across the dunes that surrounded the dens, her eyes languid, but ears perked, alert. As her red hued eyes fell upon the red pelted lioness that lay in the shade, she arched a brow; it was unusual for her to find anyone around here at this time of day. Most members were preoccupied. That aside... she didn't really seem to recognise this lioness, at least not physically. Snorting, she approached her, allowing herself to lay down nearby, her large frame curling under the shade, "Never seen YOU around before," she commented lightly, though it was hardly accusing... merely surprised, amused perhaps, "That aside, I don't see very many lions around here during the day. What's up? Are you on permanent trial here too?" she paused to move a paw lightly in the air, "Are they afraid you'll somehow rally up the lions and cause havoc with the flick of your wrist?" she seemed horribly amused by the idea in question, really. As if she'd thought of doing such a thing for her own amusement, only to dismiss the idea later, "The name's Kenna. Who exactly are you?" she didn't really think there was a damned lion in this pride that didn't know whom she was, but idle conversation was better than silence, after all.


Adorable Lionheart

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Inquisitive Agent

PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 1:55 pm
Good things did come to those who waited and it appeared Kinja would finally have some company as the red form of another lioness appeared from the dunes. She watched curiously as this lioness positioned herself in the shade to escape to suns relentless heat. Strange though that a lioness who appeared more than physically able to hunt or perform some other duty was not out and about like the rest of the pride. Kinja's answer to that question came quick enough.

"I am not really a member of the pride." She smiled a genuine smile as she looked to the more brightly hued lioness. "I am just visiting family here." Well it certainly wasn't a lie. She had come to find out what happened to Kimeti, and as such, she found family she didn't know she had. "Since I am just visitng I was not given anything to do, though I would much prefer to be doing something besides lazing about."

She paused a moment as she pondered the lioness's following words before breaking out of her mental debate at the mention of a name. "Kenna? It's nice to meet you. I am Kinja."

Flicking the tip of her tail Kinja studied Kenna for a moment or two as she mentally debated on prying into the lioness's previous words. Kinja knew so little of what had occured in the pride since her departure. Maybe this lioness would be willing to pass some more information? "I am sorry, but what did you mean by permanent probation? Did something occur that I should be aware of?" She sighed and shook her head with a small smile. "I am afraid I know very little about the pride now or what happened to make it the pride it is now."
PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:45 pm
"Ahhh..." despite the breathed out word, Kenna was mildly confused; she didn't look or act like one of the rogues that were waiting approval to join the pride. No, this lioness was laying over the sand as if she belonged there, "You don't say," she drawled out as she crossed her forepaws in front of her chest, eyeing her curiously, "A visitor. That's not something I'm used to seeing around these parts. Lovely. You can keep me company then, and quite possibly, while you're at it, an eye on me," she seemed amused, chuckling lightly to herself as she settled into a more comfortable position.

A small snort went through her nose, "Don't get me wrong. Having nothing to do is.... liberating for once, but I was not made to sit idly around. I despite lazying about. I believe it was the downfall of our race, our pride. Slaves, asking them to do our bidding; it made us lazy," a pause followed and her eyes narrowed slightly at the name offered forth. For a long moment, the large female didn't place it, but then, her mind shoved forth a memory from long ago; during one of her father's many lessons.... she had heard Kinja's name then.

A pause as the lioness blinked. She opened her mouth, and then closed it, before lifting a paw up, pointing at Kinja for a mere second with a bared claw, "Ah-hah! I remember who you are now!" there was a spark of intense amusement in her eyes, as if she'd just heard the most hilarious joke ever, "Kinja, Kiu's mate. Kimeti's mother," a mild chuckle escaped her throat, "My father, Mwali, told me about you," she settled her forepaws on the ground again, her posture relaxed, though there was mirth within her eyes, "Ahhh... I'm on probation because I am the former Safi queen, dear. Mwali's daughter; I took the throne when Kimeti passed away. When our own beliefs turned against us and our blood thinned, I rallied up the Safi and came here, seeking to merge the prides," her tail flicked idly as she spoke, "We were allowed to merge, but with it came a price; I was placed here on probation. I am not given a rank, mostly because I frighten them," a chuckle rang through her, "I do enjoy making them nervous though, I must admit. It's rather hilarious. All I have to do is sit there."

After a small pause, Kenna tilted her head, "Oh, but surely you have a further more interesting story to tell ME, Kinja, from what I've heard. Such fine feats you've managed in a lifetime!" she practically looked like the cat that had gobbled up the canary.


Adorable Lionheart

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Inquisitive Agent

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 2:09 pm
Kinja couldn't help but notice the tone of voice that Kenna used. As much as the lioness boasted she didn't mind her current situation, there was definitly an air of bitterness in her voice. At least, that was what Kinja was reading from the younger lioness. "I don't mind keeping you company but I am sure that you are old enough to keep yourself out of trouble. I don't think you need me to keep an eye on you." Kinja's voice teetered on the edge of motherly and queenly. Funny how being back in the desert brought old habits back.

