User ImageHow many times could she keep this up? She felt her stomach lurch and she clenched her jaw to keep back her coughing, she could still taste her dried blood on her teeth. She tried so hard, how many times would she fail? Her pelt was riddled with sand and droplets of blood tainted her paws, head hung low she half dragged herself to the borders, she would not leave. Not yet. She still had so much to do, everything she ever wanted was here. But had she risked it all with not resting enough?

Her body flopped onto the sand but she turned herself to face inland towards the heart of the Firekin, where she wanted to rest in the sun and meet others like herself. A small pool of water glinted in the sunlight and the dry taste reminded her of weakness, and her failure. What would her mother have thought? What would Iroh think, he told her to wait but she had waited her life to find a home. Sighing she coughed again and lay her head on her paws.

Iroh knew exactly where he was going this time. He remembered where she had been the last time, and where he had promised to come looking for her the last time they had met. He hadn’t heard any news of a new member coming back from the borders, at least not recently, but he wasn’t a hub of pride gossip so maybe he had simply not heard about it. He padded across the sands at a brisk clip.

He wasn’t sure if he was excited or nervous, because he didn’t know how he would find her. He hoped the butterflies in his stomach were caused by the former. He didn’t want to be scared, wondering if that it might jinx things.

Soon enough he spotted a familiar form and quickened his pace, but as he drew near he saw that she was not in good shape. She didn’t look happy: the air around her told him that she had not accomplished that which she was dreaming of. He moved closer, his paws heavy enough to be heard.

“Rellik?” he asked, standing near and stooped his head down, “are you badly hurt?”

Rellik was in a daze staring forward, she could almost hear the screams of her mother and father, her siblings she never knew, those eyes, the stench, she remembered Kili, the little femme she saved and had taken from her in the savannas far from here, she remembered the abadonment, and now, the failure. She bit her lip and her ears folded back, and his voice jolted her. Eyes snapping closed and shut quickly her breath caught in her throat, she offered a faint smile and tried to shrug but winced from the strain. "Guess I should have listened to you about the rest," she was tired and exhaustion was thick in her voice. Why had he come here? Why would he stay in the presence of a failure twice done over.

"I tried so hard, but couldn't get ahold of her, everytime I touched sand," she was upset, she was hurt physically, but so was her pride. Now she had no small den to return to as the sands had covered hers over, the temporary shelter was supposed to be temporary so she would join her new pride, but it didn't work that way. Now she was vulnerable and weak, on the outskirts. Why did he come? "How did you find me Iroh?" why would he want to come find her, she wondered, twice a failure, was she truly firekin?

Iroh purred reassuringly, in an effort to sooth her. He moved to sit closer to her, sitting down and looking over her body carefully. He didn’t like the way her wounds looked and wondered if she was taking care of herself. He knew she was probably upset, but he hoped it wasn’t discouraging her to the point of abandoning her own self care.

“I’m sorry,” Iroh said, without any trace of condescension, “I wanted to come and find you, like I promised. I didn’t know how I would find you, and I’m sorry it’s this way. I was worried your wounds might have hindered you. I think this time, because you have to try again, you should wait until you’re fully healed. Do you need any help? And don’t answer that with your pride.”

He tilted his head, offering a small smile.

He was caring, uncanny for her when all she had met for males in the roguelands on her travels were brutes that wanted either a slave or one night of fun whether or not it was a give or take. How could a caring male be hidden within the firekin? He had fire in him, but in the form of compassion as well. Rellik knew that even if others didnt believe it, this trait would make Iroh strong physically and mentally, a force to be reckoned with. "I should have waited but I've waited so long Iroh, I thought if I didn't give up I'd be alright but, I failed," she spat that word from her mouth quickly as if it stung her.

She peered at him, with silver eyes, his eyes held no lies or deception, only truth of his self. "I will wait longer this time, I just don't know where I'll wait, I made a den out here before, but the sand covered it up," the only other place she knew of rock formation uncovered by the sand was on the other side of the borders. It seemed like she wouldhave to wait here like a sitting hare. Help? He would help her? Her pride was stained with defeat and strained with the thought of asking for help, but his wisdom of young age already served him well and a soft laugh escaped her throat. "Seems like if I said no, m appearance would betray me, hmm?" she tried to move over more, push herself up but she felt a tear in her shoulder, a wound from the first battle past that had reopened and hindered her fighting. She snarled, not at him, but the sting. She'd listen to his words now.

“I know, I can see it in your eyes. You’re meant for these lands, Rellik. I might be young and naïve, but I can feel that in you. You have the passion, and it’s not a failure. I’ve learned through my sparring matches, which aren’t nearly as intense as joining matches, that training and skill are important, but sometimes fate and happenstance guide things more than the combatants might like. If one thing is off, it tilts in the opposite favor…” he frowned, but it wasn’t a bad expression. It was soft and caring, thoughtful more than anything else.

