Name: Kagemaru Ashisogi (Kage-maru Ashi-sogi)
Aliases/ Nicknames: Cross Killer

Physical Description: User Image

Age: 16

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Kisune-yamato (Ki-sune Yama-to)
Zanpaktou: N/A

Shikai Release: A black rain released from spiritual pressure but the rain burns the skin of the opponent(s) in the range of the black rain known as (Regen kisugarimaru)

Shikai: N/A

Bankai: N/A

Special Accessories: A demonic ring that consumes my spiritual power once released my spiritual pressure rages

Skills: Bushido, hand to hand, soul release

Abilities: Raise blood lust = It allows the user to gain higher speed and strength when he is at criticle damage

Personality: I am never really temperamental always calm and relaxed but if I feel threatened there will be a fight

Biography/History: A human exiled from his kingdom after he was exiled he sought out revenge on his father king raithwall and his moth queen raithwall after throwing his rage at his father and mother slaying half the palace guards he was pinned down and beaten throw into a sandy desert to die a man came by and took care of his wounds and thought him the ways of bushido and kisane nigumoru to seek out revenge against his family he stormed the castle when he turned sixteen only to be killed by his own teacher after slaying his family

Signature/Patented Technique: None

Guild Status: None yet

Online Schedule: When I feel like it...