Name: Kuroiame Takahashi

Aliases/ Nicknames: Kuroi, Kuro, Takahashi; depends on user's relationship with her.

Physical Description: 6ft. tall, long black hair, and deep blue eyes. She looks as though she's 18 years old.
User Image

Real Age: Around 320. Date of Death: June 30th, ....

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: N/A

Zanpaktou: (not achieved)

Shikai Release: N/A

Shikai: (not achieved)

Bankai: (not achieved)

Special Accessories: She wears a blue-grey scarf, and has a wolf named, Sukoshikiba. (Little fang)

Skills: Black belt in karate, and master in Kendo

Abilities: She is able to understand Sukoshikiba. They are spiritually locked, which enabled them to read each other's mind. Sukoshikiba also has abilities of his own, though cannot be found until she learns shikai and bankai.

Personality: She is mostly calm and mellow, though has a bit of a mood swing. She usually doesn't like being serious all the time, unless the situation calls for her to be serious. She hates war and battles, so she tries to turn the fight into more of a game. She doesn't prefer to go out of her way to make friends or to talk, unless around familiar people.

Biography/History: Her mother and father were both killed by hollows at age 5. She was then sent to live with her grandfather. Her grandfather treated her as an useless, unimportant scum who continues to get in peoples way. Although she knew that she shouldn't, she continued to try to prove that she was worth more than he thought. After a year or two of living with her grandfather, Her uncle, Yoshimitsu Takahashi, adopted her seeing that she was being verbally abused.
She lived in happiness, until her uncle died. After becoming a shinigami, Yoshimitsu noticed that she was being targeted by powerful hollows, since having a high spiritial pressure in the town. Yoshimitsu then took Kuroiame to Soul Society to save her and the town. She went to the Academy, and graduated at age 13. Not long afterwards, Yoshimitsu mysteriously disappeared. She then searched for clues to his whereabouts. She soon figured out that he was a victom of one of Sosuke Aizen's many hollow experiments.
Aizen soon finds that she knew his secret. So Kuroiame is kidnapped from Soul Society. After a year, she is once again in the human world along with her uncle. They both aided Ichigo and the others in their raid in Huenco Mundo, and aided the downfall of Sosuke Aizen. She now resides in Soul Society, hoping to once again prove of use to the Society.

Signature/Patented Technique: None as of yet.

Guild Status: A new Memer (Newbie)

Online Schedule: Eastern Coast Time Zone, I'm online off and on during the day.

(Edits will be made if anyone finds anything wrong, misspellings, etc. or if the profile doesn't meet a rule of some sort.)