“I’ll help you make a new den,” which he generally meant to say he would build her one if she wanted him to. He grinned then, broadly. “You kind of don’t have a choice. I’ll just do it, anyway. Accepting a helping paw is not something to avoid, especially when you need it. That’s what people who care about you are there for, after all.”

Compelled by her reaction to her painful looking wound, Iroh moved to nuzzle the side of her face as he licked carefully at her shoulder, hoping to clean some of the sand that was clinging to it. He imagined that was making it as painful as anything else. He would find a leaf, or something, to put over it so it was better protected from exposure.

"Care-?" it was a possible question, but not of him, of the word and the thought of the action itself. How could he care for someone so soon, someone like her? He didn't know who she was or what she had done in the past, how could he trust her so easily and care for her like this? He was protecting her, from those things she could not because of her physical state but, why, how? It confused her and the confusion was in her eyes. "Its not a word or action I'm used to, I've been through-things, and no one has cared, the one I thought did left me,"-to die, she almost added. She was a cub and she was left alone. She'd kill those eyes if Rellik ever saw them again in the dead of night.

"But where? There's onnly sand here, I've gone 'round this side already, the rocks are covered, too deep because of the wind," why would he do it though, why? "You make think your young and naive, but your heart is mature with strength, and you're the onyl one to have shown me any of these things, sympathy, caring, kindess," where had others been her life that were like him, or was he unique?

At his motion against her shoulder she winced and stiffened, but relaxed as she felt a wamrth and brushing movement that made the sting lessen, she closed her eyes, and though she was a warrior at heart, a tear crept to the corner of her eye: someone cared-about her.

When he thought he had done a good job of cleaning her should her pulled back, looking at her, having taken note of the things she had been saying before. He newly noticed how sad she seemed, but then was struck that maybe it wasn’t exactly sorrow that was making her eyes watery. Smiling, understanding suddenly what she had meant when she said she wasn’t used to the word ‘care’, he nuzzled her face again before sitting back and nodding.

“Well, I guess it’s my job to get you better acquainted with the word!” Iroh purred, more than happy to do just that. He didn’t have any problem trusting her, because she had told him much more about herself in their previous conversation than she might have even realized. He was a bit invested now. He wanted to see her succeed, and though he couldn’t help her in battle or directly from within the pride, he didn’t see the harm in aiding her on a personal, creature to creature level. He was a humane lion, and believed in treating others as individuals, regardless of many things.

“I’ll figure something out for you. Some kind of shelter. It might not be the best, but I want you to at least be protected at night and from scavengers during the day. I know you can fend them off, but something to just deter them from coming around wouldn’t hurt. I think we can find something,” he nodded confidently.

"Are there any dens even slightly within the boundaries that are abadoned?" Rellik truly wasn't aware of any natural dens that were this far out that weren't covered by sand, although she wasn't sure what the internal den sites were like. From what she heard through the tales of others over teh wind the rebellion had divided and some had left the pride here. She didn't want t press further than her question, near water was good as anything, but with ehr shoulder, she was unsure of how she would o fending off others at this point. She would fight of course, but she would probably obtain more injuries than needed.

"Does, anyone know, about you coming out here?" her voice was soft, even nervous for him. She didn't want the pride to think ill of him for caring for someone still considered an outsider. What would hi family think? "I mean like, your family, or anyone? I don't want you to get in trouble with your family or the regents because of me," he had already done so much as it was.

Iroh shook his head, “not that I know of. But I think I know of one that might buried, a bit further out but… I think it’d be worth a look. You can wait here for me to go see, and if it is there I’ll come back and show you where it is, and dig it out a bit?” He remembered finding the spot when he was younger, and now that he was becoming more familiar with the lands through his wanderings as a water seeker to be, he was almost positive it was near this particular drinking hole.

He shrugged his round shoulders, shaking his head thoughtfully. He didn’t mind the idea of anyone knowing, really, because he knew he’d be able to defend his stance to the best of his ability. Of course he was aware that not everyone within the pride was as open and accepting as he was, and he could theoretically get in trouble for it. So far, however, the risk was not so great that is circumvented his desire to help her.

“I live with my sister now, away from our family, so she’s the only one who really keeps tabs on my comings and goings. But I don’t think there’s anything to worry about there. I’m not technically doing anything to endanger anyone, nor my pride. I know it could be seen as abiding an outsider, but I honestly see you doing only good for our pride. Once again I might be contrary to most Firekin, but I guess I’m used to being considered just that now.” He grinned and laughed.