At the mention of Mwali Kinja's eyes widened a bit. Oh, she knew Mwali well. Mwali has been Kiu's more...lazy brother when he lived here. With Kiu named as the heir of Makadari there wasn't a whole lot for the young prince to do. Mwali, to Kinja, had appeared selfish and spoiled when she first appeared in the pride, but with time she found out what Mwali was really like. It had been a heartwarming experience to see one with such a golden heart, besides her dear Kiu, raised under Makadari. The night that Mwali had left the pride was the night that she, Kinja, revealed herself to him. Thinking back now Kinja couldn't help but wonder why she felt the need to tell someone about her transformation from Kimondo into Kinja. She had a wonderful life at that point and she endangered what she had with telling Mwali her secret.

"I am surprised Mwali mention me to you. I hadn't expected him to remember me really. He and I never really talked much while he was here." She couldn't help that little twinge of anxiety in her stomach at this news.

"Anyway, so the pride split in two and you rallied and led the lions who still clung to the old beliefs." She couldn't help but shake her head. "In a way I agree with what you say about the Firekin's old ways. Slaves....well...I never approved of them and while I reigned there were none. " Then again, there weren't many lions left after the plague. "I don't agree with the lack of faith in Finar-si." She paused a moment. "From what I heard the pride no longer follows or worships her." She chuckled. "It's funny in a way. They deny the Goddess of Change, yet what they're doing to the pride falls under her dominion." She sighed. "Well, I am not here to dictate my beliefs or make a change. I am truly just here to visit and find out...well....nevermind." There was no reason for Kenna to know her other reason for journeying back to the Firekin lands.

The sound of Kenna's voice with her next words sent alarm bells ringing in Kinja's brain and butterflies to burst into flight in her stomach. She looked at Kenna with slightly narrowed eyes, her brows furrowed in and attempt to throw the lioness off of whatever path she was going down with this conversation. "Any old lioness like me I am sure has many stories to tell and I doubt many, if any, are exciting enough to entertain someone of your age. Cubs, maybe, bot not a previous reigning queen." She smiled.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 2:40 pm
Kenna couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the other lioness' words, "Oh, /I/ know I don't need someone to look after me. But someone should probably tell Kidondo that. He seems to believe I'm the devil incarnate," it was obvious that she was amused by he notion; specially taking into account that she was honestly not plotting anything! At least not the way Kidondo might have thought she was.

The ex-queen actually had the well-being of the pride in mind, and if that meant that she was no longer going to rule, then so be it. Finar-si had mysterious ways of working and making this turn out just fine, she was sure of it.

Needless to say, the vague hint of anxiety was not missed (after all, she'd been expecting it). Kenna's grin only grew further, the scars that littered her maw from her youth making her features look mean, even if she didn't particularly FEEL mean at the moment, "He remembered you rather well, apparently. Gave us this huge lesson. Good times," the way she said it thought seemed to indicate that those had been anything BUT good times, "Funny how things work. I was raised by my parents to believe that our blood was weakening... that Kimeti was a fool, a weakling, an impostor and that Kiu had been received, made weak, all by you, a pri-..." her head turned to double check her surroundings in case anyone was listening in, "Lioness that wasn't whom she claimed to be. Me and my siblings were raised to take the throne back. We were born under that state of mind," indeed, Kenna felt that if she knew Kinja's secret, the old lioness deserved to know the full story of what had happened in her absence; the fact she was telling her such things betrayed that she did not actually agree with parts of what she had been taught as a child.

"But before we could make our move, the Rebels attacked... and Kimeti was killed. Our work was done for us, in a way. My mother rallied the Traditionalists and we left this territory, established out own off to the west of here, all the while figuring we would grow in number and take the Rebels down," she continued, "I took the thrown as soon as I matured - I was just barely an adolescent. I cared for mine and saw to the few of use that remain, and while doing so came to realise that perhaps, just perhaps we had been wrong all along. I saw my pride grow weak due to the use of slaves... I saw our lines thinning and thinning because we refused to allow new blood. Everything was falling apart."

Her head turned away from the old lioness and motioned off to the distance, "I took a trip off into the desert. Went to hunt - exercise does clear the mind, and during that trip, I met a large red lion that was not only strong physically, but up here, where it counts," she tapped her head with a claw, "I learnt that he wasn't Firekin. That he was, actually, amusingly enough, for your homeland. Imagine that; he was what I had been taught to hate. And I came to realise that not everything is black or white," she snorted lightly as she settled into a more comfortable position, "When my cubs were born, I noticed they would not be able to mate anyone once they grew, and..." she pause paused, her eyes narrowing at the fact the old lioness believed in Finar-si; she was used to no one mentioning her name around these parts, "After an encounter with the Goddess herself, I decided that coming here, merging the prides to survive was the only way to go."

A genuine smile touched the red ex-queen's maw, "You remind me of Ripuka. I so miss her. She was a voice of reason in a sea of chaos at the time. I miss having someone to talk about the Goddess and the old ways with; I can't really do much but keep my thoughts to myself most of the time," another chuckle escaped her, "But do tell me, what exactly have you been up to? I only got a rather ....ahhh... biased version of the story."


Adorable Lionheart

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[IC] Motoujamii-Simo Lands [IC]

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