credit of Joe

- Please, please, please...follow the ToS. This is a Gaian RP, therefore, follow Gaian rules.
- Keep things from getting unsavory, yeah? I like when things are real, little bits of romance, some swearing for flavor. But seriously, if things start to get out of hand, I'm going to have to call a stop to it. So please, don't overdo it.
- Obey the common courtesy of RPing. I don't want to see any godmodding, autohitting/autododging, god mode, any of that garbage, unless I get a PM first giving me both a good reason and some kind of consent or agreement from the other party.
- You get three strikes here. So, doing something I don't like, or something that violates these rules, will get you a warning. I will post the warning in the RP, so that everyone knows what not to do.
- This is a semi- to literate RP. Please, make use of spellcheck and use capitalization and punctuation. This also means that OOC should be kept in the OOC thread. No ** for actions either, please. The RP should be written in 3rd person past tense. (ie: Osiris ran, looking for a door. He found it and went through.)
- Please, hold off on posting at first. After I've read your profile and accepted it, I will send a PM giving you an entry point. This makes it easier on you, me, and all of us, so we don't have people running around randomly.
- Keep in mind: I CONTROL EVERYTHING. While I abhor godmodding and such, if I feel that the story requires it, I will step in and take control of characters to as small an extent as I can manage. Keep that in mind when you join the RP. Also, these rules are subject to change, although I doubt I will need to.

Words of Advice:

- Have fun, that's what we're here for.
- Don't be stupid. Stupidity, inside or outside the the RP storyline will almost certainly result in injury and possibly even death.
- Don't test your luck. Pretty much everything is decided with dice or some other form of randomness. Pity is generally not taken if you get your character into a bad situation.
- Don't fret if your character dies, there is a life after death, at least in this RP.
- Once again, HAVE FUN. Don't be a downer, keep your temper in check, and be friendly, we're all friends here.