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This is my first quest, for my first SoA. An adult male leopard based off of the Xivilai from the Elder Scrolls series.

Name: Xivilai, if acceptable.

Stage: Adult

Gender: Male

Species: Leopard

Description: A blue-grey base with a black or very dark blue 'mane'/hair tuft. On his front and back legs he will have marking bands similar to that of the xivilai [see references] in design and placement. If possible, I would also like a slight 'glowing' effect added to the markings.

Base: 575971
Markings: D63135
Eyes: E50101
Hair Tuft: 171722

References: [1], [2], [3]

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Donations and Current Funds

Current Funds:
9,400 out of 350,000



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