Aliases/ Nicknames:

Physical Description: User Image

Age: died at 16 is now 22

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: raikou doragon
User Image

Zanpaktou: User Image /not achieved)

Shikai Release: (Release Phrase)

Shikai: not achieved)

Bankai: not achieved

Special Accessories:none

Skills: Skilled in zanjutsu the art of wielding a zanpakuto can hold his own without releaseing his zanpakuto

Abilities: skilled in swordsmanship and hand to hand combat still learning the finer points in kido

Personality:Ryuu is very quiet and keeps to himself he can usally be found sleeping in one of the trees in soul socity. He is comicial most of the time but knows when to be serious

Biography/History: As a child Ryuu had always had a strong spiritual pressure.He had the ability to see hollows.At the tender age of nine he and his older brother were walking home from school as they always did together,when his brother was attacked and killed by a hollow.Ryuu held his brother as if he were the last thing on earth. When his brother finally die Ryuu race down the streets looking for help but found no one...

At this point in his life,he could see hollows and the shinigami who slayed them.He never got to close to any battles. When he turned sixteen he was walk around town when he felt a sudden apperence in spirtual pressure he turn to see a large hollow following him.Ryuu started to run full sprint until he cam to a field where he tripped and hurt his leg.He could no longer run So he began to crawl into the bushes to hide.He picked up a stick to defende himself but he was to late the hollow killed him there in the field.

Ryuu is now a 6 year student.He hopes to become a seated officer.

Signature/Patented Technique: (If any) (Patented techniques can only be learned from Captains, VCs, or those of Captain level.)

Guild Status: (Rank or Level)

Online Schedule: Mountain standerd time usally between 7-12 pm