Name: Hissori Assarishita (Silent Light)

Nickname: Savage Messiah

Rank: Captain of Squad 12

Age: 23

Appearance: Tall and slender, soft muscular build. Hissori stands 6'1" and weighs 187lbs. He has bright golden hair, and peircing eyes glowing wildly like the red sun.

Abilities: As a child Hissori, for reasons unknown; was afraid of the light. He only felt safest in the dark, just an adolecent; he walked the land of soul society blind. Heightening his sence of hearing. Although lacking very good sight, his ability to slow things down and focus under pressure is unmatched.

Accesories: Two Kidou guns that were developed by himself, they are capable of a quick 300 shots per minute. Also they are able to keep up a nice moderate strength without heating.

Shikai abilities:
Daiichi odori ketsueki shikon (Blood fang)
Hissori cuts into his own flesh, enveloping his blood with reiatsu he smashes his enemy with a powerful wave of energy.
Niban odori shizan (Stillbirth)
Hitting all vital points on his enemies body for movement with the dull edge of his blade, Hissori temporarily paralyzes his enemy.
Sa-do odori gosai getsuei ryuuki (Red moon rising)
After using his second dance, Hissori focuses his energy into his blade. Soaked with his own blood Hissori spins his sword rapidly in circles, spraying it forth with a high enough velocity to chip seki seki.

Zanpaktou: Akki Yabureme (Devil's Tear)(Aquired*)

Initial Release: A long bladed katana, with a sharp "stinger" in place of a guard.

Spirit: Akki is a young lady whose blood lust and love for violence is repulsive. She is driven to find her self, and Hissori is the only one strong enough to help her.

Shikai Release Phrase: "Sin, Akki Yabureme!"

Shikai sad aquired) A forked double edge broad sword with cresent moon guard.

Bankai: (Aquired) "I call upon the forces of distruction, the high and mighty. Akki Yabureme, our savage Messiah! Bankai!"
Wearing armor made from Hollow shells and carrying two of his normal zanpaktou swords. Not much Is known of his bankai yet exept the increase in spiritual pressure.

Powers: N/A