Unsheathed claws dug into the dew-soaked soil, an over-dramatically loud yawn escaping the young lion's jaws. Bowing his front end in a lengthy stretch, Ingi felt his stiff joints finally begin to wake up from a wonderful night's sleep. The sun barely kissed the horizon, but it was enough to stir the growing adolescent's endless amount of curiosity and determination. Today was the day. He could feel it.

Returning to a regular standing position, golden eyes were drawn to his paws.. How large they've become. Ingi looked back at the group of sleeping pride members, singling out Ajili especially, his trademark crooked smile sneaking across his face. How proud she must be. Auds flicked for a moment as he listened quietly to the shallow breaths of those still lost in dreamland, his trance only broken by a humorous snore rippling through the air. From which lion he couldn't pick out, though he couldn't help but let out a snort of laughter before turning to face the rising sun.

Ivory pelt began to dance in the light breeze that came from behind him, feeling as if he were being pulled forward by whatever kind of adventure lay out there just waiting to be discovered. Everything was perfect. Well-- Almost.

A less content expression fell upon Ingi's face as he pondered on the fact that he had yet to find his avian companion. It just wasn't fair. Everyone else, including most of the cubs had gotten theirs... So where was his?

Catching himself before he put on the pouty-face, Ingi shook his wonderfully long and floofy mane and rocketed forward and away from the group. Today was the day. He could feel it.

(Time jump: A couple hours later)

Entire body crouched down low in a patch of tall grass, belly nearly touching the ground. Gaze locked, silent breath filled his lungs, the lion's body nearly shook with anticipation as: BOOM! He catapults from his hiding spot and lands square in the middle of a small gathering of snoozing vultures. With a terrified scream, they all took to the sky and retreated without even a second glance at the crazy large creature.

"Oh come on! PLEASE COME BACK! ONE OF YOU-- ohforgetit."

A growl of frustration escaped Ingi's maw as he glared up at the disappearing group of birds in the distance, a sense of failure and hopelessness washing over him yet again. Head hanging low, he would sulk his way to the shade of an acacia tree and flop his warn and tired body down in the cool sand. Chest expanded as he completely filled his lungs, followed by a great sigh as he lay his chin upon crossed front paws.

'Mama-- The entire pride must think that I'm the biggest failure on the planet. What am I doing wrong?' He grumbled to himself with a scowl. 'Ingi, the big disappointment.

Mid-complaint, attention was suddenly grabbed by the fluster of wings just above his head. Heart felt as if it skipped a beat as Ingi stared wide-eyed at the magnificent looking creature in sheer awe, a stunned look plastered on his round face. This is it! I've finally found you! He thought. The bird looked down at him for a moment, tilted his head, let loose a round of droppings that, incredibly, missed Ingi's tail by maybe an inch, and took off.

"................You're all just taunting me, aren't you?"

Making sure not to roll in the bird scat, he rolled over on his side and sighed, yet again. Keeping one eye open, the male just lay there in a horrible mood and a frown stuck on his face. So much for that.

Hop. Hop hop. Hop hop hop.

'Damn mirage.'

Hop. Hop. Hophophop..... Blink.


'Nahh, it's not even worth trying.'


The blue speckled osprey ruffled it's feathers, looked at the lion again, shrugged, turned in the other direction and began hopping away.

"WAIT!" Ingi cried, brows furrowed in desperation. "Please don't go." He added a little quieter as he straightened himself out and stood up slowly, afraid that any quick movement would scare it off.

It stopped and turned back around to face the lion, eying him warily before flapping it's way to the most curious part of this irregular creature: The tail. He would look at it admiringly before pecking at the long strands of hair a couple times. How strange.

Ingi let out a cry of pain, though it was mixed with a shocked sense of delight. His heart seemed to swell at the sight of the bird, one more long look and he knew. He knew then that he had at last been granted his avian companion that would stick with him until his very last breath.

"W-- What's your name?"

"..Bali." He replied, having little intention of speaking again at all.

Bali. Bali. Baaaah. Leeee. Ingi stuck the name in the back of his mind before nodding to the osprey with a larger-than-life grin before turning in the direction of home.

"Alright then, Bali. There's someone I want you to meet."

'Ooooh Mama's going to be so proud!'