Kuu smiled lightly as she helped lead Fu to the stream. The day was hot, but not horribly unbearable. The tan and blue leopardess started to hum lightly as she felt the sun on her back.

Although this was supposed to be a solemn time, but she couldn't help but feel great on the beautiful day. "We are almost there Fu." She said in a sing song tone as she looked back to her and touched her paw.

Fu gave a small nod as she was lead by the other female to the stream the whole ceremony had taken most of the day as she was binding with bones and stones before finally getting a mask placed over her eyes to where she couldn't see. Once her paws touched the water she leaved over and began to drink greedily from the stream letting the cool refreshing taste wash down her throat.

Kuu smiled lightly as she watched her leader drink. After a while, she leaned down herself and started to drink, lapping up the cool water. When she had her fill, she looked back down to the water and dipped her paws in, cooling off her warn pads. She shook out the dust that had settled in her fur as they walked, and looked back over to Fu, lying half in the water. "How are you feeling?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

"...No to good." She said honestly as she laid down herself resting her paws in the water as she took a deep breath. "I'm tired...I miss seeing but most of all I still miss him. I thought this would make me feel better but still nothing changed other then anger for not being able to see." She said as she rested her head against her paws.

She smiled lightly, "Well you can't expect it all to change over night do you?" she asked sincerely, looking over to the pride lands they had come from, her eyes squinted against the bright rays of the sun.

"No I guess now." She said softly as she sighed heavily as she closed her eyes behind the dark mask. She nuzzled her legs before standing moving to walk back to the colony. "Kuu I'm tired...can you take me home now?" She asked softly she had forced Kuu to help her since she was the only one that was really qualified to help her the other where to busy.

She stood slowly and stretched, shaking off the excess water from her fur. "Of course." She smiled as she trotted over to Fu's side. "It's been a long day." She said as she nuzzled against her side reassuringly. "And I'm sure he'll be happy to see you when he returns."

"I hope so." she said softly as she leaned against her. She took a deep breath before waiting to be lead to her ruin where she took residence after moving out of the place she and Mawi used to have. She didn't feel right going there even though she was caught many a time passing by it. Now she wouldn't have that luxury. She took a deep breath before moving to her bed curling up. "See you tomorrow Kuu." She said before trying to get some sleep.


"Sleep tight Fu." She said softly as she left the ruin, taking a moment to look back to her at the entrance. She couldn't help but feel excited for the next day. She was starting to make progress. It was small, but it was progress none the least. She trotted back to her own den, settling down for the night.

Several days has passed and almost all Fu's rocks where now replaced with flowers. She seemed to be in better spirits she was getting more used to being blind and could get around the inner parts of the colony on her own but she had chased off sefu and was starting to get worried about the bird even though she wouldn't admit it.

"There you are Fu."Kuu said as she slowed her pace, trotting up next to her. She laughed lightly, "I was starting to think I'd never find you." She said as she sat down next to her leader.

Her ears rested against her head a moment feeling sorry for the other female. "I...sorry I didn't know you where looking for me." She said as she let her head downcast a little. She had spent most of the morning searching for that stupid bird but it was so damn hard to find him without her sight.

"Well it is my job to look after you." She said as she puffed out her chest, feeling a little important. "Besides." She said as she gave her a warm smile (though she couldn't see it), "I have nothing else to do."

Fu gave a small smile as she leaned over to the female letting her neck rest on the others shoulders a moment before moving back to where she was. "Thank you Kuu." She said softly as if not wanting other to hear it. "You've taught me a whole lot...it was a good idea for me to do this." She said taking a deep breath.

She nodded lightly "I'm glad you did too." She said. "This way Mawi has more to look forward to." She said as she leaned against the other lightly. "And now your back to your old self."

fu gave a small blush thinking of her mate nodding a little. "I guess you could say something like that." She said she dind't feel like herself no she was more calm and took things slower instead of jumping on something and asking questions later.

She placed a paw on Fu's. Don't worry, it will be alright." She tried to make the subject a little brighter. "It will probably be over soon. You've made a lot of progress. You have a lot more flowers than rocks."

She nodded a little as she took a deep breath. "Yeah Not to much longer." She said happily for the first time since Mawi had left she was smiling and actually a cheerful leopardess.

"That's more like it." she laughed lightly. "It's about time you started looking toward the sky. It's a lot brighter than the dark earth." She was glad Fu was feeling better. And this had given Kuu a new perspective on things as well.

She nodded a moment before for she smirked a litlte as she 'looked' to the female. "So...Kuu tell me more about this male you meet before you came Home."