Rellik offered him a smile and lay her head on her paws, perhaps finding this buried spot would be good, but she felt so tired now that she wondered if she should wait, or have him go to chck and have her body rest. A yawn almost escaped her and she looked to Iroh with half lidded eyes. "Well I'm glad I don't put you into any ill circumstances, I do that enough for the both of us," she laughed and closed her eyes.

"If you went to look, and I waited here, would you, come back?" Rellik didn't like the thought of being elft out here, and knowing Iroh only made it hard for her to trust any others from the pride just yet, even though she considered them her family from afar.

“I would come back! If I find it I’ll clean it out, so you can just go in. So it might take a bit, but I promise I’ll be back. You can count on that,” he nodded his head. He knew she didn’t know him too well, but he felt like they understood each other enough for her to know he never made a promise he didn’t keep, one way or another. This one, he felt, would be as straight forward as he had set it down. And even if it wasn’t, he’d make it work.

He moved to nuzzle her again, reassuring and friendly, then looked at her with his warm eyes.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can. I know it’s not far, if it’s there at all!”

With that he bounded away, and, checking back over his shoulder a couple of times, got out of sight. He found his way to the den, which he was glad to see was still there. It did take him a little while to dig it out, but he was pretty sure it would be safe against filling in again for a little while. A bit tired, but feeling exuberant, he padded his way back to Rellik.

She felt reassured and exhausted as he went off. She settled her head down and felt the warmth from where he had nuzzled her, could this all be real and not just a dream? She fell into a dreamless sleep, flickers every now and then, but she was tired, but alert, ears flicking now and again to sounds that woke her. She'd be on edge until she was fully healed, she would never give in, never.

As she heard weight on the sand she opened her eyes to be met with a hot sky and not as bright sun, she sighed, pulling herself up and winced with a soft snarl and grunt. She'd have to be careful from now on. Though a familiar form caught her eye and she felt relieved not having to fight. She stood and walked towards him slowly, wanting to close the gap, and also know if he was successful. She felt weak and tired, vulnerable in the open, she wanted some type of safe feeling.

Iroh padded up to her, face blank until he got closer. Then he smiled, a silly expression as his pudgy cheeks.

“You’re standing!” He said, sounding a bit breathless but looking excited, “how are you feeling?”

He wanted to have her answer him, but he was a bit exuberant. He wanted to let her know about his achievement, and before he could stop it, he was talking again. The words just fell out of his mouth and he gave up trying to stop them. He would have to apologize if it struck her as rude.

“I found it! It’s not too far at all. I think you can walk there, but I can help you if you can’t. I dug it out, too, and it looks like it’ll keep clean unless the winds change drastically. Do you want to head there now? You look really tired, and I think we’d both feel better if you were somewhere reasonably safe.”

"Shhh calm down," Rellik said softly touching her nose to his, and her cheek to his cheek before walking a little past him. His pawprints were proof enough of where it lay beyond the dunes, and as the twilight hours were coming forth, they would both need shelter, and she wasn't sure how far his den was from this spot. "I can walk, I'm sure, lets just hope I don't have to deal with any passerbys in the time being, show me?" she asked softly, a yawn curling her lips and she laughed softly.

"Everything you've done for me is so kind, will you be back soon?" he was the only friend she had, anywhere, and the first to know of this place, and hopefully not the last.

Iroh nodded. He was fairly certain they would not run into anyone, but he kept his eyes open, just in case. He walked near her with that same attitude: just in case she needed someone to help her. But he maintained a good enough distance so as not to be obvious or insulting to her pride. He knew she was perfectly capable of walking on her own. Padding along at an easy pace, he led her to the den, standing at its mouth. It was just big enough for on lion to fit comfortably, and the sand rose up a bit around the entrance to give it a bit of cover.

“I’ll come visit as soon as I can!” he promised, when she asked him if he’d be back. He had every intention of visiting her again, and until she joined the pride. He knew it would be an inevitability, because only death would keep her from it. And he was ardently hoping against that end. At least she would rest now, and in some relative safety. If it was her fate to join the Firekin, he knew he would see her inside the lands soon enough. Patience had to be cultivated, though, and he was trying not to foresee a false future.

“My sister is having a bit of a rough time, but I promise I’ll stop by again very soon. For now, though, I should probably be heading back to my den. It’s getting dark, which is when I get sleepy, and I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t want me sleeping on top of you.” He grinned.

Rellik nodded and flashed him a grin, "Nah, I think I'd like to have the comfy pillow to be honest," she laughed. She gave him a gentle nudge on his cheek and went inside, taking one last look before the shadows took her in and embraced her. "G'night Iroh, I'll see you soon and-" she watched, waited and thought of what the future might hold for them here, what held her here now. "Thanks." She soon slept on the cool floor and felt no stinging of sand in her wounds, and they would heal. (end)
